Soda doesn’t have to be unhealthy. It doesn’t have to contain aspartame. It doesn’t have to contain corn syrup. In fact, it can be calorie free, sweetened with the plant-based wonder ingredient (stevia), and STILL resemble your favorite pop.
I’m no stranger to Zevia. They hooked me up with their goods in the past, and now they are willing to do the same for YOU, my loyal readers.
My personal fave is Dr. Zevia, which takes my taste buds back to my college days nights of DDP fueled all-nighters. While coffee provided (and still provides) my AM kick in the pants, Diet Dr. Pepper was my PM fuel of choice. It certainly helped keep me up all night “studying,” but I hated the way I felt after drinking the stuff. I have since eliminated fake chemical sweeteners from my life, so having a stevia alternative is pretty sweet (pun intended).
Have you ever tried Zevia? If you want a shot at winning the goods for yourself leave a comment and tell me a funny memory/association you have with soda. I’ll pick a winner on Tuesday (9/14) at noon.

All I know is Coke can be used to clean toilets and car batteries, so that’s enough for me to want this! LOL I was also a Diet Dr. Pepper addict back in the day so I’d love to try that flavor. I still do drink Diet Root Beer, but I don’t count that as “pop”…any kind of beer from a root cannot be bad for me. Right?! 😉
I would love to try these! I am so grossed out when I think back to college and I’d drink a real coke or Dr. Pepper almost every day. Nasty!
I am obsessed with Dr. Zevia! It seriously does remind me of the not-so-good stuff. What a fab giveaway!
Favorite soda memory: The time that I woke up in the middle of the night craving soda and downed an entire bottle of Pepsi, only to go right back to sleep. It was back when I drank it all the time around the age of 12 and proved that no matter how hard I try, caffeine has no effect on me. And yet, I keep drinking it anyway, looking for the placebo effect. 🙂
I LOVE Zevia, but it gets rather expensive. I used to be a soda addict, but also hate the way the chemicals make me feel. Love the bubbles though!
Fav memory:
When I was little, my family had pizza and pop night every friday and we would watch tv together. It was one of my favorite nights of the week!
I’ve never tried Zevia but I’d love to! I used to be addicted to Diet Coke with Lime but finally stopped that about 4 years ago. Good thing b/c it’s gross!
I can’t think of any funny stories but I’m sure I have laughed while drinking soda and it came out of my nose which actually hurts a lot.
I love Zevia!
My funny association with “pop” (although as a transplanted Midwesterner, I don’t call it that anymore) is going to our lake house with my family every weekend, and my mom had a strict two-pop a day limit. That’s a lot of sugar, but it was always tough picking out just two to drink.
My funny soda story is that I can’t give up diet soda! Wait…that’s not funny! I’m really trying to give it up because I know it’s not good for me. There is just something so comforting about it…maybe that’s where Zevia comes in?
My favorite is Dr. Pepper, but I don’t drink it very often because of the high fructose corn syrup content (or any other pop for that matter) and would love to try Zevia. My favorite pop memory is associated with my grandfather. He drank one can of Dr. Pepper every day as he put it–for the prune juice content. My grandmother hated any kind of pop, so he hid it in the milk cooler in his dairy barn. When we went out to do evening chores with him, I would be the lookout and keep grandma busy so he could enjoy his nightly can of Dr. Pepper.
I loooove Zevia and buy it whenever its on sale – which isn’t often enough. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your nuptials!
When I was 10, my brother made me laugh while I was drinking Sprite and it came streaming out of my nose. The sting was unreal! I now haven’t had pop in several years…I attribute that mostly to the HFCS, but also in part to that traumatic experience.
When I was in st. Thomas with my family I knew my go to relationship with diet coke (crack) had to end. My sister and my aunt decided that the diet coke in the caribbean was not sweet enough and proceeded to empty sweet and low packets into their glasses. From that moment on, it was only water for me! And zevia of course!
mmmmm i loveeeee zevia haha and funniest thing is that my funny soda story is when i was wearing a zevia tshirt and my ahole brother made an obnoxious comment about it and it made me laugh and the zevia came out my nose hahahaha tmi? anyhoo i hope i win!
