We went to Fremont on Friday afternoon, leaving straight from school, so I packed us all lunches and then relied on leftovers for dinner. Thanks to the fun traffic we got home JUST before the kids died of starvation. Dramaaaaa.
Here’s a little dessert action. I wasn’t that hungry, but I was exhausted from driving and for some reason decided I needed chocolate to make me feel better. Emotional eating at it’s finest. The appointment went great by the way (it’s his one year from peanut OIT graduation so they wanted to check in with us). We already knew his bloodwork was trending down because I got new labs done last month in anticipation of this appointment, so now we get to experiment further per the MD’s recommendations. In addition to trying larger and larger doses, we don’t have to be so rigid with other rules (like observing the post dose rest period, etc). I’m nervous but excited to see how he reacts!

Normally I love love love Fridays because it means the weekend is here and that means Kyle is around to do family stuffs, buuuuut, Kyle was only around for Saturday after being home for barely 48 hours, so I was a little sad that Friday was already here. Anyway, the good news is that I started off my day with strides, per usual. I love a fun workout with friends. And then coming home to this yummy lunch – smoked salmon, roasted Brussels sprouts, and carrots.

Which didn’t totally fill me up, so then, against my better judgement, I dug into these without portioning any out. So obviously I finished them off.

Whoops! Oh well.
Dinner was this trio of veggie dishes, that I blogged about earlier.

This is the smallest amount of dessert I could manage.
Are you impressed?

Thanks to the rain storm on Saturday (never thought I’d be saying THAT!) all of our plans got cancelled which meant I had all day to get myself squared away before Kyle left. PLUS plenty of family time.

In an effort to make P like hummus, I decided the three of us should make some together. And guess what!? It worked!

Even more, they loved that their lunch was made up of things to dip into the hummus. That was a real hit.

I made kale salad for lunch with leftover lentils, rice, goat cheese, dried cranberries.

And then got right back to prepping.

Chili for the kid’s lunches.

And my first seitan loaf in the instant pot!
And a few more things that I didn’t photograph.
In between the downpours we did manage to get outside for a few bike laps around the cul-de-sac, but otherwise I didn’t even leave the casa. It made me feel equally antsy and cozy.

For dinner I made a version of this cabbage salad from Bon Appetit, but made a few tweaks.
To start, I used chicken instead of turkey because it’s what I had in the freezer. I also left out the serrano chile because I didn’t think the kids would be down with the heat. And finally I used sardines instead of anchovies because I had half a can leftover from who knows when and needed to use it up. I doubt that’s an acceptable swap if you asked anyone who has ever gone to culinary school but whatever. The dressing was a super bizarre combo of lemon zest, juice, tamari, miso, sardines and rice vinegar and SHOCKINGLY, the kids l o v e d it. Like loooooved it. I was floored. What the what?! Their taste buds are impossible to predict. We all had seconds and then the kids fought over the last little bit so there was zero in the way of leftovers.

It was SO good for the record. I did swap sunflower seeds in Pacman’s portion, but the peanuts in ours were major yums.
The best part about the recipe was that it used up all this produce that I already had on hand from our CSA (cilantro – check!, cabbage – check!, celery – check!, lemon – check! green onion – check!).
Ok, that wasn’t the “best” part about the recipe, but it was a nice bonus.

I may have to take a little chocolate break…I think my habit is getting a little too habit-y.

How exciting P is doing so well a year later! And even better to relax more about the rest time after his dose :))
Good call on having the kids help make hummus, diiping stuff into it for lunch IS fun!
Um, that salad dressing for the cabbage salad sounds legit weird to me…. i trust bon appetite and all but …… it’s totally awesome/hysterical the kids were so into it. I actually just made a new to me broccoli salad yesterday that had peanuts and rice wine vinegar in the dressing that was a great combo.
I was working a crazy freelance gig for the last three months and staying there (in philly) and adopted a comforting chocolate dessert habit, i rationed myself to one of those dark chocolate marzipan Ritter bars i would bring for all four nights- so if it was gone on night two then i was outta luck the next two nights.
Maybe you could portion out ahead of time your chocolate “allowance” for the week and when it’s done it’s gone til the next week.
That is MAD impressive. I used to eat one of those in a single sitting. They are so so good. Actually it was the whole hazelnut one…I don’t think I’ve had the marzipan one!