All the football (is over)

Kyle was out of town, so we kept things low key for the Super Bowl. In anticipation of ALL THE CHIPS, I made us veggie packed lunches. The kids had roasted cauli and potatoes with chickpeas, all made from scratch that morning, and then I had leftover rice and lentil salad with kale massaged in a lemon vinaigrette.

Because when you have friends with a lemon tree…

You get gifted ALL THE LEMONS.

What a snooze of a game huh?? They danced to the half time show, but I was very underwhelmed by it all. Can we just bring back Lady Gaga every year? Or Bruno Mars? Let’s see a show!

I went cliche with dinner because why not?! I was going to make a layer dip, but got lazy and just made us little Mexi bowls and then we all dipped stuff into them.

The kids’ version had the rest of the home-made hummus in it (plus ground beef and avo), but mine had this AMAZING cashew queso by Siete.

It was really really good and I shocked myself by not finishing the entire jar.

Dip-ables included corn tortilla chips, Siete cassava chips, carrots, celery and bell peppers.

Really, though, the veggies were for the kids. I stuck to the chips. 😛

It was nice going back and forth between the two kinds, but I have to be honest when I say the corn ones were better. My body doesn’t really seem to like either in high amounts though, so my plan was to have half and half, in order to get to have as many chips as I wanted. And it worked! I don’t know if this happens to others with or without IBS or fodmaps issues, but I get regurg when I have too much corn and cassava is hit and miss in terms of bloating. I’m so lucky.

Happy to report this beef nacho avo combo was far superior to the game and I felt a-okay afterwards.

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