Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Gotham nights

I started the morning sans cafe because I just wasn’t in the mood.  The wind was pretty ferosh outside, which always makes me want to snuggle up with a book.  So I read on the couch while enjoying a plate of grapes and strawberries.  Later on a made an oat, cinnamon, raisin elixir. Here’s a confession: I like raw oats.  As in, uncooked whole rolled oats. When I was little I used to pour the instant Quaker packs in a bowl, add milk, and eat it like cold cereal.  Obviously, my palate hasn’t matured very… Read more >

Shout out to the ones I love

If Pigpen and Courtney Love shared a teeny tiny living space, I’d imagine it would still look more organized than our apartment.  Moving isn’t fun.  There’s chaos everywhere.  Given that, I believe I deserve mayj props for busting out a semi respectable breakfast. Berry carob pancakes 1 1/2 cup brown rice flour 2 tsp NuNaturals stevia 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup frozen (and then thawed) berries 1/4 cup carob chips 1 shake Marx Foods salt 1 cup Silk vanilla soymilk I gobbled them up hot off the press…much like the Cosmo, Bride, and InStyle… Read more >

Bare basics

Are you ready for the basics?  I’m exhausted to a bare bones post is all I’ve got in me :(  Breakfast: Fruit & caf Snack: Cinnamon raisin bagel submerged in Earth Balance And a mug of tea and crossword a la mode… Lunch: Everything-in-the-fridge salad spinach edamame shitake mushrooms matchstick carrots cherry tomatoes corn roasted red peppers dried cranz Bragg’s liquid aminos (A LOT!) Snack: carrots & noochy hummus Ok, for some random reason, this batch of Cedar’s hummus doesn’t have much going on in the flavor department…which is odd considering it’s my #1 brand… Read more >


Due to unforeseen circumstances, I’ve been a terrible blogger the past two days.  If you are thinking I’ve been living it up since I’ve been job-less…well…think again.  I can pretty much summarize the last 48 hours as follows: Couch –> bed –> couch –> bed (and repeat) I felt like Mama Pea but without the delightful side-effects that being ‘viked up brings (sadly pamprin doesn’t have quite the high that vicodin does…). As an homage to my fave vegan MILF MILTSFF (Mom I’d Like To Steal Food From), I made a crack wrap for one… Read more >

T minus twelve

What a day.  Full of a bizarre mix of emotions.  I’m not sure I can totally put it into words, so for now I’ll just stick to the photos. Well, what do we have here?  My last work lunch for a while included a big salad with a side of carrots and Livin’ Spoonful raw crackers, along with 2 apples, a vegan oatmeal raisin cookie from Candle, and a tupp ‘o zuppa.  This was the other half of Amy’s Southwestern Veg soup bulked up with extra frozen veggies (corn and broccoli).  As for the cookie, well,… Read more >