If you’re interested (and why wouldn’t you be) I am about to post the best pumpkin banana bread recipe ever. Seriously.
I don’t really think I’m that good in the baked goods department. When I cook, I rarely stick to recipes. I like changing things and tweaking here and there as I go based on what I have on hand and what I like…but you can’t really do that when you’re baking.
Oddly enough, it was the threat of not having an oven that led me to take the plunge.
Let me back up a bit…
Yesterday Kyle emailed me from school saying our landlord had contacted him to inform us that our stove/oven needed “updating.” Uhhh… Huh? For the record, both our stove and oven work fine. Also, what exactly does “updating” entail? Is this a safety thing? Am I currently breathing in toxic fumes from a leaky gas pipe? Is our electricity gonna blow? You see where my mind goes…
Nevertheless, we were told to not use our oven until they came to fix it. What!? I’m a food blogger! I make tea 5 times a day on the stove, I make sweet potato and carrot fries by the oven load, I roast squash almost daily…and that’s the tip of the iceberg! You can’t take them away from me!
Here’s the kicker. It would take them 5-6 hours. HOURS!?
What the…[swear jar].
So naturally, I rebelled. I told them I had bananas on their last legs peels and I had to make banana bread. Stat.
…which meant I had to think of a banana bread recipe. Stat.
I browsed the pages of fellow bloggers for a recipe, and although I found several good ones, in the end, I decided to make up my own.
I was nervous that it wouldn’t turn out, but I should have had more faith in myself.
It was superb.
And it will last me at the very least until they fix the oven. But not much longer…
Pumpkin banana bread (vegan)
- 2 overly-ripe bananas
- 1/3 cup melted coconut oil (I used Tropical Traditions Gold Label)
- 1 cup pumpkin puree (I used Libby’s)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (I used 3 drops NuNatural’s liquid vanilla stevia)
- chia seed “egg” (1 tbsp chia seeds + 1/8 cup water)
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1/2 cup NuNatural’s stevia baking blend
- 1 tsp baking soda
- pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mash banana and then add other wet ingredients (melted coconut oil, pumpkin puree, vanilla, chia seed “egg”). Mix together. Then add in dry ingredients (flour, stevia blend, baking soda, salt).
Distribute into two small bread loaf pans.
I had some batter left over, so I added the last of my carob chips and put the extra into muffin tins.
Bake bread for 50 minutes at 350 degrees (the muffins only take 35 minutes). After 50 minutes poke with a toothpick to see if the bread is done. If it comes out clean, it’s good to go. If the inside sticks to the toothpick, keep it in for another 10 minutes. It should be done after 60 minutes.
Let cool.
Remove from pan.
Maybe with some multi-nut butter?
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Ohh how I wish I was at home and could make this TODAY! Saving the recipe!!
That is the moistest, densest looking loaf I have ever seen. And what a coincidence – YESTERDAY I was searching the web for banana pumpkin bread recipes. I’m glad I held out for this one!!!
THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS! I have already bookmarked it and sacrificed two bananas to the ripening gods.
hi! im jess- long time reader, first time commenter. (i think?)
while that bread does look delish, i saw this and immediately thought that you might find it entertaining:
annnd back to lurking.
Hey Elise! I have been reading through all of your old blog posts the past few days because I believe that we have a similar problem that I just figured out that I had…IBS/lactose-intolerance. I am going to send an email your way soon asking some questions and what not. Looking at your meals and such has given me some great ideas! I just want to get your perspective on the whole issue. Thankfully, I have an appt. with a GI doctor coming up soon, so hopefully I can get some real tests done or something just to make sure it’s what I and my regular doc think it is.
Be talking to you soon!
Katie 🙂
omggg i want to make this pumpkin bread so bad. i don’t have coconut butter….is there anything i could use instead?
Yes!! I have all of these ingredients at my house already (I just have to give my bananas a few days) – I can’t wait to make this!
Thanks for the recipe…I’m always on the lookout for a good pumpkin bread recipe…adding carob chips to the muffins is such a good idea!
hmmm…i really love the coconut oil and think its worth hunting down…but in the meantime another oil would work (maybe canola?).
Hi Elise!
I ran across your blog not too long ago. You have great recipes on here! I have been craving some pumpkin bread and will have to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing!
You’re hilarious. And I am making this as soon as I have some naners.
This looks INSANE. And now that I have a hungry fellow around who likes warm things that come out of ovens, I may need to make it STAT.
I was looking for a healthy-ish bread recipe for this weekend! What would be a good substitute if I don’t have coconut oil? And could I use a flax egg instead?
Looks SO moist and delicious!!! Saved 🙂
Yum!! It looks perfectly moist and delicious, just the way a pumpkin bread should be!
it looks so moiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha that’s gross but it really does and i have ALL of those ingredients well except for the chia seeds but i can use an egg instead. i want! i bet its coconuttay.
Omg I loooove adding coconut oil to banana bread… makes it so amazingly moist. You’re making me itching to go make some bread right now, seriously I’m salivating just looking at the pictures!
This looks AMAZING!! I’m going to tr it out this weekend with a gluten-free flour mix and hope that it comes out just as moist looking (eww, hate the word moist). I bet the coconut oil makes it even better.
