About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Although the weather has chilled a bit now, our first few days in Washington were hot, hot hot! We made sure to soak up the warmth. Kyle washed our bug-coated car…while I cheered him on from the sidelines 😉 Sunshine + NuNatural lemonade/water + The Help + my shirtless fiancé = my perfect summer day And then it got even better! The kiddos arrived! Oh my goodness, they are even more adorable than I remembered, and growing up so fast. I was like a psycho paparazzi woman…but it’s hard to not go camera crazy around… Read more >
July 13, 2010
bbq, falafel
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Since I’m babysitting today, here’s a post with last week’s food that I have been meaning to get up for a while. Enjoy! A while ago Foodbuzz hooked it up. I received three kinds of Nature’s Pride buns to test out, and my family was on board to help. Fluffy carbs 🙂 Here’ are the stats: And here’s how they were consumed: Meal #1 Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger on Nature’s Pride Country White bun with avocado and tomato [half a baked potato with Soy-Sation cheese on top]. Meal #2 Repeat. Meal #3 (Dad’s) double down… Read more >
July 13, 2010
avocado, soy cheese, veggie "cheese", veggie burger
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After our fun times in P-town I was sad to go, but I knew I had good times ahead of me. Not necessarily the driving, per se, but the light at the end of the tunnel…Kyle’s family! Unfortunately, there was still a significant amount of the I-5 to be tackled first. 🙁 We left straight from our Vita Cafe lunch. Why oh why I didn’t go to the bathroom first is something I’ll never know (and a mistake I won’t repeat again either). The Portland temps were approaching the triple digits and I was downing… Read more >
July 12, 2010
hummus, raw, vegan cookies
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Reasons I love Portland: 1. Starbucks 2. Gardens and greenery galore 3. Peas and Andrea! Obviously this was the highlight of my visit to Portland (aka the only reason we stopped on our drive up to Kyle’s parents’ house in WA). You see, these ladies hold a very special place in my heart. Care to Eat was actually the VERY FIRST food blog I read. I fell in love with Erin and Andrea after just one post. And then once I discovered the (since dissolved) blog of the sarcastic and witty Mama Pea, I knew… Read more >
July 11, 2010
avocado, big salad, quinoa, seitan, soy bacon
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After a full day of driving (11 hours to be exact), Kyle and I arrived at our hotel in downtown Portland just after 5 pm. He was ready to pass out, but I wasn’t going down without a fight workout and vegan meal in me first. I dragged (to the fullest sense of the word) my poor fiancé to the hotel gym for a measly 20 minutes on the elliptical. It wasn’t all bad, though. Thanks to the Ts in every corner of the workout area, we were able to enjoy the Spain vs. Germany… Read more >
July 10, 2010
avocado, big salad, kale, mexican food, nuts, raw, Starbucks, tofu, vegan cake
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