Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Still in progress

After getting back from a weekend at home, I made myself a ridiculously ambitious to-do list. Mondays already suck, this was overkill. Moody monday coffee. After the caffeine hit my brain I was feeling energetic and began to tackle my list with a carpe-diem-style vigor.  Bring it. Breakfast went from the above, to the below in ~30 minutes. Butternut banana oat cakes Texture-wise it still needs perfecting, so for now no recipe, but I’ll get it up soon.  It held me over for hours.  Crazy talk, right? When lunch time rolled around I had alittle… Read more >


While home: I forgot how much of a freak my dad is.  I remembered how fun vegging with my fam is.  I forgot how much it sucks to leave home.  I remembered to pack lots of good healthy eats for the road trip back to LA. I forgot to bring utensils to eat said food. I remembered to ask the gas station attendant to help me out. I forgot gas stations expect people to be eating processed food crap (a spork!?) I forgot how boring the I-5 is.  Then, I remembered how boring the I-5… Read more >

One hit, one miss

I made this a few days ago, but never got around to posting it…because I had a few issues along the way…so in case you thought all my recipes ended in success, here’s a bit of a reality check.  I got this acorn squash at the farmer’s market.  Issue #1 occurred with my lack of knife skills (slash intimidation with big shiny metal).  If you feel comfortable making a crushing blow down on a squash, more power to you, but I’m not quite there yet in my culinary career.  As a result, my cut ended… Read more >


Happy 10/10/10 to all my fellow number lovin’ freaks 🙂 Friday Kyle & I headed up to the Bay Area to spend the weekend with my fam.  Saturday was harvest at my fam’s vineyard. and the Cal v. UCLA football game.  And today, Sunday, we are heading back to So Cal. Here are some pics from the weekend, some food, some not. Eats for the I-5 Cheerios, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds, carob chips, and raisins. PB & Jizzle (ew?) & Gingerfizzle (so glad Synergy Kombucha is BACK!!!) K-Sizzle (ok, I’ll quit it with the -izzles now…)… Read more >

Rehearsal recap

If you’re sick of all the wedding posts, you may as well skip this one too.  Ok just kidding.  I promise there are no photos of me in a white dress, but I do feel obligated to do a post featuring the delicious cuisine from our rehearsal dinner.  This is a food blog after all. Faz is a gem of a restaurant.  It’s located in Danville – on the cutest street – and showcases classic Mediterranean food.  As if I’d have a rehearsal dinner that didn’t feature hummus!?!  Puh-leez.  So after practicing this… …we all… Read more >