About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Oops! Did I promise no more wedding posts? My bad. I realized after I posted the last one that I had forgotten about the centerpieces. They were a personal project – and nearly cost me my sanity – the week leading up to the wedding. This is the trunk of my mom’s van after 5 trips to 3 different grocery stores…with over 60 pieces of produce. Are you thoroughly confused yet? How about another piece to the puzzle… If you’re asking yourself “are those red bell peppers in there?” you’d be right. Because I lost… Read more >
October 2, 2010
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Happy October! (source) I love love love this month. I probably always mention this, but October is my favorite month of the year. It’s Halloween, the (real) onset of Autumn, and several family birthdays – including mine!! And who doesn’t like their birth month?!? So yeah, I’m always excited when October arrives. Even more exciting? Today I signed all my job paperwork, so my date of hire is 10/1/10. I’m a big numbers freak, and that’s about as good as it gets. My favorite number is 5 and if you really want to know more… Read more >
October 1, 2010
asian tofu, beans, mexican food
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Ok this is gonna be a quickie because there’s no point in dragging it out. Seitan isn’t hard to make. It gets an unnecessarily bad difficult rap. If you’re scared to try it, don’t be. I’m a loser and I can manage, so trust me, you can too. Finding Vital Wheat Gluten is actually 75% of the battle. Try Whole Foods or your neighborhood Co-Op or health foods store. I usually get Bob’s Red Mill, but I’ve used Arrowhead Mills before too. The ratio of vegetable broth to VWG is the variable in most recipes. … Read more >
September 30, 2010
broccoli slaw, seitan, stir fry, tortilla wrap
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It’s 9/29! You didn’t think I’d forget National Coffee Day did you!?!? Not a chance. I’m a tad behind in blogging because I’ve been playing catch-up around the casa. I’ve been productive, but I hardly deserve a pat on the back since it’s all stuff that I should have accomplished last weekend. For breakfast on Tuesday I had a bowl of One Lucky Duck grawnola, cheerios, and bananas on top of greek yogurt. Tuesday I got my running mojo back and after this bowl of deliciousness had digested I set off for a nice 30 minutes… Read more >
September 29, 2010
almonds, avocado, beans, Daiya, granola, greek yogurt, hummus, nutbutter, raw, smoothie, tempeh, tortilla wrap
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Heat wave much? I woke up way too early on Monday because I was sweating my cojones off. I’m not so sure fall has truly arrived after this past weekend of sunshine. No complaints here! Despite the four fans and six open windows keeping the triple digit temps at bay, I still had my usual vat of coffee. Can’t fight the addiction! See? I’m still embracing summer with it’s seasonal fruit. I am in love with the peaches at the Santa Monica farmer’s market. We’re nearly out too, so Wednesday’s bounty will definitely include more… Read more >
September 28, 2010
avocado, granola, one lucky duck, raw, seitan, spinach salad
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