Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

A ‘sNice Goodbye to Gotham

Our last day in New York!  Monday was bittersweet, I suppose.  Although, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t more eager to get back to CA.  Still, it was weird knowing that this would be our last time in New York for a very very long time.  Like every other morning, we made Starbucks coffee in our hotel room before heading out.  For some reason I have never seen this African Kitamu blend anywhere else, but I was in love at first sip, and am now determined to get my hands on it.  Has… Read more >

I’m on a boat

My parents are quite the couple aren’t they?  I was so glad that they came to New York with us. Before they left on Sunday we met up for brunch at Bobby Flay’s Bar Americain.  Unfortunately, the A.C. was out in the restaurant and sweating through a meal in the 90 degree heat is about as unappetizing as it gets.  Instead, we made our way around the corner to The Redeye Grill.  Not too shabby for a backup. I wasn’t extremely hungry, but after eating mostly bread the previous day, I knew I wanted something… Read more >

The Wedding and the City

I woke up Saturday morning and went into an immediate panic.  Why you ask?  Two reasons: (1) I drank my way into oblivion the night before my best friends wedding (open bar rehearsal dinner = bad call) and woke up dry heaving; and (2) in my drunken stupor that night, I set my alarm for 8 am PACIFIC time (FYI our limos were supposed to leave the hotel at 9 am EASTERN time).  When it comes to drinking, I’m no spring chicken.  My college days of morning-after rallying are long gone.  So I’m not joking… Read more >

More of Manhattan

After day one of our return trip (slash semi-vacation) in New York, I already felt like I was back in the swing of things, living the Big Apple life.  I had Healthy Korner lunches on the go… Lemonade flavored VitaminWater Zero, PowerFu salad sandwich, apple. Then I squeezed in a few million bridesmaid-related errands…the most important being a haircut 🙂 It had been a while, and I finally sucked it up and made the plunge. Here I am at the rehearsal dinner after-party with my parents and short(er) hair.  Yes, my parents made the trip… Read more >

NY sizzle

Well, it’s safe to say my feelings about New York haven’t changed much.  Humidity is not my friend.  Aretha Franklin?  Nope, that fro is ALL mine.  God bless the inventor of the flat iron.  Our red-eye flight was as delightful as you’d expect any red-eye flight to be.  Luckily the only thing on the agenda for the day was a bridal shower for Jess.  In other words, I was in store for a day’s worth of boozing…which hardly helped the delirium that I was battling after 3 hours of interrupted shut eye. We couldn’t check… Read more >