Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Breakfast lunch and dinner

Breakfast I’ve been super into buttery bread for breakfast lately. With salt on top too. Miyoko’s vegan butter is SO awesome on top of Real Phat Foods’ dairy free bread. PS in honor of their anniversary they are having a lot of giveaways and freebies on their site lately, if you have ever wanted to give their products a try. I have no affiliation with them and don’t get anything for sharing, I just genuinely ADORE their stuff. And want to spread the word because they are a small business and aren’t in stores outside… Read more >

Shorts sunscreen tomatoes

This is so unlike me, but for some reason I’m having a realllly hard time letting go of summer. Usually by October I am so ready to jump on the pumpkin train, but I am not ready yet!! Case in point, this tomato and basil dish. It’s super similar to summer barley bowl only I added and subtracted a few things. For one, I kept it vegetarian by leaving out the chicken. Second, I swapped in arugula for the corn. I love a leafy grain bowl, so this was 100% good with me. And shockingly,… Read more >

Breakfast lunch and dinner

Breakfast Chocolate vega protein powder, frozen banana, frozen zucchini, almond milk, ice Lunch Arugula, carrots, parmesan, pistachios, white wine vinaigrette, salmon Dinner Quinoa, Asian salad, teriyaki beef and chicken skewers Dessert Tony’s chocolonely, chocolove, and candied ginger *Unpictured COFFEEEEEEE and kombucha

Dreaming of Hawaii

You know how menus in Hawaii always have sesame crusted fish? I always assumed that was such a fancy way to prepare fish that I couldn’t do on my own. Turns out, it is actually super easy! And SO delicious! When I was meal planning, I thought I was going to make lettuce tacos w this ahi. But then the store didn’t have little gem lettuce and I didn’t want to buy an entire head of butter lettuce just for this (I already had romaine at home), so I reconfigured the dish in my head… Read more >

Point Reyes bleu

Kyle’s company’s lawyers decided to have a zoom wine and cheese pairing for their clients (probably because they weren’t meeting in person to shmooze with the rounds of golf or whatever), and as eye-roll inducing as I personally found this to be, I was also quite happy to be on the receiving end of the tastings. We got a bottle of sparkling vino from Iron Horse delivered a few days before the event so we could get it properly chilled. And then the day before, we got a shipment of several cheese from Point Reyes… Read more >