Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

First meal

How come I never take photos of breakfast? I really have no clue, but it might have something to do with the rush of the mornings. Not that we have anywhere to rush off to, but everyone is starving and so the camera is the last thing on my mind. But here are a few things I did manage to capture. It feels like 99.999% of our breakfasts are oatmeal these days. And while I’m sure we could never know for sure, I doubt this statistic is that much of an exaggeration. It’s easy to… Read more >

Instant pot PSA

I recently posted this on my IG stories and it blew the minds of so many of you that I figured I’d share it here too. Did you know your instant pot lid fits in the side handle like this? If not, you’re welcome. If so, congrats for reading the entire manual. I had ZERO clue about what to do for dinner on this night and the instant pot TOTALLY came through. I pulled a huge piece of five mile ranch beef from the freezer which I transformed into this umami explosion with just the… Read more >

Tofu teaser

Why has tofu been so hard to get a hold of lately? What is happening with the extra firm pressed tofu supply right now?? Do we have another toilet paper hoarding situation? Vegans! Share your stash with the rest of us! These are the only two meals that I’ve made with tofu for the past FEW MONTHS because of my inability to get my hands on my favorite type. As you may recall, I used to get the HODO soy brand from the bulk department at the co-op, but for obvious reasons, they aren’t doing… Read more >

One and done meals

This sheet pan meal is from the Skinnytaste One & Done cookbook. Gina has so many solid recipes in that book which have turned into family faves. I am a big fan of all in one recipes. Sure, in a perfect world, I would have the time to make a few different things, but 2020 is so far off from the perfect world that it is laughable. So, in the real world that we are currently operating in, sheet pan meals are clutch. I used thighs which I over-ordered on WF/amazon because I had a… Read more >

Tomato and basil season

Sometimes things do not photograph well. Especially brown foods or things with a mushy texture. In this case, it’s a bit of both. The pesto is the aforementioned “mush” and then there’s the brown farro which doesn’t do the dish any favors either. But you know what? It was easy and delicious and so I’m sharing it nonetheless. I roasted zucchini, green beans, and cherry tomatoes tossed in olive oil, while the grains cooked in the rice cooker. At the same time, I massaged half of this pesto into a head of kale. Eventually I… Read more >