I’ve been a kinda pathetic wife. At least in the cooking department.
Last week I was so busy working I didn’t cook us anything. Yes, I work nights. So in theory I could cook us food. If I had my head on straight. Which I didn’t.
Frozen food to the rescue!
Tandoor Chef makes a few veg friendly products and I had a coupon for one, so I let Kyle enjoy the blog perk.
His review of the vegetable pad thai: delicious, but not enough for an adult male; just the right amount of greasy; as close to a restaurant pad thai as frozen food can get; could have used more sauce.
I don’t think we’ll be buying it again, but you never know.
I also got these Tasty Bite samples to review on the blog, which he happily devoured. Kyle LOVES Indian food.
He said both the channa masala and the madras lentils were super easy prep, very flavorful, very hearty.
He often gets Indian food from our local co-op’s hot bar (when we are lazy and get prepared food) and he said he’d be just as happy buying these.
He ate them with brown rice and was stuffed afterwards.
He also said they’d be perfect on the road options for his long work trips since they are portable and don’t need refrigeration. The options are typically pretty slim for vegetarians on long drives in the middle of nowhere – so it’s cool that we found these.
We will definitely be buying them again.
I made these for me. And I dipped them in a sour cream/BBQ sauce mix I made.
They were great, but didn’t fill me up even though I ate the entire bag.
I had them with carrots and cucumber slices.
I didn’t taste much lime to be honest. They may as well have just been the original gardein crispy tenders.
This is the (unglamorous) reality of my life.
Me + tv tray + video monitor + revenge season 2 on netflix
I’m not hating it.
The reality of being a working mom with a young kiddo is that I’m totally okay with passing out on the couch at the end of the day and going to bed by 10. I’m freakin tired! Screw the expectations.
I cook when I want to cook and the rest of the time we make it work.

You are way too hard on yourself, Elise. You are like a superwoman…so be kind to yourself and try to sleep. Not only necessary for the mood, but also lack of sleep makes IBS worse!
What’s the dish at the bottom? Looks yummy! Make no apologies! When I realized I didn’t need to justify the expectations it was so liberating! Our culture is not kind to families.
recipe coming…
They carry those tasty bites entrees at Costco!
Ha ha! The only thing I like about the chipotle lime gardein over the regular is the size. They make me “feel” more satisfied because they are bigger, but really, I think the bag weighs the same, so whatever. 🙂 I haven’t been big on fake meats in the past, but Gardein at least gives me a quick option on nights I have to work.
I’ve had those lentils before and I really like them!! 🙂
I have the same play thing for my daughter by our tv, and the seat is pulled up like that too. Very similar views…but I am currently watching Parenthood on Netflix 🙂
We’ve been buying the Madras Lentil from Costco for a few months now. They are all-natural and so easy! They are awesome on nachos instead of taco meat or on veg. hotdogs to make chili-dogs. We always have some on hand now.
You must find the time to make these. The raw dough is dessert hummus and they are some ooey gooey peanut butter chocolate chip cookie balls baked. Amazing!!!!! Totally polished them all off in one evening! Used maple syrup btw.
So. You’re ………….normal?!?!?
There are a huge variety of vegetarian and vegan options from the tasty bite people- most of the dals are really awesome, beware that some of their dishes are crazy mouth on fire spicy.
AMEN. You work hard and you’re doing an amazing, amazing job. Don’t forget that.
I felt the same way about the chipotle-lime chik’n. It’s okay but I didn’t find the flavor to be much different from the original. And none of the Gardein products ever fill me up…it’s kind of weird.
all you can do is make it work- and it looks pretty tasty still!!