Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

How about s’more

After Saturday’s nightcap, Kyle and I found ourselves sucked into an A&E marathon.  Has anyone else ever seen The First 48?  Because we had finished our Netflix-ed Dexter DVDs the previous night (and didn’t want to pay $11.99 for the Hyatt’s On-Demand films) our TV options were limited.  Turns out The First 48 is a really good show…so good in fact, that we’ve now seen the entire first season.  😉 Anyway, Sunday started the same as Saturday (plus football).  Coffee, pool lounging, gym time, and eventually lunch. We couldn’t help ourselves…and so we headed back… Read more >

Native Foods of Palm Springs

In honor of Kyle making it through finals without losing his marbles finishing the quarter, we decided to take a weekend getaway together.  Neither of us had ever been to Palm Springs before so it seemed like a nice destination.    I really didn’t do too much research before heading to the desert, but I’m a very simple girl.  On vacation, all I need to be happy is sunshine, Starbucks, and sleep.  Ok, good food, too.  Check. Check. And check.  We arrived Friday evening and checked into our hotel before strolling the downtown area.  Thanks to… Read more >

Palm Springs and Coconut Things

Everything but the kitchen sink oats. So steamy.  Seriously, this bowl had SO many ingredients, it’s hard to remember them all. oats pumpkin puree apple, chopped frozen banana, sliced So Delicious coconut milk cinnamon ginger nutmeg toasted cocoa nuts Iced Gingerbread Clif bar, crumbled coconut flakes That must be some kind of record, right?  It required two refills.  Voluminous.  Now, since Kyle and I are off to Palm Springs for the weekend, I’ll announce the winner of the Tropical Traditions coconut flake giveaway a few hours early. Jessie of Don’t Forget Dessert who said: ”This… Read more >

Bumper crop

Our neighbors left a bag of lemons on our front porch last week.  Apparently they had a bumper crop and we were the lucky recipients of the excess.  I’ll be more than happy to take those off your hands.  🙂 I searched and searched for lemony recipes.  And then I came upon Veganomicon’s lemon bar recipe. I was pretty curious as to how a lemon bar could be good without eggs, but I decided to give it a whirl.  I also changed the recipe by dusting the top with coconut flakes rather than confectioners’ sugar. … Read more >

Hour by Hour

Here’s the line-up (the photo shows the eats in chronological order of consumption). And here’s the hourly breakdown… 7:30 pm – I pack the above eats for work. 8:30 pm – In an attempt to get back on track, I tuck into the covers extra early. 4:14 am – My alarm goes off and Kyle lovingly nudges shoves me out of my slumber to shut off the beeping. 4:30 am – Jillian Michaels makes me regret seeing the sunrise with weights and cardio. 5:00 am – Shower time. 5:15 am – I sip on coffee… Read more >