About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Last week, Kyle and I took a two-day trip to Newport Beach. Just because. We had no agenda, but we did manage to pack our days. We hit up la playa (Corona Del Mar); I found a bridesmaid’s dress for Jess’ wedding next weekend (better late than never, right!); we watched a good deal of soccer; and we washed Rolf (le civic). These summer days have me sucking down iced coffees with soy milk like a fiend – reminiscent of my former days of employment (which were primarily caffeine fueled). These carrot chips are fan-freakin-tastic. … Read more >
June 21, 2010
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How I love thee, let me count the ways… 1. Prepared foods bar As you are about to see, I’ve been going through a few obsessions. Whole Foods makes it dangerously easy to slip into food ruts because each dish is better than the last and meals require no effort whatsoever (aside from determining if you want the Kirstie Alley size or the more moderate portion) because they are already prepared. Fumi Tofu Salad I was first introduced to this glorious dish back in my college days, when the Whole Foods opened in Westwood and… Read more >
June 20, 2010
"egg" salad, "chicken" spread, big salad, curry, edamame, falafel, Kombucha, pretzels, raw, seitan, Stevia, WF tofu
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Does Trader Joe’s cater? No, but they may as well have, since our dinner party was dominated by their products. Last week I got together with a group of friends to make dinner and celebrate our So Cal relocation – it was so fun, I sense the birth of a new tradition (Gilmore Girls Fri Night dinners anyone?). On the menu: Hummus apps Quinoa salad Spinach salad Fresh bread Fun Kyle got to chopping, while the girls got to eating chatting. My friend’s kitchen is about as opposite from our NY kitchen as they come… Read more >
June 19, 2010
beans, hummus, quinoa, spinach salad
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In between apartment searching, we’ve been doing some exploring… Looks like WF has some competition (not really, but let’s pretend)! Can you believe I had never heard of Co-Ops until a year ago? I grew up with Farmer’s Markets, Health Foods Stores, and the likes, but somehow this amazing phenomenon eluded me. Luckily Santa Monica has one that I know will become a mainstay in my life. In addition to local growers’ produce, etc. this place has tons of great prepared eats…vegan and raw goods aplenty! The raw foods section was really $$$, but sometimes… Read more >
June 19, 2010
beans, big salad, falafel, hummus, WF tofu
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It’s a rough life – enjoying good food, good celebrating, good(ish) soccer and more in Santa Barbara, and the fun just keeps on coming… The day after my sis’ graduation we woke up bright and early to go on a hike. Our friend took us on the Cold Springs Trail in Montecito. The fact that we managed to escape without any poison ivy (I was a tank-top and shorts wearing daredevil idiot) was a semi-miracle. It was a fun, leisurely 1 1/2 hour hike with great views. Afterwards we lunched it up at The Natural… Read more >
June 18, 2010
avocado, hummus, mexican food, veggie burger
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