I’ve never tried Zevia, but I would love to!
My funniest memory of soda is when my little sister (who was only about 6 or 7) was drinking a root beer at a family reunion. It came in glass bottles, and her hand was covering the ‘root’ part of the word, so somebody thought she was drinking beer!
It was 7th grade. Ms. Perfect, let’s call her “Mary”, was better than me (and everyone else, for that matter) at pretty much everything. So imagine my delight when, at a late-night slumber party soda chug-off, I managed to finally one-up Mary! Sure, the thing I was “better” at was gulping 180 cals of HFCS as quickly as possible and then belching like a dude watching football, but man was I proud. Victory was finally mine. Carbonated glory!
I love soda, and have always wanted to try Zevia!
My favorite soda memory would have to have been this summer, when I found Diet SunDrop in a gas station on my cross-country move to Texas. Since it is only distributed in certain parts of the midwest, I did a little SunDrop dance, and ended up buy an entire 2 liter bottle. After I forced my sister to take multiple pictures of me with the glorious bottle, I drank the whole darn thing.
Sad. Horrible.
Worth every drop. 🙂
I’ll always remember as a little kid my best friend (we’re still besties now) Annie and I sitting with cups of Coca Cola and dipping our pretzels sticks into it. It sounds gross but we thought it was the greatest idea ever.
Nicole G
I used to love buying a Hansen’s soda and a red vine at the school store when I was younger. I would bite off the tips of the red vine and use it as a straw. Mmmm.
ZEVIA IS THE BEST!!! In high school I used to drink a full 12 pack of Coke Zero every 2 days… not good!!! I would keep it in the garage as if the distance would prevent me from drinking so much of the darn stuff… no luck! Now I don’t drink any diet soda OTHER than the occasional Zevia and would LOVE to have some in my dorm room 🙂
Hmmm…well when I was in China I remember the sodas, even though they were the same brands (Coke, etc) tasted less sweet than the ones in the U.S!
First- congrats on your wedding! You looked stunning in the photos and I’m so happy for you!
My memory of drinking soda would have to be going to 7-11 and mixing ALL the different flavors together. Technically not soda, but that’s all I could think of.
Love Zevia! 🙂
My grandma thinks sodas are healthy. Lol. Anything she likes is healthy and soda is one of them. So growing up we were fed lots of doritoes and coke =/
I am a DDP addict. I love the stuff. Though I try not to drink it too much. I had my first taste of soda when I was an infant. My Papa gave me Diet Coke in my baby bottle. haha. I’ve been hooked ever since!
I luv Zevia…have been drinking it since it first came out…I wish they would come out with stevia sweetened chewing gum! My funny soda story…I smuggled a soda into the movie theater and as I was walking through the cinema entrance the can exploded in my purse and it leaked all over my bag. I also had chocolate in my purse that got injured during the incident. Looks like someone was trying to tell me something:)
Hmmm well my siblings and I used to blow bubbles into our soda the the Old Spaghetti factory, and we could never understand why our parents told us not to until we made a huge mess all over the table and/or breathed in soda and had fits of coughing spells.
We were wonderful kids.
Elyse, I don’t personally have any funny pop stories (don’t drink it) but I have a HILARIOUS pop story that has to do with my husband but I’m afraid I can’t embarrass him by writing it on here. But, email if you are curious 😉 I would love to win the Zevia for him since I’m trying hard to wean him off pop!
Elyse, I don’t personally have any funny pop stories (don’t drink it) but I have a HILARIOUS pop story that has to do with my husband but I’m afraid I can’t embarrass him by writing it on here. But, email if you are curious 😉 I would love to win the Zevia for him since I’m trying hard to wean him off pop!
I love zevia but its so expensive to get here! Hmm my pop story would have to be drinking coke in class while getting yelled at by a teacher…and I get the awkward laughter when an adult is yelling at me…so I spat pop all over his face when I couldn’t hold my laughter any longer.
We grew up drinking seltzer. My great-grandpa was a seltzer man in New York in the early 1900s, so seltzer seems to run in my blood. My mom would always make it in our little seltzer maker, which reminded my dad of his grandpa making seltzer at home when he was young. Well, one day I was sitting on the couch and asked my mom to toss me the bottle and of course, I hadn’t screwed the cap on well enough and it exploded mid air. The entire family room was COVERED in seltzer. We still laugh about it and make sure the cap is on very very tight!
