Of a very pregnant (over 40 weeks and counting!) lady…on maternity leave…
Wake up 4+ times throughout the night. Finally get up for good some time between 6-8 am.
Drink weak tea with almond milk and maple syrup. Wonder how much longer til you can guzzle caffeine again.
Make breakfast #1. A bowl of oats with nut butter & bananas. I usually have half the banana at a time since it seems to give me reflux now (realistically everything does).
Play on the computer. Respond to emails and blog comments.
Make & prep food or meals for the day/week (but never too far ahead just in case it’s go time).
Make breakfast #2. A fried egg with toast and Earth Balance. I can’t go a single morning without an egg or something piled high in Earth Balance. They are the two things that have been consistent through all 10 months.
Digest on the couch while watching the morning shows on mute or reading (yes I really put on the news but keep it muted – this way I feel in the loop but don’t have to listen to 99% of the crap & I can simply turn on the volume in case anything I think I might care about comes on).
Do something moderately mildly active, like walking or yoga. My walks are between 45 – 70 minutes.
Once I get home I bounce on the exercise ball, hoping gravity will do something in the way of bringing on labor.
Make lunch #1. Carrots & red potatoes roasted with coconut oil and dried thyme. [Note: I only had 1/3 of the above portion]
Do random errands. Browse the internet for restaurants I can’t afford. Do a crossword. Pass the time.
Make lunch #2. Quinoa with avocado and tempeh “bacon”. I added nooch after the photo, too.
Lounge on the couch. Blog. Respond to emails and comments.
Continue food prep and planning.
Make dinner. Quinoa and kale salad with candied nuts, dried cranberries, and a miso lemon dressing.
Veg out with Kyle. Watch TV. Chat.
Eat a small dessert. 50% of the time I’m in the mood for chocolate and 50% of the time I want another savory snack. I only had half of this Fabe’s vegan brownie (super soft and chewy) at once [chocolate doesn’t give me reflux but I can’t eat much before getting horizontal].
Which brings me to…bed time. Zzzzz.
*As you can see, the common denominator is small portions. I hate it. I’m used to getting heaping platefuls and going back for seconds. I’m soooo looking forward to chowing down once I have some space again.

You are too cute, little pregnant mama! I was late with all 3 of my kiddos, your little one will be out in the world in no time! I just love your blog! Thanks for all of your creativity and spice! PS- I didn’t even know nutritional yeast is often called nooch until you! We got roasted red pepper hummus instead of regular last time, and I can’t get enough of it! I’ve had it before, but now I think it is SO much tastier than regular! Thanks for putting the thought in my mind to try something different! Have a great weekend!
Oh how I remember the days of being bored & overdue!! Yes, it’s frustrating and you are *beyond* ready for that little guy but you’ll be glad you had (& documented) those last few days of boredom. It’ll get very exciting very soon! And I’m so excited for you. 🙂
BTW, are you on Instagram?
oh dear, you sound pretty bored. I hope he comes soon! (I can’t imagine no coffee…) And I know you’re hating your small portions, but they all look pretty delicious to me!
Can you buy bacon tempeh? Or do you somehow make it?
Hope your little boy comes soon, Elise. Again…meals look yummy!
lightlife brand fakin’ bakin
im not but ive been thinking about it lately.
convince me…ready go…
1) easier and quicker than blogging
2) one-handed photo posting
3) the need to show off what your wee one is doing/how cute they are/first smile
4) most blogs I read are on Instagram so if I don’t have time to read posts I just check my IG thread
5) something to do while feeding the baby every 2 hrs! 🙂
love it. and the fact that there are 5 points (fave #) sold me even more.
Hang in there! I was early with both kiddos (Julian = 2 weeks, and Mary was 1 week), and NEVER felt ready. Not like you ever really can be… anyway, try and enjoy the last bit of you and Kyle time! I still owe my husband a Star Wars marathon — that was supposed to happen the weekend before Julian was born (haha… maybe I willed him to come early to get out of 136 hours of Star Wars?!)
Love that kale dish. I just picked a massive bag of kale from my Mum’s garden, and had an amazing kale & mushroom omelette. Mmm.
Hang in there 🙂
ha! you totally wanted to get out of star wars!!
Your mini meals all look really good! I’m sorry your little man is taking his sweet time. I read a blog about green garbanzo beans, I thought it was something you had posted but I can’t find it. Do you have any green garbanzo recipes? Sorry if you don’t I just picked some up at whole foods and am really excited to try the recipe I had seen (and forgot to bookmark)
I forgot to bookmark that one myself, & it’s making me crazy now, but did come across this one. Heck, I don’t even know if I can find these guys up here in Canada………& yes, I’m also in on the baby watch. Hurry up little one…….your Momma sounds like she’s ready & then some!
Thank you! Thats not the recipe I had originally read but that looks/sounds really good! I found them in the freezer section of whole foods.
I think this is the link you’re searching for: http://www.hungryhungryhippie.com/the-weekly-menu-3/
ooooooo it’s getting exiting now!! I remember being SO frustrated in those last weeks – I was 4 days over – me and my sister in law went into labour on the same day, so Misty & his cousin are 2 hours apart 🙂
Hi Elise
Hope you are doing well.
I wanna have your opinion about this since you have good information:
Yes! Thank you!!!
truthfully, im not quite sure. ive looked into several different resources about oils but i get such conflicting info depending on who is promoting/funding the study.
on one hand, theres the whole mufa/omega 6/omega 3 balance issue. and then theres the theory about the harmful nature of oils expressed with heat.
lots of attention now thanks to the primal/paleo crowd.
heres a decent summary: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/healthy-oils/#axzz2KWPDv3hS
but im not sure how much i agree or not.
im kinda of the mindset that everything in moderation is okay. so until i see an independent study from an unfunded/unbiased respected place, thats what ill continue with.
I’m not embarrassed at all to say that I make that potato & carrot concoction on the nights before I run… But I probably eat the equivalent of 2 of what you baked!!!! LOL!
Small portions are good… You’re getting everything you need in a way that your body can handle.
Only a few more days!!!!