Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.


Not the Fonz…   Faz! While home, Kyle and I made more headway with the wedding planning, including research for our rehearsal dinner.  FAZ is a cute Mediterranean restaurant with amazing food, classy ambiance, open atmosphere, and YES, those are trees inside!  Anything green gets the thumbs up from this girl hippie. After we checked out the space, they treated us to dinner.  Fabulous! We started with brick oven flat bread and rosemary foccacia fresh from the oven.  It was warm, fluffy and heavenly.  Kyle dipped his in the seasoned oil & vinegar with parmesan… Read more >

One of these days

…I’ll be at a NYE party that is klassy and doesn’t involve plastic red cups. …this will be enough EtOH for a group of 20. (this was only 1/3 of the actual drank) …”dinner” will not mean chips, salsa, pretz, and chocolate… …or B- and fruit. …five sips of champagne won’t give me the drunkface “glow.”   …sledding with my sisters will not involve my dad’s overall ski-outfit from the 70’s. …we will get an accurate head count before piling into a car with one too few seats (there are a couple of people not… Read more >

Dinner at Hearth

I finally got the pictures from our dinner at Hearth (from when my parents were visiting me in NYC), so here is a long overdue post. After eating WAY too much vegan chocolate double cake throughout my work shift, I wasn’t exactly starving as I entered Marco Canoro’s restaurant.  Still, with the numerous awards and praise that Hearth has received, I was willing to overlook my lack of appetite.  Plus, this place is within minutes of the hospital and I’ve been wanting to try it for a while.  Dining at another award winning spot with… Read more >

Packin’ up an headin’ out

This morning I woke up with a mission.  My one and only goal for the day was to finish off the bottomless bag of Stacy’s Pita chips.  That’s it.  Coffee, whatever.  Exercise, puh-lease.  I simply wanted THESE deliciously addictive, wonderfully horrible, pita chips out of my apartment life.  The way these mothahs taunt me is inexplicable… And lemme tell you, when I set my mind to something, I get ‘er done. Stacy says the bag has 28 servings.  Elise says 8.  I wish Stacy were right, but the reality is she’s way off base.  Like… Read more >

Tick Tock

Last day of work before I go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Today’s shift seemed like the longest countdown of my life.  I was actually pretty busy with my patient load, but I was still hyper-aware of the time left ‘til I was home freeeeeeeee. Here’s what I had packed up: I spy with my little eye…MORE pita chips (damn you Stacy), two freakishly large apples, a Chocolate Brownie Z bar, White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bar, Blueberry Crisp Clif bar, and a fiberrrrific MONSTA salad. Holy veggie-loading.  This salad contained: steamed kale, raw spinach, cukes, steamed carrots, cherry tomatoes,… Read more >