I have another meal made entirely from TJ’s items.
And similar to the last one, it was a CINCH to throw together and tasted awesome. I purposefully made a ton so that I’d have leftovers, although there wasn’t quite as much as I was hoping for because it was such a hit!

First up, TWO of these bagged salads, called Tahini Pepita & Apricot Slaw Kit.
If you wanted to DIY with this part, you could, but this is the crux of what makes the meal so fast to create. Nonetheless, the mix has shredded carrots, broccoli, green cabbage, and kale, pepitas, dried apricot pieces, and an orange tahini dressing.

I tossed it together earlier in the day to give the dressing time to do it’s thing…softening the kale and broccoli a bit. Because that’s what differentiates a good slaw from a great slaw!

Then I added feta.

Meanwhile I baked two packages of TJ’s falafel (found in the freezer section).
Two packages was far more than we needed, though, so unless you want leftovers (who doesn’t?) you might consider sticking to just one bag.

On the side we had tandoori naan. SO FLUFFY.

And that’s it!
A Mediterranean feast that you can make in under 20 minutes!

Which I enjoyed the next day as leftovers for lunch with an extra scoop of tahini because I’m in a major tahini phase.

Take me to Greece.

Falafel is not a Greek dish although you could try “revithokeftedes”. We would love to have you, but things are not good now. I think on Monday we will all be homebound by the government. Tough times…
Ah, that apricot salad is my favorite one from Trader Joe’s.
Unfortunately our Trader Joes has a line outside, of people waiting to be let in. The line scares me so I will be going elsewhere and missing my favorite foods.
I’m curious if you want to talk about how you are getting food, are you wiping off the packages, are you wearing gloves in the store, any tips and ideas?
Thanks and stay safe and sane!
Gotcha. So is falafel only middle eastern?
Anyway, California has been under orders to shelter in place for over a week now. :/
Yeah, I got all this two weeks ago. Haven’t driven a car in over a week!
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