I’ve cooked so many things from Danielle Walker’s first cookbook, Against All Grain, and they’ve all been so stellar. If you have her other cookbooks, tell me which recipes are your favorites? Now that P tolerates everything but dairy and peanuts, I find myself cooking from allergy cookbooks far less often. That said, Danielle is SCD so many of her recipes are fodmaps friendly so I may be more likely to invest. Maybe I should rent it from the library first…but if you have an opinion one way or the other please share!
Here is her “world famous sandwich bread”.
Based on comments on her site, I know that people can be pretty neurotic about substitutions and whatnot, but I have made it twice and never been super precise about measurements and it has turned out fabulous both times. I’m really bad with that stuff. I read something like 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and I just eyeball it from the bottle. Actually if I think about it, the only things I really properly measure ever are baking soda/powder.
There could probably be more rise if I took the time to whip the egg whites separately and fold them in at the end like she suggests, but I don’t have the time for that. I just added the whole eggs with everything else and blended until it was all smooth.
I don’t know what I did differently this time vs the other time but they tasted the same despite one having a darker crust.
I know I had a glass container of water under the baking pan in the one with the lighter crust, so maybe I didn’t do that the other time?
Funny thing is I have never used these to make a sandwich, even though it’s the recipe’s namesake. I don’t really find myself eating sandos on the reg. Avocado toast? Yes. Nut butter spread? Yes.
Her bread calls for cashew butter so I’ve made my own each time because buying organic raw cashew butter is $$$$$ so I just make it in my food processor and then make the bread batter in it right after.
It’s not the fastest process but it’s not the most labor intense either if you take shortcuts like I do. So many other grain free recipes involve a ton of different non-flour things or 100 eggs, but this is pretty straight forward.
I may try it with a different nut or seed butter next time because I bet it would work with almond, walnut, sunflower, or any of those butters.
I also made her cranberry orange muffins.
More use for the oranges from my parents’ house! And the fresh cranberries in my freezer from Thanksgiving.
I halved the amount of sugar in these as well as the amount of cranberries and to me they are perfect. Not too sweet, subtle orange flavor with the occasional pop of cranberry zing. Another solid recipe!
I recommend both.

Loving your posts, and all the things you cook, I can always count on you for delicious inspiration! 🙂
Thanks Cee!!
I have been so enjoying the recaps from your Florida trip. Pand V are so adorable!!! You are definitely like me a combo of Lucy/Ethel. You keep me 😂😂😂😂 at times from some of your adventures. It reminds me of my own. I eyeball all the time when I cook and bake. Never had patience to measured erything out. I follow my own little tweaks and it always comes out okay. You