Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Food was here

Santa was here.   Mia was here. And here. [Ewww] Elise was here.   🙂 I know these TJ’s pita chips are called “reduced guilt” but when you eat multiple servings in a row, I think that idea is null and void.  Not that I ever really bought into the association of food with guilt.  These are a treat for me because I’m way too cheap to buy them myself (eating a family sized bag in one sitting is not economically sound, even if you’re Donald Trump).  My parents, on the other hand, have their… Read more >

(not) Sunset’s fruit and nut bars

My parents went to the Cal vs. Kansas basketball game the other night, so I was home alone with my sis and Kyle.  Bored, but too tired to do anything that involved changing out of PJs, I randomly decided to bake.  My mom always has tons of magazines on hand, including my faves, Bon Appetite and Sunset. I raided the cabinets and pantry… Not too shabby.   My parents didn’t have medjool dates…or dried apples…and not very much honey…soooo, yeah, I made quite a few changes to the recipe I was using.  Given that the ingredients… Read more >

Merry Millennium

Happy holidays everyone! It’s Christmas up in here 🙂 I’m working on the 25th, so Santa was nice and obliging and came early this year (this post is from the 21st). To celebrate as a family, we all went to dinner in the city. In spite of the gross weather, we headed into San Francisco early to browse the Ferry Building, check out the tree (in Union Square) and grab some drinks at the famous Harry Denton’s Starlight Room.  Views of the Ferry Building… Making our way to Union Square… SF love   After soaking… Read more >

The Longest Commute

On Sunday I worked from 7 am to 7:30 pm and then headed home… I arrived at 1:30 am. Confused? I’m home with the fam! As I mentioned in my last post, Kyle dropped me off at work so that he would have the car all day, and then be able to pick me up after work so we could leave straight away.  And by straight away, I mean, after stopping at Whole Foods for dinner. 😉 We made it home safe and sound – no thanks to the stormy California weather…slept in ‘til 10…. Read more >

The (new) Veggie Grill

On Saturday night I was invited to a pre-opening meal at a new restaurant… [these are the perks of food blogging that Kyle really enjoys] You may have heard of The Veggie Grill before, since they have a few other locations in the Southern California area.  This new site is mere blocks from our apartment, so we were both excited to try it out (for free no less!).  Several staff members welcomed us upon arrival and then explained the menu, highlighting the favorites while encouraging us to browse it for ourselves.  We both ended up… Read more >