Would you believe me if I told you I worked out the morning before heading to the airport at 7 am? Of course you would! It’s ME we are talking about. V woke us up extra early that morning to make sure I got my workout in. Such a sweet girl, that one. 😉
We took lyft to the airport, which was the kids’ first times doing all that. They were so confused about why a random man was driving us to the airport and then once we landed in Maui and got a rental car, why the same man wasn’t there to get us again. I was amused by their confusion, because even though I explained it (and they’ve certainly read about it) they haven’t experienced the world of taxis in Davis.
I got a coconut milk (decaf) cafe au lait at Peet’s and then fed the kids while Kyle went to get breakfast for himself. I had packed them pancakes that I made the week before. By the time we boarded I was soooo ready for my own breakfast. I packed a few things, including this sesame tahini cookie. Remember when I first had one this past summer? I fell in love and then never saw them in stores again…but last month I hit up WF when I was visiting my parents and voila! So I bought two. It was every bit as delicious as I remembered.
I also packed celery and apple slices, dried mangoes, and coconut chips that we all shared.
Guess what! They got screen time! And guess how that made the flight go??? IT WAS A DREAM! Seriously, what a drug those things are.
P had Kyle’s work tablet (that he no longer uses for work) which I had loaded up with kids apps. He literally played games for 6 hours straight. I don’t know if I should be proud or appalled or what, but for the flight I was just happy to have him occupied. Meanwhile V had our (very old and on it’s last legs) iPad with a few Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, and Mickey Mouse clubhouse episodes. She was so excited to get TV that she didn’t even care that she was rewatching the same episodes over and over. Again, my feelings are ambivalent about this but for now, I will just accept it for what it is: a peaceful flight.
I had so any other things packed for them, but they were so content with each of their devices I figured why mess with a good thing and just sat between them happily listening to podcasts.
After we got our rental car they passed out hard. It was like 3 pm (California time) at this point so it made sense but I was surprised because V is not the best at car naps. Pattycakes, however, falls asleep in under a minute whenever we drive around in the afternoon.
First stop in Maui!!! I love this place.
Hi cold pressed juices and raw foods, I have big plans for you!
But first…
Acai time.
I got the POWabunga bowl with gluten free granola, which has açai, strawberries, banana, blueberries, almonds, warrior protein, and macadamia nut milk topped with granola, bananas, strawberries, almond butter & honey.
Ohhhhh buddy.
Kyle and I each got one and ate while the kids slept in the car.
It was way too much and I was crazy full after, but it sure did hit the spot.
After we were all full and happy we went to check into the hotel.
As soon as we were unpacked we got our suits on.
These little water babies were loving every second of our time splashing and swimming and playing.
In no time at all, the sun was setting and we knew we needed to get the kids fed and in bed.
We walked down to Whaler’s Village and were shocked to discover every other person on the island had the same idea. Woops! Rather than wait 90 minutes for a table, we made do with the high top seats. I’m happy to say neither kid fell off the whole time we were eating!
I ordered the kids a fish plate to share with mahi mahi, rice, and broccoli.
They both had two pieces of herbed focaccia before their food arrived, but they still licked their plates clean.
I got the macadamia nut crusted mahi mahi which had crab on top and pineapples and coconut rice. It was good, although not the biggest portion. Or maybe I’m just used to eating huge portions and this was a realistic size. The latter is more likely, but I didn’t mind since it meant I had room for dessert. 🙂
Kyle got the snapper special, which was one of his favorite meals all vacation long. He said it was perfectly cooked and delicious.
Once we were done with our meal (I packed Reese’s Pieces for P that he ate at the table after his dinner) we walked back to the hotel and stopped in at the shop for some dessert.
We ACTUALLY had to stop in to buy Pacman something to take as his dairy dose, but it’s not like we were going to Hawaii and skipping out on chocolate covered macadamia nuts. So after we grabbed an organic milk box we chose some dessert too.
As soon as the kids were bathed and snoozing we dug in to the sweets. We also started The Sopranos. Kyle’s watched through season 3, but I have never seen any and I am OBSESSED with the show now. We are flying through the episodes and I am completely pulled in. No spoilers please!
I really think that was the longest day but thanks to the naps and all the newness of everything the kids were shockingly well behaved. Family time!

So glad the flight went well- that always seems to be the most stressful part of a vacation! And great that the kids were so preoccupied- there’s actually a ton of great educational programming and interactive games now that it doesn’t have to be a brain numbing thing.
Hawaii is just the very definition of vacation done right… i hope you had at least one colored slushy drink with an umbrella! And yes to alllllll of the macadamia nuts. Especially with chocolate!