Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

The lost footage

My last two days in Lynden were borderline horrible.  Friday’s migraine sidelined me like a shot to the liver.  The worst is when you know it’s coming…and (unfortunately) I’m very familiar with the onset of migraines.  I used to get them all the time in high school – and I mean the whole she-bang – aura, nausea, pounding head. So yeah, the I second the halo appeared, I knew I was in for it.  What I didn’t count on was being out for so long!  Bummer.  Thank you all for your advice and kind words…. Read more >


I’m going with a minimalist approach.  Inspired by the farm fresh produce of the area, the day centered around fruit.  Four courses of it to be exact. Pluots + pink ladies Ditto + raspberries Apple count thus far…four. Make that five. Eventually I moved away from the fruit.  But I didn’t stray too far.  Produce how I love thee. Celery + carrots + avocado + leftovers (that I never posted on). Half an avocado can make dirt taste good. As you can see much of my recent eats (and musings) have been inspired by my… Read more >

Out of commission

I was suffering for most of the day yesterday. (source) Ironically enough, I was just exclaiming last week how great it was that I finally stopped getting migraines.  Spoke too soon, eh? I tried to fight it. I pounded water by the glass. I even resorted to medications. In the end though, I couldn’t fight the pounding in my head. I crawled into bed after lunch and passed out. I slept until 5:15 pm (!!) [when the babies woke up from their nap, so did I]. I still felt like death so I had another… Read more >

Welcome to Boxx

I’m on “vacation” in Washington and I’m surrounded by farms.  Some may fail to see the positive side in this situation (ok, the constant smell of cattle manure isn’t exactly the town’s selling point), but in my opinion things don’t get much better (read: fresher than fresh produce).  It seems like everyone in town has their favorite source for fresh produce.  Some like Barbie’s Berries.  Some like The Green Barn.  But (as per my future in-laws) Boxx Farms is simply “the best.”  Naturally, I had to see the best for myself; so the other day,… Read more >

Land ho!

I set my alarm this morning for 7 am.  It’s been a while since I’ve set my alarm (I’m on summer vacation, yo!) but we had places to be! On the way to Port Townsend, we stopped at Deception Pass State Park.  First we pulled over to marvel at Pass Lake.  It was covered in a thick mist making it both gorgeous and eerie.  We were the only ones around and it felt so peaceful.  Nature is a wonder.  As if Pass Lake wasn’t therapeutic enough, we then came upon Deception Pass. The Deception Pass… Read more >