Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Gleeful day off

Reminder: BYOM (bring your own mug, that is) to Starbucks on April 15th for a free java I love that Starbucks is doing their part to make a difference…I mean, I already adore the ‘bucks for their delicious liquid crack, but The Green Project has put them on a whole other level in my book.  Hippie approved 🙂 But back to Tuesday… Weather-wise, it was only moderately spring-y, but I’ll take overcast and warmish over 40 degrees any day. Brunch was colorful perfection.  Fruity much? Today’s smoothie was loaded with POM, frozen mixed berries, frozen… Read more >

The pancake bandwagon

After the long work weekend, I was looking forward to sleeping in on Monday, but my internal clock didn’t get the memo.  Instead I embraced it and got to work on my day’s tasks. After coffee #3, I turned to some grub. Protein pancakes are all the rage right now…and I had to see what all the fuss was about. I’m not sure where this trend actually started, I seem to see them multiple times a day on various blogs, so to whoever coined the recipe first, I tip my hat to you.  The stats… Read more >

Sunday snacks and moving answers

A few people have been asking about my moving plans/details…or lack thereof… So here’s the deal:  Cross-country moving is not exactly a piece of cake. And yet, this fact (that would ordinarily stress the bejeezus out of me) doesn’t even phase me because of where I am moving to.  HOME!!  I feel so at peace now that I know we are definitely getting back to the West Coast. Our days in NYC are numbered, but at the same time, there is still some flexibility in regards to how and when everything goes down (especially at… Read more >

Blue Hill Farms

As promised, I am back with an epic restaurant review.  Since Kyle and I have a shot-gun countdown until we leave the NYCizzle, we decided it was muy imperativo that we start hitting up all the great dining spots that are on our to-taste list.  (For the record, that list is about 5 years worth of meals long, so I will be pleased if we can even make a small dent in it…) Anyways.  Up first on the list was Blue Hill.  I first heard of Blue Hill Farms back on the 5th season of… Read more >

Bread winner

This weekend Kyle’s at UCLA for an orientation of sorts, and I’m working it up.  (Yes, I do still have a job, but only for a few more weeks!)  Hey, someone has to bring home the dough, right?  I packed my goodies, as per usual. Salad.  Bars.  Teas.  Carrots.  Pretz/Raisins/Carob chips.  Hummus.  Apple.  (I actually had two other apples that I bought at the Union Square farmers market on my lunch break, too) The size of the salad looks dwarfed by the photo on the right, but trust, it was large and in charge.  It… Read more >