This dinner is from over a month ago!

I’m having a hard time figuring out what I want to do (or not do) with this space.

I don’t feel the need to tell you all about my meals. Or how busy I am because I am doing (too many) amazing things with my kids and family and friends. And that’s basically all my blog is…soooo…where does that leave us?

Deep thoughts 😛

For this meal, I sautéed broccoli, broccoli greens, and shredded kohlrabi in coconut aminos and coconut oil until everything was cooked through (with as many browned and crispy fried parts as possible).
I started with the kohlrabi because that needed more time in a hot (and I mean H O T) pan so it would sear and sizzle in the oil. Then I added the broccoli and let it saute a bit before adding the lid to let the steam help it cook faster.
I did the tofu in a separate pan (also using coconut oil) and added tamari.
Usually I try to marinate tofu for a bit before cooking it, but sometimes there is no time.

Underneath: greens with spicy Thai dressing
On top: salty roasted almonds
It was good, but now that I am thinking about it…I made a stir fry tofu dish over the weekend that was way better and I think it has everything to do with the marinating time.

I was actually semi-on top of it and let the cubed tofu marinate for hours before sautéing it.

See the flecks of pepper in there??
I finely minced a pepper (of unknown type/heat because it was in the CSA and I never know what they give me) and added that in. The rest of the marinade was tamari, coconut and sesame oil, sugar, and rice vinegar.

I wasn’t sure how it would be for the kids so I stuck to just one pepper and I think it was perfect! They didn’t even say anything so I *probably* could have done two, but I also gave them a ton of rice and the fewest amounts of peppers when I served them.
Personally, I thought the heat was perfect though.

The rest of the ingreds were a CSA grab bag – per usual – which meant long beans and bell peppers and broccoli.

Served over rice.
Delish. Moral of the story: marinate your tofu if you can.


Just catching up on highlights when you feel like it is good! With no apology/explanation for time away necessary. I’ve been reading some food blogs like Eat Live Run, The Full Helping (formerly Choosing Raw), and Carrots n Cake for like…ten years apiece, easy. They have evolved so much over the years but I think the people who check back in appreciate the way peoples’ lives alter and they adapt. Your blog has changed a lot but if it still feels good to use now and then, you should just approach it however you like!
Hi Elise, I’ve never commented before, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve been following your blog for years and have loved seeing all the meals you make. I’ve found it incredibly inspiring and motivating. If you choose not to post any more, I wanted to make sure I had the chance to say thank you for all the inspirational posts over the years.
Hi Caroline! I really appreciate your comment 🙂
Thanks Lily! I like that advice.
Hey girl, your a wonderful hearted, intelligent and witty blog soul mate to me and I have followed you forever and for me that’s a huge compliment because I am busy and running like you, but have always found you to be honest and fun. You do what works for you, just pop in from time to time so we don’t lose touch with a long distance FRIEND who has become important to us in this modern day of “ blog friends.” You know how appreciative of you I am and how heartfelt I write this. Btw, your children have GROWN UP!!! Your the best ❤️😍
I am a LONNNNNGGGGG time reader and I love all of your posts. Your meals definitely inspire me, a working mom who really tries to have as many plants in the meals my family consumes as possible. You have inspired countless meals in our home over the years and I have waited (kind of patiently) for you to publish a cookbook. I would definitely read it!! Please don’t stop posting – even if I am asking this very selfishly, lol! I really do enjoy all of it.
Yes, just catching up when you feel like it is much appreciated
I like your blog for food ideas and just to overall influence me to eat better, and feed my family better. I need good influences.
Thanks for all the work you do here. It makes a difference.
Have been reading your blog for years. I enjoy reading about your family and creative food ideas. Just keep doing what you are doing!
First time poster as well, but long time reader (8 or so years, I think?!). I started reading nutrition/healthy living blogs 10Ish years ago, but your’s is the only one I still check regularly. While many other blogs feel the need to be constantly evolving (not to say yours hasn’t), there’s a consistency, familiarity & personality to yours that I think is missing from others. I seriously hope you keep writing if it works for you because I know many, including myself, enjoy and appreciate this space. Just want you to know your blog has inspired me