Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

The beginning of the end

Where did we last leave off?  Ah yes, strolling the High Line.  I had two raw blondie macaroons from O.L.D. while we wandered over the city, and then we decided the time had come to brave the masses.  Times Square or bust?  (Personally I’d rather bust, but that feels awful to say after the Saturday night incident). I really avoid midtown, especially on the weekends, but when friends are visiting from out of town, ya gotta embrace your inner tourist…and that includes the hideously crowded 42nd street area.  I swear, all the lights and crowds… Read more >

The happs

To even try and show all my food over the past few days would be impossible.  I’ve just been livin’ it up.  So happy!  Friday I woke up at 5 for work, but my stomach was realllly unsettled.  I quickly threw oats, cinnamon, NuNaturals stevia, raisins, and carob chips in a baggy to take to work.  I rarely eat so early in the morning (even on work days), but for some reason, my stomach’s turmoil was leading me to believe food may be the answer.  I still got my usual soymilk-ified Starbucks, obvi. The night… Read more >


Wow…you guys sure like the EasyLunchBoxes!  Honestly, I wish I could give them to all of you…your comments were SO amazing.  I love that there are so many of us out there who pack lunches to tote to work/school/wherever every day!  We are a special breed.  And it makes me super happy to know that I’m not alone in my food packing addiction.  🙂 Here are my compartments full of yummies for work.  This salad was no ordinary salad… spinach corn edamame carrots pepitas dried cranz raw crackers (Livin’ Spoonful coconut curry flavor) On the… Read more >

Adios NYSC, Hola DVDs

Today was a good day for your truly.  And it will be for you too, since there’s a giveaway involved (read on).  I have nothing very interesting to report.  I started a new book, watched mindless t.v. shows, did Jillian’s shred (level 1), and then made it to the gym for my last workout at NYSC.  I also did some eating. The single serving Silk vanilla soymilk was a freebie from the 1/2 marathon.  Honestly, the goody-bags you get at races is such a fun perk. I also made pumpkin/carob chip toast (and only took… Read more >

One step forward, 85 steps back

I promised a giveaway, but I just don’t have it in me tonight.  Blogger fail. I do have last night’s dinner, though. When I got home I was in such a wretched mood, I really wasn’t hungry.  Sometimes my appetite shuts down shop when I get so worked up…it’s like I am so emotionally drained I can’t even think about anything, food included.  I decided to shower, which really helped calm me down and by the time I was de-patient-ified, I was ready to make dinner.  What do you do when you are worked up? … Read more >