I have a THREE year old!
Valley woke up bright and early and we all got in bed together and snuggled and sang to her before she opened her presents. Pacman picked out his gift for her on his own and it was THE most perfect thing for her. He really was super thoughtful about it and her reaction to her new pink unicorn rainbow cup and plate was so precious. For some reason she is obsessed with cups and always wants new (or different ones). Much to her dismay, they use the same sippy cups/water bottles over and over (one set for the house and one set for the car), but if she had her way she would use a new one every day. We have a few other random ones though, which she is constantly begging to rotate in. I have had the same pink klean kanteen for almost a decade (I just did the math) so I have no idea where she got the idea that there needs to be high turnover for these. Diva!
Kyle and I got her a Disney meReader. We got P a Thomas themed one for his second birthday and she recently seemed interested in his so we figured that was a perfect thing. And she LOVES it. Every free second she has she spends “reading” on her own. He also loves helping her along. He is super patient and let’s her do everything without taking over, which I’m so impressed with because as an older sibling I can recall the desire to simply do it myself rather than watch alongside, but he has been great. And definitely enjoys the benefits of the new stories too. I have two MAJOR book worms for kids and it’s a delight to nurture.
She couldn’t even wait for breakfast before getting her hands on her new cup. 🙂
I switched things up for breakfast this day and went back to my peanut buttery granola mix.
Valley spent the morning with me at open gym, which is 100% her happy place.
Before nap time they both went right back to the meReaders.
I made another vegan salad subbing the butternut squash for Brussels. It’s allllmost as good. 😉
Really, though, anything with heaps of candied walnuts and avo is going to be a-ok.
By some miracle, the rain forecasted to slam us for the rest of the day let up and we were able to go to the park with friends. It was packed because apparently everyone had the same idea, but still super fun. Ever since they re-did Pioneer park, it’s the kids’ first choice. I wish I had thought to do Valley’s birthday party there. Oh well.
The birthday girl requested pepperoni pizza for her special dinner, so pizza it was!
This was my first time using a pizza stone! My friend was purging her kitchen stuff and offered it to me and I was like YES YES YES. It’s decently seasoned and after using it once, I can already see how much it improves the crust.
I made two Vicolo crusts for the rest of the fam and made the Cappello’s pizza for me.
Kyle got home before dinner so we put on March Madness, but the kids had no interest and went right back to the books while waiting for the oven timer to ding.
Whoooooooaaaaaaa buddy.
I had half the pizza and tried to stop, but ended up going back for more because WOW was this delish.

Happy birthday to V!