Parenting like a pro over here.
These kale chips weren’t quite as cheezy as I was hoping for. They were delicious nonetheless and stopped me from eating another 2 cups of mac nuts after my salad was all gone, which is my usual MO.
We arrived at my parents’ house with WF goodies in hand, and immediately sat down to eat. I got slaw, cornbread, and pulled pork, but the slaw had WAY too many red onions for me, so I gave it to Kyle.
Mr. P and I drove off to Fremont the next day, while V stayed with my parents.
First RX bar. I have seen them around but never pulled the trigger. I think I liked it. It wasn’t very sweet which I was glad for and didn’t have an insane amount of sugar (but still had quite a bit because dates). The sea salt was a nice touch that really added a lot to the bar, and while I’m not totally sure if I’d buy it again yet, I think it was a great on the go option.
I had a green juice with it too.
And when I say green I mean GREEEEEN. I got a coupon for a free evolution juice last time I was at WF. They had a salesperson there who saw me in front of the urban remedy case and tried to woo me away with a free coupon. I cashed it in on this sweet greens and ginger bottle but I wasn’t a fan. Too much cucumber I think.
Just passing the time with books on cd, as you do…
We only did one dose, then waited 90 minutes to confirm no reaction. I managed to keep P up for the whole ride back to my parents’ place, where I picked up a freshly lunched V, and then braved the nasty traffic home. I think the entire Bay Area goes to Tahoe for the 4th of July week and driving that way on a Friday afternoon is seriously the worst.
But once the kiddos passed out I got my podcasts rolling and two hours later I was home.
They woke up as we were pulling onto our street and were in good moods! Hooray!
I was pooped though, so after grabbing a snack (all I had on the road was a banana, coconut chips, and almonds), I set them up for some crafting.
They loved it and I was buzzing around nearby unloading the car, cleaning the house, and prepping dinner.
We picked Kyle up at the train station later.
Then came home for a snack-tastic dinner.
Little bit ‘o this, little bit ‘o that.
- maple bacon kettle chips
- carrots
- hard boiled eggs
- smoked salmon
- hummus
- TJs crackers
- grapes
- blackberries
- dehydrated zucchini chips
- noodles
- leftover slaw
I knew I wanted to get in a bit of hummus before my fodmaps phase started. As a result, I kept everything else low fodmap (ie no wheat crackers or noodles). P was super into my zucchini chips that I made.
Dessert me.
Dear weekend, thank you for being free and clear.
First things first: home-made almond milk con descafeinado. Sipped while I made breakfast for my fam. There’s little else that gives me such joy than a morning without any agenda, where I can slowly drink my coffee and make food for everyone. And then once they’re all cleaned up and P has taken his milk dose and they are ready to go off and play, I can sit in peace and eat my own breakfast. Nice and slow.
I made this loaf of zucchini bread but underestimated the amount of batter and tried to fit it all in a mini loaf pan. Once it was all poured in I realized it was a bad idea, but it was too late to backtrack. Luckily I put foil on the rack below which caught all the batter that overflowed as it baked. Oops! So the bad news is I may have ruined the pan. The good news is the bread is DELICIOUS.
Since slicing was out of the question, I just ate it right out of the pan (with some cashew butter too).
Meanwhile, Kyle and the kids painted and assembled a kite.
I (we) got it for him for father’s day because he has been talking about making one with them and teach them to fly a kite for over a year now.
We took it for a test run later that morning at the park behind our house but there wasn’t much wind, so we will try again another time. It seems a pretty legit kite though so I would recommend the kit (I got it on amazon).
I snuck zucchini into their smoothie.
For lunch I toasted two slices of cashew bread for avo toast and a very moderate serving of carrots on the side.
I was trying to keep lunch lighter because we had early dinner plans.
We met friends at Zen Toro for an early sushi dinner that night. It was our first restaurant date with friends in which I DID NOT PACK FOOD FOR P. [!!!!!]
I had previously called the restaurant to inquire about peanuts in their food and they seemed really knowledgeable so I decided to give it a shot. Our friends know the owner too, so that helped.
When we ordered I again made sure they knew about his allergy and they double checked all the other items that people ordered just to be safe, even though he wasn’t eating them.
He got a California roll and edamame. He was so so on the California roll, although I’m sure he liked it, he has a hard time with big bites and that was too much of a barrier in the restaurant setting. I fed him more rice when we got home before he got his milk dose (just to be on the safe side).
