Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Husband and wife (part 3)

I never expected the wedding to get a mini-series on my blog, but the photos were too good not to share with you guys (I’m so modest) and your feedback has been so positive.  Anyways, this post is the last, I swear!  Plus, it’s all the fun stuff – the food, the drank, the cake, and the dancing! Here are the links for part 1 and part 2 if you missed them. After we were announced as Mr. & Mrs., the entire wedding party spontaneously huddled… Rally time! I’m sure the rest of the guests… Read more >

Raw almond fluff

This was my first go at almond butter, and even though the result wasn’t what I expected, the nutty spread that resulted was still pretty tasty, and thus worth sharing.  Because I soaked the nuts beforehand, the consistency of the nut butter turned out more like almond fluff. Here’s a photo essay of the process. 1/2 cup raw almonds [They have to be raw because the healthy enzymes are destroyed in pasteurized and/or roasted nuts] 1 cup room temp water (or enough to cover the nuts) And that’s all. I left them on the counter… Read more >

A weak end

A few quick things: 1)  I’m glad you enjoyed the wedding recap.  The final installment is under way and should be ready soon. 2)  My weekend was a disaster scene.  It started with Friday night and ended with Friday night.  I did learn an important lesson, though.  I’m not 21 years old anymore, and therefore, I’m not immune to hangovers.  3)  This post is going to be highly incomplete because certain photos make me nauseous.  For instance, the below. I love the 80’s?  Who remembers Double Dare?    I had a partner in crime of… Read more >

Wedding bells (part two)

It’s been almost a full month now since Kyle and I tied the knot.  Wow.  Time flies when you’re…starting a new life.  If you missed the first part of the big day, you can read about it here. Now let’s see, where was I…oh right…about to walk down the aisle. How proud does my dad look?  Gah, I love him.  These pictures bring tears to my eyes even now, weeks after the actual day.  Try as I might to put my emotions into words, it’s almost an impossible task. As I was walking down the… Read more >

Back to work

On Thursday my alarm went off and I popped out of bed with a quickness.  You may be wondering why I was so anxious about starting the day… It certainly had nothing to do with the excessively layered outfit I had laid out to wear (of course it’s suddenly 80+ degrees at sunrise the day I have to wear professional attire).  It also had nothing to do with the 25 minute bus ride next to Mister I’m-going-to-broadcast-my-cell-phone-conversation-to-the-world.  As I previously mentioned and then shared via twitter, I was in fact at a follow up job… Read more >