The first B&G

My friends and I have been planning a special booze and games night for a while now…


I’d say it went off rather well.  😉

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Hula hoop gladiator softball twister jenga.  And some bevies. :)  Bahahaha.

Our cab ride home was ridiculous…the driver had no clue how to drive the 20 blocks from one part of West LA to our apartment and was asking us for directions.  Not good.  Sunday morning I had this beauty waiting for me


And now the weekend is over…sad. 

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Comments (19)

  1. Rachel

    Looks like so much fun! I totally stole your oats idea, I eat them every morning now!

    Ps. I love your blog. I look forward to reading it ever day

  2. Sherry

    I just have to say that you’re pictures instantly reminded me of this:

  3. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFiles

    The end of the weekend is always so sad! Especially when the weekend was fun and Monday weather is beautiful. Looks like you had a blast!

  4. Elise (Post author)

    hahaha…thats EXACTLY what it was like 😀

  5. Red Deception

    That looks like such a good time! I think I can see the continuum where the intoxication increases and the fun does, too!

    PS – you look like you took a hit in Gladiator. Yet, you’re laughing!

  6. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

    B & G night?! Oh that looks like soooo much fun!! I would love to do something like that!

  7. Pure2raw twins

    haha oh twister…the memories

    glad you had a great weekend

  8. julie

    haha!!! i LOVE it!!!! hahaha twister and barbeques are a match made in heaven. i’m thinking i need to get a board befoer this weekends bbq also have you ever played the twister with the water in it? amayzing

  9. Katie

    Looks like so much fun! I’m in sore need of the G part… the B hasn’t been lacking lately, though!

  10. dana @ my little celebration

    What a fun party! I haven’t played Twister in years!

  11. MarathonVal

    Those pictures are hilarrrrious. I love the combo of booze + games! Looks like a blast!

  12. Lenna

    Looks like a very funny weekend! I am glad you enjoyed it, a good weekend always works as the best energy booster 🙂

  13. Sarah

    Awesome! Love Jenga, and twister. And love that last photo of you guys and the blender. Looks like it was great fun x

  14. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    That’s what I want my life to be like in a few years. I hope I never get too old for beer pong and the occasional round of Twister. Looks like such a fun night!

  15. Lee

    This looks like so much fun! I need to throw one of these!

  16. Yolie @ Practising Wellness

    Oh man, that party must;ve been so much fun – totally love the photos, looks like a time and a half! 🙂 I may have to replicate the B&G theme for one of my own partaaays this summer – super cool premise! 😀 xyx

  17. Kelsey

    this is amazing! I love it.

    ahhh living in NYC, I miss good ole’ backyards!!!

  18. Katie

    That reminds me of a summer frat party, and I want in.

  19. Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

    Omg, that looks like an absolute BLAST! Dude, I haven’t played Twister in years! Haha!

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