About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Last week I had one of those days where my appetite just wouldn’t quit. I hate those kinds of days, honestly. They either mean my metabolism is psychotically fast (here’s hoping!) or I’m nursing a tapeworm (shudder). Unfortunately, I didn’t handle it in a healthy or mindful way. My stomach seemed to be growling constantly, so I took advantage of it and (ultimately) went overboard. I wasn’t going to blog about it (because, quite frankly, the actual eats weren’t exactly newsworthy), but then I realized how I reacted the following day was worth sharing with… Read more >
August 19, 2010
avocado, coconut milk, dates, egg beaters, larabar, nooch, nuts, oatmeal, peanut butter, raw, Starbucks, vegan cookies, veggie burger, zucchini
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On the last Wednesday of August, at the peak of the tomato season, the village of Bunol, Spain stages a tomato war. For two hours, the participants happily pelt each other with the ripe, red fruit until the streets run with rivers of tomato juice. After the festivities, celebrants, friends and neighbors gather in the town square for food and wine festivities. This festival is called La Tomatina and is the inspiration for this beloved Walnut Creek restaurant. (source) Growing up, Tomatina was always one of my fave restaurants. Located in the heart of downtown… Read more >
August 18, 2010
hummus, pizza dough
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How exactly can beer and pizza be healthy? Well, it depends on how you make them, I guess. You can use 100% Whole Wheat flour for instance. And light beer. And you can use Brendan Brazier’s recipe for “pizza sauce.” But in the end, all that matters is if it tastes good. And it did. Last month, I bookmarked a very intriguing recipe from my fave healthy everythingtarian in which she made pizza dough using beer. If your reaction to this news is anything like mine was, you’re probably chomping at the bit in anticipation… Read more >
August 17, 2010
avocado, chickpeas, kale, nooch, pizza dough
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Last week was the (long awaited) grand opening of the newly rebuilt mall at the end of the 3rd street promenade…only it’s no longer just a “mall.” The new Santa Monica Place is pretty much the happening spot…but in addition to the high end shopping (finally a Bloomingdale’s on the west side!), there’s an entire dining deck. Source Trust me, this rooftop setting isn’t your average mall food court. Far from it. Ocean views. Award winning chefs. Like I said, it’s the happening spot. Even after a week of being open, getting reservations was nearly… Read more >
August 16, 2010
chocolate, edamame, fish, seaweed, sushi
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Last month I fell in love with kelp noodles and I swore that day that I would soon recreate the dish that sparked this love. Remember this gorgeous meal? Thank you Chaco Canyon for blowing my mind with the ginger sesame bowl and introducing me to kelp noodles. I wasted no time trying to track down these elusive noodles. Whole Foods hooked it up. Sea Tangle makes kelp noodles that I found near the seafood counter in the weird ocean products section at Whole Foods. As you can can’t really see, they are stored in… Read more >
August 16, 2010
seaweed, spinach salad, tofu
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