I have always wanted to try this stuff–yay! I don’t have any funny memories about soda, because we were never allowed to drink the stuff growing up…boo. Actually, I am glad now, but I hated it when I was younger! I was so uncool, lol. I would love to join the cool club and try Zevia!
I need this! Zevia isn’t carried in the “traditional” grocery stores around me, so I have to make a special trip to WF if I want to get some. I’ve been addicted to 7-up lately and have been wanting to try their version.
I am a fan of stevia and would love to try the Zevia! My favorite memory of coke (we dont call it soda or pop..we call everything coke..haha) is when I was really young, my neighbor friends and I all met up for dinner one night. We all just brought whatever dinner our parents had provided for that night. All of our neighbors were eating pizza and soda, while my brother, sister and I were given spaghetti and milk! I didnt appreciate it back then, but i can now 🙂
Woa! That’s so awesome. I am a complete bubbles girl and love soda (just not the HFC, artificial sweeteners, or yucky chemicals) and seltzer water. I’m definitely going to have to try this one!
Fav. soda memories: chilling out with my boyfriend over dinner and getting soda in my nose because he makes me laugh so hard <3
I have no funny memories of soda, but I LOVE Zevia! Ginger Ale and Dr. Zevia are my favs<3 Yumm! 🙂
Fact: two days ago, I existed on Diet coke (2 cans/day) just so I could stay awake to study ><
i would totally love some zevia! being a college student, i can’t really buy it – regular diet soda is so much cheaper – but getting some for free would be great!
i can’t really think of a funny story, except for this one time that my older brother told me that drinking soda through a straw through your nose was the same as drinking it through your mouth.. needless to say, my oblivious ten year old self tried it and found out it is definitely NOT the same haha it burned!
in college my roommate and i used to go to mcdonalds and by 42 ounce diet cokes for 99cents and make 42 ounce whiskey diets to pregame all our nights out.
i miss college.
..even if i just graduated nine months ago.
Fresca! I remember my mom smoking cigarettes and drinking Fresca. blech, bad memories. I associated that flavor with cigarette smoke. Then I found Fresca again about 5 years ago and LOVE it! Can’t find anything else like it. Would love to try Zevia, I’ve never heard of it!
I would love to try Zevia! I recently switched from Splenda to Truvia and love diet soda so this would be perfect for me. Drinking Diet Coke is definitely one of my worst health habits but I just love the taste and the bubbles so it has always been a challenge to get myself to cut back : )
I have so many memories of sneaking Sunkists with my sisters when my mom wasn’t looking. We all loveddd orange soda!
Zevia. Scott BEGS me for this stuff. I was never much of a soda drinker, and drink none of it now. I like Zevia, but Scott adores it. Enter me hotstuff 🙂
Dr. Zevia is my fave flavor too!
My mom is kinda infamous for ALWAYS having a diet soda in hand, and as a kid I was always trying to sneak a sip. One day I got caught in the act with cola ALL over my face, and my mom thought it was so cute that she snapped a Polaroid. Yeah, that picture has made an appearance in several embarrassing situations.
I used to be a Diet Coke addict – until a doctor at the University requested fresh diet cokes to unstop the IV’s that had gotten clogged up! I thought -sheesh, if it will unclog an IV, what’s it doing to my tummy? Plus, I have bad bad reactions to Splenda and it worried me as to what the aspartame could be doing. I have tried the Zevia cola and ginger ale and after not having any carbonation for about 3 years, it was SOOO good and bubbly!! I have read many good reviews on the Dr. Zevia so I hope to either win some or find some in a store!
As for a funny association, my son would put ice cream/rock salt in the 2 liter cokes and when you opened it – boom! The top would fly off from the pressure. Too funny!
I have long ago broke off my relationship with soda but my association with soda with calling is “Coke”. I’m from Atlanta (birthplace of Coca-Cola) so everyone calls any kind of soda, “Coke”. It doesn’t matter what type or brand of soda… its ALL “Coke”.