A flax egg would definitely work…I usually use chia seeds since you have to grind the flax. Also, canola oil could replace the coconut oil, but I think coconut oil makes it extra moist and delish. Hope you make it and ENJOY!!
this has got to be the moistest vegan bread ever. it’s oozing from the screen. i hate the M word but truly your bread is worth using that word for!!!! MMMMMM gooooooD!
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It’s in the oven now! I had extremely dry batter so I added some almond milk to it. I wonder why it was so much drier than yours.. oh well, I am sure it will turn out! I will letcha know. xoxo
Weird…I’m sure it’ll taste good since you thinned it out with almond milk.
Yes yes yesss! thank you so much. I have been endlessly searching for the perfect pumpkin/banana bread, but everything I found was either made with a ton of sugar/agave, whole wheat pastry flour or was non-vegan beyond substitution. This is absolutely perfect! I have everything on hand; now I just need my bananas to hurry and ripen.
2 questions: Can I halve the recipe and have it turn out all right? It seems like it makes a lot, which is totally cool, but since I’m the only one in my family that likes “healthy” food, 1/2 would probably be better.
The next question, can you taste the stevia-taste in the bread? I’ve found that every time I use NuNatural’s Baking Blend, the baked good tastes really artificial and kinda weird. Is that the case in this bread, or do the bananas hide it? Thanks so much. 🙂
freaking addicted.
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Hey Kelsey! I’m sure you could halve the recipe, but those tins were small guys, so if you made it in a big pan it would fill the whole thing…also, they freeze really well so if your fam has no interest just keep the uneaten one in the freezer until you want it. Saves a ton of time later…
As for the NuNat addition, it’s definitely delicious and there is no bitterness whatsoever. One of the recipes I made in the past has what you were describing and I never posted it as a result, but this one is totally good. You’d never know it wasn’t real sugar. Enjoy!
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This looks excellent! Can’t wait to try! Are chia seeds an egg replacement?
I made it again!
Thanks so much for answering my questions! I made this bread and it was AMAZING. My Mom and I loved it. The only things I did differently was use a flax-egg and use 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour. I also topped the loaf with chopped chocolate pieces and pecans. So good–I will be making it again once my new bananas ripen. 🙂
Yeah!!! So glad you liked it 🙂
It’s so good! I made it GF because 1/3 of my office is celiac (!) and it didn’t come out as pretty as yours, but it still TASTES amazing made with almond meal instead of flour.
Yeah! Glad you liked 🙂
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ah putting this in my recipe book!
Ahh, girl this looks so dense and thick!! My FAVORITE! I can’t wait to make this!
I want this whole loaf in mah belly NOW! I sadly don’t have any coconut oil, so maybe regular oil or applesauce will have to work for the time being. Because I need this asap! 🙂
….if only i had loaf pans and a stove to bake in… can’t wait till next year when we move into a house (i’m in rez at school!) so I can all my food!
Seriously, this looks so moist, dense and …good…. I’m salivating right now!
oh.my.gawd. i made this and it just might be the most delicious thing to touch my mouth!
i made it gf by subbing in 1cup coconut flour and 1 cup almond meal. and topped with your multinut butter, fantastico!
Wow those look awesome!
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Brilliant! I couldn’t be happier with the end result! Sooo moist, it’s just brilliant.
YEA! glad you like. its a fave of mine for sure 🙂
Hey Elise! I was looking around for treats and found your site. I think the title is super cute because it reminds me of the madness trying to beat my brothers at Hungry Hungry Hippos. (No wonder everything was made of a plastic…) I would really like to feature your recipe on my blog. Can I use one of your pumpkiny photos (with generous linking)??
I would love to try this recipe but no where can I find this Stevia baking blend.. Is there a way I can make it without by subing something in?
you can buy it online… https://nunaturals.com/productcategory/31
(or wait for a giveaway on my site this week) 😉
I just made this bread last night and oh my goodness I’m in love. I’m so glad I finally decided to make it. I’ve been drooling over it since you posted the recipe over a year ago. Thanks for the recipe!
So, I made this three weeks ago with brown rice flour and almond flour, maple syrup instead of stevia and an organic egg instead of the chia. Such a success. But, today I made it with amaranth flour, agave/honey instead of maple syrup and the chia seed egg. Ehh… not a fan lol. Back to the first recipe!
glad you liked it sherry!
Looks delicious — can’t go wrong with bananas and pumpkin!
Are you able to make this with oat flour or brown rice flour? I am on a low FODMAP diet and am trying to stay away from wheat.
id say use a blend of brown rice flour, oat flour and almond flour…using them in equal thirds is usually how i get the best wheat-free fodmaps free results. brown rice flour can be a bit too dense and hearty for a baked good on its own.
Hi, I live in the UK, where it’s very hard to get hold of Nunatural’s Stevia baking blend. Would using maple syrup / agave nectar / honey change the consistency of the bread? Should I maybe add more flour?
well, its hard to predict without trying it myself, but id replace the baking blend with 1/3 cup cane sugar. then use regular vanilla extract rather than the stevia liquid vanilla.
that should be fine and you shouldn’t have to alter the other flour because the sugar isn’t a liquid.
if you really want to use honey/maple syrup/agave instead then im not sure what to tell you about the flour…baking is kind of like mad science.
Ok, thanks…I’ll have a bit of an experiment!
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