About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
My appetite was a monster the other day. Not a little monster either, a BIG a$$ monster. I didn’t have work, so I let myself sleep in a bit, but once my alarm went off at 8, my stomach was growling like an overly-protective Rottweiler. That’s not typical for me. My stomach usually needs a few minutes (or an hour) to warm up to the idea of calories. If you know me, you know I’m not a morning person, but my stomach is even less so. Ordinarily I ease it in with coffee…today, though, I… Read more >
February 7, 2010
beans, big salad, chocolate, dried mixed fruit, english muffins, greek yogurt, hummus, oatmeal, peanut butter, pitas, smoothie, Stevia, vegan meatballs, veggie "cheese", veggie burger
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After my sophisticated breakfast of an apple and frothy cup of coffee, I headed to the dentist’s office for a routine cleaning. Since I was in midtown, I met up with Kyle after my appointment to show off my sparkling new pearly whites. I owe my cavity free chompers to these babies. Kyle and I went for a little stroll before he returned to work. Entering through Artisan’s Gate (Central Park South and 7th Ave)… A crossroads in The Park (if there’s ever a park to be capitalized and deemed “THE” park, it should be… Read more >
February 5, 2010
big salad, edamame, greek yogurt, hummus, kale, quinoa, seaweed, soy nuggets, spinach salad, WF tofu, zucchini
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For some reason, I have been failing to include my desserts in my posts lately…which is ESPECIALLY weird since I have been indulging in some of the most delicious treats ever. Although ending my day with heaps of apple slices will always have a special plate in my heart, the combination of frozen fruit and xanthan gum has taken over my liiiiiife (in a good way). The proof is in the pudding smoothies: Frozen montage much? If that wasn’t enough evidence that I need a BlenTec blender, I don’t know what is. Hello, BlenTec,… Read more >
February 3, 2010
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This is how my food prepping has been going… TOFU you are my b!tch Clearly I have been a busy little bee on my days off. Busy with LA SOYA that is! To provide myself with several meal options, I mixed things up in the seasoning department. From L to R: plain cubed, plain slabs, Whole Foods’ asian seasonings, and chili powder/paprika). After some bonding time in the oven, they came out looking like this: Shrinkage. Spice-ayyy. And here’s how I’ve been gittin’ my soy on. Meal numero uno: Big salad with mayj crunch, including… Read more >
February 2, 2010
bbq, bbq tofu, beans, big salad, hummus, pitas, quinoa, spinach salad, tofu, tofu salad
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I didn’t intend for this to be a stew, but the extra juice was too good to waste. This dish was born from my desire to try new things…and a while back I mentioned that I wanted to experiment with new types of ‘shrooms (in a legal way)…so I bought some Shiitake mushrooms from Whole Foods and started brainstorming what to do with them. It took me a while to decide how to incorporate them into a recipe, but then a light bulb went off (does anyone else experience cooking related “AHA moments” while… Read more >
February 1, 2010
beans, kale, soup, soy noodles
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