I think he’s going to grow up to be a chef. 🙂
Blueberry baked donuts…because we read this book and the mood struck.
We are all about incorporating books into our lives, since we go to the library (minimum) once a week and read 349875039768345 books a day…it is only natural that the characters and plot lines and themes carry over into daily conversation…and with food especially! I mean, how could you ever read a book about donuts and not make them right then and there!?! Right?!
See also: Dragons Love Tacos (here and here)
I love this! I am already reading to my little one daily (or trying to…she is not all that in to it at this point) to try to encourage a love for reading and books. It is so fun that P likes books so much!
V has only in the past few months gotten into reading so it’s nice that they’re at least starting to overlap in that regard but I don’t know any other kids who adore books the way P does. It’s truly astounding. If he had his way we would spend every waking second curled up with books. Even the same book! It’s insane. Good job for starting your baby girl early….since basically every study ever concludes with “READ TO YOUR CHILD. THE END.” 🙂