Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Days that start with the letter “s”

Saturday was a work day.  F to the U.N.  Packed nom-noms are some of the usual suspects, as well as some new members.  Carrots, salad, apples, bars, and a baggie of goodies.  Tummy-wise, I felt a little bit better, but certainly not great.  In the non-transparent bag: almonds, carob chips, raisins, pistachios, cashews, and pretzels. This Belle Bananas Foster flavored 18 Rabbits bar was another winner.  I’m not usually a banana nut fan, but this may be the bar that changes that.  It’s oaty, with good breakability, perfect level of sweetness, and reminds me of… Read more >

Still out of whack

Right after I posted the other night I realized my optimism about returning to a 100% healthy state was premature.  Details aren’t necessary, but I was up til 3 am – in and out of the bathroom (pretty sure you can fill in the blanks). Fortunately, a big shipment of Vita Coco arrived earlier that day… 100% pure coconut water.  Hydrate naturally.  Exactly what I needed to do. I am not in love with them…and I think Kailey described the flavor best when she said it’s like the leftover juice from those snack-pack fruit cups,… Read more >

Nursing back to health

I feel like I need to play catch up.  As I mentioned in my eco hippie post, I was a bit ill the other day, so my pics were pretty boring.  Here’s a queasy stomach tutorial: First, drown yourself in tea… Then, slowly make your way through as many different carbs as you can get your hands on… Natural antioxidants don’t hurt either… (Thanks to the POM fairy, Ryan, I am stocked for a while, too – score) Mid-day napping is practically a given…on top of several hours in front of the t.v. (i.e. Top… Read more >

What’s your carbon footprint?

I love all the tea suggestions you guys have/had for me!!  Keep ‘em coming, I already added several to my grocery list (much to Kyle’s dismay). Yesterday I felt sick for much of the day, so I don’t have many pics (it’s a sad day when culinary creations aren’t high on my to-do list).  Instead of showing you bags of pretzels and bowls of oats, I am going to do a different kind of post.  While watching yesterday’s ellen, I was inspired to do a bit of research. As a self-proclaimed “hippie,” I consider my… Read more >

Tea time

If you know me, you know I love tea.  It’s one of the only redeeming parts about cold weather.  I crave the feeling of a steamy mug in my hands, and the aroma of tea wafting through the apartment.  There is truly nothing better.  Well, aside from coffee that is.  😉 Peek-a-boo (And this is just half of my tea stash) That said, I’m pretty picky when it comes to my teas.  Some of my favorite brands are Yogi and Tazo, but thanks to OpenSky, I discovered a newbie that has been rocking my world. … Read more >