Oh man.. funniest thing i can remember growing up. My mom had put a diet coke in the freezer so it would get cold faster. Well about 20 or so minutes later she gets it from the freezer and opens it. And as SOON as she opened it it literally sprayed ALL over her. And im not talking a little spray. It EXPLODED. It was priceless. Her face was in such disbelief. Ya know how when u jump into a freezing cold pool and it just shocks you? That was her face. hahaha
I’ll admit– I’m still addicted to Coke products, no Pepsi for me.
My favorite soda-related memory is that Pepsi v. Coke was definitely a factor on my pro/con lists for deciding on a college. I wound up going to a Pepsi school, which actually helped me stop drinking so much soda since I hated that brand so much. I’m really interested in trying Zevia.
i have never tried zevia…looks delish however. i have a terrible habit of drinking diet soda. only 1 day, if any, but i just love a tasty drink sometimes! and i’m cheap. my fave has to be diet mountain dew. always takes me back to undergrad, where it was used to fuel study sessions, or as a yummy chaser for our vladmir vodka shots in the dorms. close second is diet dr pepper, which was used as a mixer with our wild turkey whiskey. high class, we were.
Have you ever laughed so hard while you were drinking soda that it came out of your nose…notttt so funny at the time..
My biggest soda memory is definitely all the mornings my brother and I ate those little chocolate covered doughnuts you buy at the gas station with our can of Dr. Pepper on the way to school! I always give my mom a hard time about that, breakfast of elementary school champions!
Now, I drink my fair share of Diet Dr.Pepper to keep me awake while studying for nursing school!!! I need to try the Dr.Zevia Ive seen it at my Whole Foods but never got the courage to try it!! I hope it helps me kick my diet soda habit!
I’ve only tried the ginger ale zevia, but i’m dying to try the other flavors! My funniest memory involving soda was when my best friends and I were having a sleepover in seventh grade. We thought we were cool and took “shots” of orange soda and got really hyper and prank called a ton of people. It was soooo long ago, but I still smile when I look at the pictures!
The ginger beer Zevia was a beloved find for me…my grandmother used to make a homemade version, and many a time, my oh-so-wholesome school lunch consisted of ginger beer in a thermos, shredded taco cheese and pretzels. It’s amazing that I got to be this tall, given my childhood predilection towards nutritional self-determination..ah, responsible parenting!
I’ve never tried Zevia. It looks rad.
The lol-worthiest pop story I can think of took place in 3rd grade at lunch. My BFF Danielle was having a Pepsi, and I was having a Coke. I took one sip of the Coke and said, “Danielle–I think they put Pepsi in my Coke.” I tasted my Coke against her Pepsi, and was totally convinced.
It pissed me off so much that I got this brilliant idea to write a “wtf” letter to Coke (with Danielle’s help – she recommended that I use swearing to get my point across). I wrote crazily in my bubbly child-writing, telling the “fools” at Coke that I didn’t buy Pepsi, I bought Coke, so I was upset, etc etc., and would they please refund my purchase price right now or send me a real Coke.
They never wrote back!! I keep waiting for my real Coke..
I don’t drink a lot of soda but when I do, I have the BEST burps! =] Sometimes, after I drink it, I like to show off.
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I’ve always wanted to try this stuff! My favorite soda memory is from last summer, when all the females in my family got totally obsessed with flavored soda water and each drank approximately a liter per day. We were teased by the rest of my family and finally had to cut back. We need to start the Zevia obsession!
I used to combine all the different sodas together at the self-serve fountains. My mom thought it was disgusting. My sister and I thought it was perfection
Zevia is the bomb-dig. Funny soda story? My friend’s mom is to this day OBSESSED with Tab (does anyone even remember when that stuff was popular??) Our local market carries only two 6 packs of the stuff a week, so she befriended the stock guy to save it for her until she comes in. Classic.
There were a few staples in college:
Natty Light (it’s what we could afford and did the job)
Ramen (hey– ain’t no shame)
Regular coke on Sunday mornings to soothe the tummy!
I love Zevia – but it’s hard to find in Tampa as it’s almost always sold out – and it’s EXPENSIVE. But I love it anyway.
