I took a photo of my meals!
First off, I toasted two slices of this seedy bread.
Then added almond butter.
I love how melty nut butter gets on warm (HOT!) toasted bread. I so rarely make the effort to get out the toaster because we keep it in the cabinet, not out on the counter.
The only appliances that get face time in the kitchen are the coffee maker and now the instant pot. Truth be told, I’d prefer the IP to be hidden away too, but it’s so big and I just don’t have any more room! Although now that I’ve typed this out, I’m kinda determined to find a home for it. I like clean counters. I want it to be minimalist looking. Fruit basket on the island. Knife block. No more. I digress…
That’s the same old same old (but with pecans) so I’ll be moving on.
I lightly steamed these shaved Brussels sprouts for dinner before tossing them in tessemae’s creamy vegan Caesar.
I prepped this during nap time, so it just chilled in the fridge until dinner. The Brussels were WAY less tough that way thanks to the pre-steam and long marinating time. Just before serving I added kale too.
It was picked fresh from the garden!
Look at all the kale!!! I hope it doesn’t flower as these super warm months come…greens have been known to bolt on me as soon as Summer approaches.
Meanwhile, Kyle was grilling flank steak and corn.
First corn of the season!
It was also the first time we ate outside this season.
The seats of our patio furniture aren’t the right height for the kids so it’s hard for them to eat very well. As a result, they are kinda all over the place. We ended up having them stand with better success, but in reality, the furniture is on it’s last legs, so maybe we just get by until it totally dies and by then they will be old enough to reach the table and eat with decent manners. A parent can dream right???
Well done Kyle!!
I like my meat well done, but Kyle likes it medium, so flank steak is the perfect cut because I take the thinner/smaller ends and he takes the thicker center and we both get our meat cooked just how we like it.
The kids will eat whatever red meat we give them. They freakin’ love steak. $poiled.
His serving.
And mine.
I didn’t picture the two kombuchas I had, or the two coffees with Califia, or the baby carrots, but I think I actually didn’t have any other nibbles or snacks throughout the day, so this is a pretty accurate day of eats!!

How exciting to have fresh corn already! I love just having it cut off the cob raw in salads. Maybe the kids can just sit on a fat pillow outside? That’s a great idea with the brussel sprouts, unless i massage them like kale and let sit a few hours they’re just too…raw for salads.
I made your cantaloupe salad yesterday , i apparently bought a crunchy cantaloupe ((ugh)) but i like the unripe ones sliced on my mandolin in your salad!
Hope your tummy is doing better and that you had a happy mother’s day today 🙂
Thank you! My gut seems back on the mend and Mother’s Day was awesome. 🙂
And I totally agree about brussels being too…raw.