It’s an apple!!!
Wow, I am talented! I have been practicing on my frothing technique, and this is the first design that really looks cool 🙂 I used mostly skim plus (1/3 cup) with just a touch of vanilla “creamer.”
Today started off with a nice snooze. No complaints there. After yesterday’s neverending shift, I didn’t feel the least bit guilty for sleeping in. After my coffee (a new blend from starbucks…more details later) I hit up the gym and ran for 60 minutes. I was feeling really pumped since I took yesterday off from working out. I stretched for 20 full minutes too, then did some ab stuff. On the way home I was in a rush, so I grabbed some sushi. It is my fav, with texturized protein, carrots, spinach, and brown rice.
I had to be home from 2-4 pm for my fresh direct order. Well, 4 pm came and went and there was NO sign of any fresh direct delivery…I snacked in the meantime (since we all know that’s what I do when I’m stressed).
I was totally starving, but I couldn’t leave the house…so I made an iced coffee with the leftover coffee from the AM. Pretty delish, but I still wanted food, and after talking to a million different FD representatives, the food was no closer to arriving. Then, all of a sudden, it occurred to me to check with the doorman…and there it was. Sitting in the hallway, no notification, no nothing. Ugh. This company really has it’s good days and bad days.