Final family vacay of the summer!
Even though it felt like we JUST got back from Hawaii, we hopped back on a (very small) plane to spend the week in McCall and then Boise with Kyle’s family. Here are some highlights:
Suited up and ready to go.
If only life always involved diggers. His practically does…
Lunch mish mash salad that I loved so much I had 3 times in a row. Avo + mustard + mayo = strange but good.
Baby selfie.
Delicious. Tasted much darker than 55% cocoa.
They had the first book in the cabin…how could I not read it? I was obsessed with this series as a kiddo.
Building with sticks and such.
On a stroll with the boys.
Kyle sunk my battleship. Wah wah. But I did beat him in bocce ball so that’s something. We’re not competitive at all… 😉
Sleeping beauty.
The Western Idaho fair’s petting zoo was a huuuuuge hit. Mr. P is so into animals. And since he’s now spitting out new words by the second, this was especially fun.
Fair fare. All things fried please and thank you.
Riding like a champ!
As much as he adored seeing the animals up close, driving the car was the highlight of the fair for sure. He was bopping up and down and smiling and going crazy with delight as he steered and the car went around the track. Seriously in love. The boy can’t get enough of trucks (garbage trucks, diggers, dump trucks, you name it…) so it makes sense.
The best mustard sauce on the planet. I’ll share the recipe soon because I copied it down to remake asap.
Home-made coconut ice cream with toasted coconut flakes. To. Die. For.
Look at this grown up with his fork!!
Breakfast of champions. Or hungry moms who have been up all night. Either way, yummy and filling.

I grew up in Southeast Idaho!! Growing up I couldn’t even fathom someone choosing to come to Idaho for any reason. Even now…Ha! I guess I was always meant to be a big city girl. I think I’d kill for some of that huckleberry chocolate right about now. So yummy! Looks like you had a great time.
That looks like such an idyllic vacation! I remember loving any and all animals as a kid too (still do!), especially petting zoos. Were those some local idaho potatoes? I adore mustard, so looking forward to that sauce recipe 🙂 and any kind of coconut milk ice cream is great if you ask me! Trader joes has a great chocolate version now fyi, but i’m sure homemade is 1000xs better.
Sounds like fun. Is P a lefty? (Can you tell this early?)
I’m actually not sure when you can tell but we all have been (over)analyzing it for the past year it seems, ha. he does everything with both hands still but seems to prefer his left for eating and right for playing (throwing a ball etc) so who knows. we have some lefties in the family so I’m not sure…
you bet! can’t go to idaho without sampling the potatoes!! I’ve been wondering about the TJs ice cream – but yeah, its just so easy to make it so we’ve been doing batch after batch all summer.
I live outside of Boise and have a cabin in McCall! I hope you enjoyed your visit to McCall as well as Boise and our fair. You could have drove another 15 miles southwest and brought P to visit my chickens, cows, horses,dogs, cats and ducks. I also have a 1/4 acre garden and could have sent you home with a basket of fresh veggies! Maybe next time, lol Hope your family enjoyed your vacation here in the potato state!
oh my gosh that sounds amazing!! i wish i had known we would have stopped by for sure! next time, okay?? 🙂
Hey Elise, did you turn off the comments on purpose on your latest post? (or am I just blind?) I’ve been reading your blog for many many years now, and I miss the times when you had more time for you blog – but life moves on and priorities change. I’m still so happy to read from you every now and then and it feels so crazy to see how big your boy has become already! Sending you greets from Austria 🙂
Hi Elise. I live in Idaho, but haven’t seen the Hucklebearry chocolate bar–would love to know where I can find it. Thanks!
Really weird- i tried to comment yesterday and today on your new post but there isn’t a comment box showing up…. (I’m on your blog via iphone) which hasn’t been an issue before… Weird.
Anyways, how exciting that you’re able to incorporate so many veg meals!! That’s really great- and your homegrown tomato salsa sounds divine….same with those nachos! I just returned from seeing my fam in central CA near carmel/monterey and i seriously ate my own weight in produce…..:))
I’m not sure because my mother in law bought it for me. I think it was at a small store in McCall. Sorry!
Hi Kat! I did turn off the comments. Not for any reason other than the spam was getting UNREAL and I got so few comments anymore that I figured readers wouldn’t mind. I still miss the interaction but it was making the blog a pain because my email was being flooded with crap from fake websites and not actual readers! I miss writing more and I’m optimistic this blog will continue in a bigger capacity later in time but like you said, my priorities have shifted…nap times are only so long, haha! Much love to you!