Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Where the heart is

I’m home!    The last 48 hours have been so crazy.  Moving = complete whirlwind. We drove down to LA on Monday (I lead the way in our Civic, while Kyle brought up the rear in our rental cargo van).  At least this time I had pre-packed my food. Hummus + raw zucchini slices + spinach + ‘shrooms + sourdough Hard to eat while driving.  I know there are no cell phones allowed on the road, but I think grubbing is way more distracting.  At least for me.  I’m a very focused eater 😉 I… Read more >

Seattle continued: Carbzilla and car rides

Our last day in Seattle was probably the best one (even though it was only a half day).  7:00 – Our alarm went off and my dream that I was in Tokyo came to an abrupt halt (I rarely remember dreams, but this morning I was dead sure I was in Japan still when my alarm went off). 7:15 – Started peddling on the hotel elliptical (and wonder why the hell level 2 feels like level 10). 7:45 – Switched from cardio to abs. 8:00 – Finished last circuit of crunches, bicycles, push-ups, plank holds,… Read more >

Seattle continued: Sisters and Skewers

Top of the mornin’ evening to ya!  Day two of our Seattle adventures started with more java loading from The ‘Bucks.  Tall for me, grande for my beau.  How cute is it that Kyle’s drink of choice now is a soy misto? After a liquid kick in the pants, we decided to get ed-ju-ma-cated on the history of Seattle.  Creeping through the depths of downtown worked up quite an appetite.  Lunch time! Initially we had our sights set on an African place called Pan Africa Restaurant on 1st Ave.  We browsed the menu when we… Read more >

Entering Emerald City

Seattle, Seattle, where to begin?!?  Too much good stuff.  There’s no way I could fit everything in one post – and why would I want to?  No sense in glossing over the sweet eats and fun times.  Soooo, now that I’m back in the Bay Area and doing mostly wedding shiz, I’ll spare you all and skip the boring non-blogworthy crap (you’re welcome), and instead share my vacation in Seattle post by post!  Sound good?  Great! We arrived Sunday afternoon, fueled by Starbucks coffee.  The drive wasn’t too bad and navigating the city was fairly… Read more >

Vegans in Vegas

I know I said what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… BUT… …there was (slightly) more to my Bachelorette weekend than boozing and dancing. And, by that, I’m referring to the food. So.  Now that I can look at the weekend’s photos without feeling nauseous, I feel it is my duty (as a blogger and a girl on a budget) to share with you all how to survive Vegas…without gaining 50 pounds from an all-you-can-eat buffet or losing $500 from pool side munchies. I’m not making any such promises about the alcohol though. For the… Read more >