I have SO much to catch up on!
I’m going to randomly share the last bits and pieces of last week so I can recap the highlight of the weekend…the PARTY that my sisters and I threw for my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary. 🙂
Yes, I made the junky salad again. I had half a bottle of Brianna’s dressing left, so I may as well, right?? It was GOOOOOOD.
The co-op didn’t have the Siete chips, but luckily Nugget had one bag left! Eek! I grabbed the beanfield “nacho” chips too, just in case I wanted to make the salad a few more times (because helloooooo food ruts are my thing!) and I didn’t want to be limited by the inability to find the best part of the salad, the crunch factor. You know what?? I actually think I like the beanfield’s better!? They are so so flavorful and have a thicker texture than the siete ones. Not to mention they are way cheaper. This may be my preferred ingredient going forward…
Still went with pinto beans, corn, olives, and all the regular suspects.
I gave the kids chicken and avo in theirs but didn’t need any in mine. It was perfect on it’s own.
See those beanfield chips? Sturdy and crunchy and salty and delish.
Camp week continues! We were captured by the photog and I took a screen shot to send to Kyle while he was away.
Cosmic kids yoga is soooo cute! I love the messages and the length of each lesson is perfect, as is the difficulty level. The kids are really into it, too, so that’s obviously the most important.
These are SALTY! Like, I love salt, and I’m like WHOA these are salty. They are good-ish, but I’m still trying to figure out if I really like them or if my taste buds are just confused by the different stuff going on. The plantain and coconut is slightly sweet and then with the salt, it’s a confusing situation for my tongue. Is it savory? Is it a cracker? Is it a banana? What’s going on!?!
Giving this a go (for my anxiety). Stay tuned?
I pack up lunch (using mostly leftovers) for them to eat at camp while I help set things up for the next day. I did it the same time I usually pack Kyle’s lunches – right after we have finished dinner, while I clean up the kitchen. That way I can package things up and put things away in one fell swoop.
As you can see, no scrap gets thrown away ever. I may seem like a frugal psycho but I hate food waste. I know I’ve said it here before, but I really never throw food away. When they were babies I added every little scrap to a tupperware and when it got to be enough, I’d blend it into a smoothie with enough fruit to mask it and make it edible. They are very happy to eat pizza in any shape or form – whether it’s a full slice or a few bites of crust.
What do you get when you combine kale, tessemae’s dressing, and chicken nuggets??
Only the best Caesar salad of all time!
This is another one of those “my husband is out of town and I am tired of arguing and whining so I’m feeding them something that will obviously be adored” meals.
Which had enough leftovers to package up as well (I made a ton for this purpose, obvs).
Another Caesar salad! This time with roasted chicken, sun dried tomatoes, and a bunch of home-made seedy crackers. Because I forgot how much I love home-made crackers and needed to get back on track with those.
Anddddd then Friday night arrived and Kyle returned and I cleaned out the fridge rather than make something new.
My bowl had roasted Brussels sprouts, smoked salmon, pecans, and a wedge of pecorino romano on the side. A little odd, perhaps, but totally tasty nonetheless. Plus it finished off a lot of random tupperwares, so that made me happy.
Kyle had the remaining rice noodle dish I shared here.
Another container down!! Yes!
MAC AND CHEESE!!! Ok, this isn’t a leftover technically, but it was from the pantry and still didn’t require me to buy anything new so that’s all I care about. I added kale because it’s me and they looooved it.
It had real cheese in it too and I didn’t even count it as P’s dose (gave him another 5 g cow milk protein on top of his dairy-full dinner)…with no problems at all! He’s a rock star with his doses these days.
As soon as we were done with dinner we put the kids in the car and set off for a weekend in the East Bay.
Here’s a teaser from when we were setting up.
PS anyone getting good stuff from amazon on PRIME DAY??
The instant pot (the same model I have) is on sale for super cheap!
A few kinds of spiralizers are on sale!

I’m seriously considering a Dyson vacuum…but will probably end up being too cheap haha.
You’ll have to report on the CBD! I’m interested in trying it for anxiety as well and would love to hear your thoughts.
I’m a big fan of those Beanfield chips! They’re nice and sturdy and flavorful enough I don’t feel like i want dip or salsa with them. I really like the black bean flavor. Although i have never tried the siete chips since they’re fairly expensive and I’m not gf or low carb.
You probably already know this but i read something online about how people with fodmaps issues can also have soe problems digesting avocado, apparently they’re related somehow…? Anyways thought it was worth mentioning, some people are sensitive to it and others not so much.
Seriously fantastic that P can have mac and cheese for dinner! He can handle more dairy now that i can 😉
Long go when I initially tested I found I had no sensitivity to avo (thank GOODNESS) but every so often I kinda wonder. VERY recently (because my stomach has been acting up more lately) I started trying to keep my daily portion at 1/2 an avo and if I know I’m having it at more than one meal I’ll keep it to just a few slices per meal. Siete chips are prob not worth the $$. Also, I’m not totally sure my stomach is handling the cassava flour so there’s that…