Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Confessions that you probably already know

Family size.  Party platter.  These words mean nothing to me. I can make a meal out of said portions without batting an eyelash.  I also have no issue with eating veggies and hummus for breakfast.  I also have no issue with eating “breakfast” at noon. Or drinking coffee, tea, and iced tea until my pee is clear. I also enjoy eating the same things several days in a row. Thank you Costco and thank you DKB.  [Seriously, if you haven’t tried this bread, you need to get your act together.  It’s only available in stores… Read more >

Ready in the flashiest of flashes

The other night I pulled off dinner from start to finish in 10 minutes flat.  Now I’m fairly certain the leftovers on hand were the supporting actors that allowed this to go down, but I also think this meal could be reproduced in an almost similar time frame again (give or take a few seconds depending on my knife skills). Fresh (and very juicy) pineapple. Leftover quinoa + leftover steamed kale. Teriyaki tofu As you can see, simply dicing ingredients and tossing them together isn’t exactly rocket science, but it is tasty. All I added… Read more >

Ups-kale snacking

I have a plethora of kale on hand (in addition to time to think up pun filled post titles), so expect mucho leafy greens in the near future.  Kale chips?  Why not!  I’ve made them before (here), but (as you’d expect) Kyle’s parents don’t have nooch hanging around in their pantry, so I decided to make up a new recipe on the spot (and then crossed my fingers that it would turn out to be tasty)!  My previous batches of kale chips have all been “cheesy” ones, so this was my first non-nooch kale chip… Read more >

Qu’est-ce qu’on mange?

Mon ami, c’est Ratatouille! Pixar had it right: “Why do they call it that?  If you’re gonna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious.  Ratatouille doesn’t sound delicious.  It sounds like "rat" and "patootie."  Rat-patootie, which does not sound delicious.” But trust me, it is très délicieux.  Tomatoes, onions, zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant…all oiled up and ready for the grill. Isn’t it amazing that salt and extra virgin olive oil can work such magic on the barbecue?   All together now… Magnifique. To accompany the ratatouille, we threw together… Read more >

The raspberry festival

Lynden’s annual raspberry festival happened to fall on the same weekend that Kyle was in Vegas for his bachelor festivities.  In an effort to keep me distracted the entire time he was gone, Kyle’s parents entered me and his dad in a 5K fun run/walk.  Nothing like small town races to boost your ego!  Haha.  When I emailed this pic to my mom, she responded “That’s my girl — competitive in a "fun run." 🙂 ”  Well somebody had to win… Kyle’s dad and I donned our new race shirts to take a post-run pic. … Read more >