Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Add first…

…subtract later never. That’s my version of the improve-your-diet rule, at least.  I like trying new things, but I also like keeping the old (can you tell I was a Girl Scout?).  New: Israeli couscous & French Whole Wheat couscous Old: Quinoa And so the three-grain pilaf was born… Into the pot went: 1/3 cup Israeli couscous 1/3 cup French WW couscous 1/3 cup quinoa 2 cups water I left it to soak in the pot while I went on a run, showered, and answered emails (~1.5 hours). When I returned to the stove, almost… Read more >

Savory leftovers

If there’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s my ability to create meals out of the most random hodgepodge assortment of leftovers.  This should come as no surprise given my love for everything-but-the-kitchen-sink salads, but I definitely think I have a knack for making cupboard scraps and a nearly empty fridge into a fairly decent dish.  Oats are the perfect central ingredient for this little something-out-of-nothing trick.  If I’m going the savory route with oats, there’s one ingredient I turn to without fail, and that’s nutritional yeast… Welcome to nooch mountain.  Full of fresh… Read more >

Beachy keen

I started the day with a java the size of my head and a bowl of oats topped with some peanut buttah, which left me bouncing with energy.  Kyle suggested some beach time and I thought, why not?! Ok, the placement of the peanut butter didn’t work out for the photo at all… I made the oats on the stove with more water than I typically use and because of that they were super gooey.  So even though I tried to leave the spoon on top to show off the PB, the other blobs just sunk to… Read more >

Visiting the vines

I’ve been meaning to introduce you all to the vineyard for quite some time now…but I, myself, hadn’t been to Healdsburg in a while. Fortunate for you, my Grandpa was kind enough to remind me that I was long overdue for a visit.  And fortunate for me, I remembered to bring along my camera.  Hello Zinfandel. Kyle and I left bright and early to arrive in Dry Creek Valley just as the clouds were clearing out.  It may be summer, but Sonoma mornings are still a tad overcast with AM fog.  In case you are… Read more >

Eggless is Best

Sorry Chicken Little, I’m sure you have a fine product, but I have a egg salad alternative that will make even non-vegans dig in.  Talk about a timely post.  With the recall fresh on people’s minds, I’m fairly certain eggs aren’t flying off the grocery shelves quite like they used to… This recipe was the result of half a box of unclaimed silken tofu.  Unclaimed?  As if Kyle would be fighting me for tofu!?!?  Ha!  Ok, so I had leftovers from an undocumented carob tofu pudding dessert (when late night munchies strike all bets are… Read more >