When we were little kids, my cousin and I used to think it was hysterical to put fake ice cubes (the ones with the spiders inside) in people’s glasses of soda! Thanks for the giveaway – I’d love to try Zevia!
Years ago, when I was a child, my sister and I used to spend some weekends with our paternal grandparents. First, we would go to sleep relatively early, but then, around midnight, we would always creep out of our beds, head downstairs, and enjoy ice cream sodas (always accompanied by pretzel sticks!) with our grandparents. It almost became that of a routine; either an ice cream soda or chocolate soda! To this day, whenever I hear an ice cream soda mentioned, I am instantly transported to childhood, laughing and sipping my tasty beverage with my sister and grandparents. <3
I have been looking for Zevia where I live and finally found it, but the price has made me think twice! I would love to try it to see if it is something I would like to splurge on every now and then!
When I was in high school, I had a friend who wanted to stop drinking soda. For some reason, my other friends and I told her that Fresca was not soda–just carbonated, sweetened, juice. I’ll admit it was kind of mean to tell her that, but we were so surprised that she believed us, we just kept up the joke. About six months later when she figured out that Fresca was indeed soda, she was pretty angry. Good thing that was 8 years ago and we can laugh about it now.
mmm zevia!!! my funny story about soda is going to the COke place in epcot…and trying every single soda there. amazing how i didn’ tget a sugar rush and run around screaming. 🙂
My funny story is that in high school I use to know a girl that would carry bring a whole 2 liter of diet coke to school EVERY single day! she said sometimes she would drink more then 2 liters a day.
Also one of my favorite soda flavors from when I use to live in Denmark is apricot! yum!
It has been years since I had *real* soda, (and about 2 since I quit the diet soda addiction)…I quit drinking it well for the obvious reasons…it’s terrible for you! Of course growing up in the early 90’s, us kids didn’t think that at all….I remember going out to eat when I was old enough to use the fountain machines…I would mix every flavor of soda, besides the tea, and drink it! Ugh, all that HFCS…now that I think of it, I am surprised I made it through my childhood! Never heard of Zevia, I don’t even think our stores carry it here, but I am intrigued!
Lets just say soda + laughter don’t go well together. First date, sip of soda, giggled= came out of my nost. Nuff said.
soda is bad… but i let myself drink coke zero because i can’t resist the crisp, cold, bubbly refreshment. i save the caps and enter them on the coke website so they mail me free coke coupons. i used to be “addicted” to a green-tea energy drink thing called Enviga. and so my concerned friend wrote me this one day after i told him that i wrote a paper without drinking a single enviga:
“omg, i’m so proud of you!! you’re on your way to a full recovery from this addiction….soon u can leave the support group and venture out into the unkown world, where a temptation called enviga is waiting for you. But you will resist the urge, and go past it in harris teeter, nor will you crave enviga. Your boundaries and morals will be tested, but it will pass and you too will me normal again. No more unhealthy energy drinks made my the devil himself, nestle. Soon you will be Julia Bonin, enviga free. And you will live happily every after.
Disclaimer: If you are addicted to enviga, like this poor college student, please call this toll free help line. 1-800-HELPME2, or log on to and soon you will be a success story, just like young, beautiful, full of life Julia Bonin.
This has been a public service announcement for Be Enviga Free. Thanks, and remember, enjoy life, don’t be enslaved by a this epidemic that is sweeping college campuses around the world. B.En.Free”
…he is crazy
I want to try Zevia so badly! I’m trying to think of a funny story about soda but I don’t have one 🙁
I love Zevia, but I have only tried it a few times because it’s so pricey. At my last job, my coworker and I used to alternate bringing in cases of Diet Dr. Pepper or Coke Zero and keeping them in the office fridge as an “emergency stash.” Except every single afternoon, we would both break down and have one…it was a horrible habit! I’ve tried to stop drinking so much diet soda, but I do miss it and Zevia is an excellent, healthier option 🙂
I would love to try this! When I was younger…..My mom would occasionally buy me a Dr. Pepper after swim lessons. Now I always think of a pool when I have one. I still love it!
Congrats girl! You won! Holler at me with your mailing address and I’ll be sure you get your goods!!