About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Work dayyyy… Big salad, small salad, Iced Oatmeal Raisin Luna bar, Honey Graham Z bar, Tazo chai tea, and 2 apples (gala and pinata) So yeah. Moving on to the last of the AAAA (refer back to part 1 & part 2 if you missed it)… 3. The last issue I want to tackle relates to my days off. I cut myself MAJOR slack on work days (probably more than I should). But let’s face it, completing a 12 hour shift shouldn’t equate to a get-out-of-jail-free card. It’s not brain surgery (it’s heart surgery –… Read more >
January 31, 2010
beans, big salad, clif bar, edamame, kale, spinach salad, tea
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An Anti-Atrophy Agenda that is…(if you missed part one, or the OG dilemma, click away). Otherwise, I’ll just continue where I last left off… 2. As per several of your comments, I am going to be travelling outside my comfort zone and giving group classes a shot. Because I am a wuss, the only ones I have ever done are spinning [which I love(d)]. I don’t know how I fell off the wagon with those… Anyways, since I am working on diversifying my exercise, I think classes are the way to go. To start out,… Read more >
January 30, 2010
big salad, chik'n strips, greek yogurt, larabar, smoothie, soy nuggets
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After I started writing, I realized I had more to say than I thought, so it’s gonna be a three part plan (stay tuned). For now, let’s talk about my tapeworm insatiable appetite. For the life of me, I couldn’t get my hunger in check the other morning. “Nature is a giver, a true friend and a sustainer.” The same can be said about Justin’s nutbutter. On the english muffin was the “classic” almond butter, and DANG, was it tasty. This is by far my favorite kind of nut butter. I never thought the day… Read more >
January 29, 2010
avocado, big salad, clif bar, greek yogurt, hummus, nutbutter, pumpkin, smoothie, soy nuggets, tea
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I’m poor and nut-butters are pricey, so why not? Turns out, it really isn’t that hard to make. Ingredients soynuts water extra virgin olive oil salt* agave nectar* *optional (I used both) First, soak the nuts in water so they absorb the moisture (fill the water level to just above the nuts). It doesn’t take too long and after a few minutes, they should have soaked up much of the water. After a few minutes add a bit more water until it’s higher above the nuts again. Then, transfer to blender (I used my Magic… Read more >
January 28, 2010
oat bran, p.b. and j, soynut butter
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My goodness! I feel like I’m losing muscle and my body is turning into blah by the day…I don’t know what happened to my motivation, but somehow I have managed to avoid physical activity for nearly two weeks. Unfortunately, I can feel it in my tone and general fitness. Even MORE unfortunate is how little I seem to care. Ok, that’s inaccurate, I definitely care. I just am too tired and unmotivated on my days off to take action. No worries, I have a plan. But first, my past few days of work eats. Clif… Read more >
January 27, 2010
big salad, butternut squash, chocolate, clif bar, dried mixed fruit, edamame, hummus, larabar, odwalla bar, pretzels, smoothie, soy nuggets, spinach salad, tofu
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