Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Farm Fresh Discount Code

FYI, in case you were considering it, I am thrilled by Farm Fresh to You. They delivered these three boxes (two of produce + one of meat/grains/dairy) while I was on my run! At 7 am!!! It is a VERY good feeling to start the day with a fridge and counter full of fresh produce. I spent the morning cleaning and chopping and prepping and getting everything organized. And unlike imperfect foods (which I am still doing as well), I got every. single. thing. I ordered! RICE GLORIOUS RICE! This was the thing I was… Read more >

Good enough

Prepare yourself. This post is far from aspirational in terms of cooking. Like the rest of you, I’m just doing my best with what we have while staying away from stores. Which means my weekly/monthly delivery orders are crucial. Anyway. Nothing fancy about this meal, but it hit the spot, so that’s all that matters! I swear, I switch meal ideas 4-5 times over the course of the day, trying to maximize what we have and stretch little bits of various ingredients to go a long way. When I last made these frozen falafel I… Read more >

Desperate (chocolate) times

You know what is incredible? The ingenuity and imagination that complete desperation can bring about. For instance, my chocolate situation. In truth, I’m not remotely limited in what I have on hand…I’m a choco-holic, so being without is just NOT AN OPTION. But I will admit, I don’t have much that appeals to me…a lot of random odds and ends…including unfinished bars, older chocolate pieces, and way way way older pieces. So I did a bit of an experiment… I took all the random odds and ends and melted them together…filling in the gaps with… Read more >

School daze

I’ve shown some of our meals off, but it’s been a minute since I shared what the majority of my time is spent doing… Hanging with my favorite littles on the planet. As you can see, they were really dressing the part to learn about the solar system! He read from this book and then we made a big poster together (in Spanish)…after which they continued to re-write the new vocab (for fun – their choice!). Space is an easy theme to go with – they have an intergalactic cosmic kids yoga episode and tons… Read more >

Multiple CSAs

Well, the imperfect foods delivery has been such a success that I decided to look into other CSA’s that deliver in order to supplement our grocery sitch. Imperfect foods is awesome, but since they are only addressing one part of the food chain (the waste part) – AND the system is in overly high demand right now – they don’t have as good of a selection or supply to fulfill our ravenous family of four’s needs. So, now I’m doing Farm Fresh To You as well. It’s basically the same in that you have a… Read more >