Kyle and I split a bunch of rolls and then I had the leftovers we took home later that night instead of dessert. That’s the problem with eating so early. Kinda means you eat two dinners. I skipped dessert though.
Same breakfast again! I was especially hungry after my workout which I had planned on phoning in, but ended up really enjoying.
Quick reading session before church.
Kyle and V went to pick peaches at a friend’s house while I was at church with my boy. As a treat, I took him to get “something crunchy that’s not apples” afterwards. Because everyone else gets cookies after service and he doesn’t I decided why not let him get something special!? We settled on Annie’s organic grahams. The bag was a mix of honey, chocolate, and chocolate chip and they are dairy free. He loved them, obviously.
Weirdly I skipped the mac nuts this time (extra avocado though).
I prepped dinner during naps. I made white rice and cauli rice and cooked the chicken with this Mexican fodmap free spice mix. So then once we got home from a swimming date at our friend’s house things were all ready to go for taco bowl assembly.
Here’s Kyle’s bowl with rice, salsa, tomatoes, avocados, green onions, romaine and chicken.
And here’s mine with romaine, avocado, cauli rice, and chicken. Ok, so I don’t want to be a loser but you guys!!! Cauli rice is sooo good!!!! I never thought I’d be praising something so anti-carb but it’s legit yums. I made extra which I’m super excited to dig into later.
Last hurrah with mega sweet chocolate desserts. I know I can do this. I know I can. I know I can.

Just some info I learned and have tested–SIBO symptoms are not always SIBO and strict FODMAP diet doesn’t 100% work on slow motility and many other digestive disorders–a lot of us have slow motility. I have been involved in an awesome nteresting journey the past two miles nths and have learned so much and am definitely feeling better.
Good luck with the SIBO diet! I hope it helps.
I keep meaning to ask you–were/are you at all concerned about P’s calcium? My daughter just turned 18 months and I am vegan, so we don’t really have dairy in the house, and I don’t plan on giving her any. I am still nursing her, but starting to think about possibly weaning, which is why I am starting to worry about calcium. Did you give P some sort of milk alternative fortified with calcium? I know that is an option, but I would rather she just drink water. All the baby/kid vitamins I look at really don’t have much calcium in them at all–I guess they assume kids are drinking milk and/or eating other dairy. I make her oatmeal with almond milk, and put it in smoothies etc., but she is not getting enough of it to really meet her needs without nursing. And she won’t eat enough kale or other leafy greens to have an impact (much to my disappointment!). She eats tofu, but again, not enough to get the calcium she needs. Okay, that was probably way too much information, but I am feeling a little panicked about her nutrition lately! Thanks for any advice you might have!
Do you put spinach in her smoothies or tofu/egg scrambles or anything like that? I used to sneak spinach into all their pouches I made and so I wasn’t worried about it, but these days they eats so much chard from the garden (and kale and spinach) I don’t worry about it. Kale chips!!!
I’m going to email you soon…very curious to hear.
Thanks so much. I do put spinach or baby kale in her smoothies and the pouches I make, and in her tofu scramble and in a lentil soup that I make that she likes. I tried kale chips and she wouldn’t taste them! I’ll keep trying 🙂 Maybe I don’t need to worry quite so much about it, but I feel like it is my job to worry about her. I give her a vegan omega 3 and vitamin D, but have not found a multi-vitamin that I feel good about giving her yet. Do you give P and V a multi?
Thank again!
I did for a while with added vit D but I’m sporadic with it. I think I ordered it on thrive…I think it was the honest company brand. I think you’re doing a wonderful job 🙂
That is SO exciting to be able to go to dinner!!! And for sushi is awesome! Something like an avocado roll or cucumber roll might be easier for P to eat since they’re a smaller size, would he like chilled tofu? I love the japanese appetizer that is just chilled tofu with some sesame oil/soy sauce and scallions, i ask they don’t put the bonito flakes.
It would be so great if this could be your “regular ” spot for dining out since they would be able to remember Ps allergies and you would be able to take a well deserved night off once in a while
Yeah, we should probably try easier (smaller) rolls or other non sushi options…I think it’s the best sushi in Davis by a landslide so I think it would be awesome to keep frequenting it so they “know” us and P’s allergies 🙂