As I’ve mentioned before, I have been reading up on the low FODMAPS approach to managing IBS symptoms. Just in the past few weeks I’ve already started to notice relief – and that’s without doing the full fledged elimination phase. Which is what I wanted to discuss today.
Reminder: FODMAPS are Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, and Mono-saccharides And Polyols.
In more plain terminology, they are certain kinds of carbohydrates, which include lactose, fructose, fructans, polyols, and galactans. The specifics of why certain sugars, starches, and fibers are more irritating to people with IBS gets a little complicated because it is based on the biochemistry of the food (and I don’t know anyone who remembers that much about the chemical structures of fructose vs. glucose or what the ratios are in each food) but all you need to know are the basics.
FODMAPS are found in certain grains, vegetables, dried peas/beans, milk products, and prepared foods and beverages. All FODMAPS are thought to cause IBS symptoms in the same way: they cause too much gas and water in your large intestine. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know which foods (and in what quantities) are causing the problem unless you look at the big picture and take into account all five different kinds of FODMAPS at the same time.
They have a cumulative effect on the gut, so the more foods with FODMAPS you eat in a day, the more symptomatic you will be. This is why some days you can feel fine with a certain food, and the next day you feel like it’s tearing your gut apart. I know everyone with IBS knows the frustration I’m talking about…wondering why something can be fine one moment and then make you feel like garbage the next…
On top of this already complicated situation, each person is different.
So to determine which groups (lactose, fructose, fructans, polyols, and/or galactans) are the main culprits for you personally, you have to do a little sleuth work.
Starting with the “elimination phase.”
Obviously, the elimination phase of the FODMAPS diet is not intended to be permanent, it’s a temporary way of resetting your body’s digestive system before you introduce each category of foods (one at a time) containing FODMAPS.
Ideally, each of these “challenge phases” lasts a week or two, during which you learn what you tolerate and in what amount.
So now you probably want to know examples of foods in each of the FODMAPS groups.
Lactose: milk, milk products
Fructose: honey, HFCS, molasses, processed condiments (BBQ sauce, catsup, tomato paste, jam, sweet & sour sauce, etc.), fruit juice, dried fruit (except raisins), and certain fresh fruits (melon, mango, papaya, figs)
Fructans: wheat, onions, garlic, shallots/leeks, inulin, pineapples, and certain vegetables (asparagus, artichokes, zucchini)
Polyols: hydrogenated starches, isomalt, and most sugar additives that end in –ol (ie lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol), and certain fruits (apricots, nectarines, plums)
Galactans: beans, peas, hummus, lentils, soy (and soy based products), TVP, tempeh, and certain vegetables (green beans, cabbage, peas)
[This is by no means a complete list, just an idea of foods containing FODMAPS in each group]
After testing your body’s reaction to one category, you return to the elimination diet, let your GI system re-set itself, and then try the next.
In theory, by the end of all the challenge phases, you will be able to know what FODMAPS containing foods you can get away with, and what will produce symptoms.
Let me stress this: you aren’t meant to remain on a zero FODMAPS diet for the rest of your life (because that would just plain suck). However, knowing that galactans are a real problem area for you may mean you avoid eating a tofu scramble for breakfast, a hummus and tempeh sandwich for lunch, and lentil soup for dinner. It’s about finding the right balance for YOUR gut.
As I go through the elimination phase, followed by each challenge phase, I’ll give you updates, show you my meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, and describe how I’m feeling. We will see how this goes down…
I miss you already.

I am really interested in seeing how this all works for you! I wanted to try it myself, but I was too scared by the elimination process 🙂 But it seems like a do-able and clever approach to follow and find out what works for you/causes you problems!
I’ve been waiting for some Fodmaps 411 and a post on this after your last one talking about this. I totally feel like I have some of these issues too.
“elimination phase, followed by each challenge phase, I’ll give you updates…” <– please do!
Gold standard of any food allergy situation is eliminate then reintroduce, watch for results. Glad you are seeing relief & results already!
love the new header! is it new or am i just seeing things? haha.
I’ve done FODMAPS, it is quite helpful. We actually had to do this with my niece as well. ALl those food allergies with kids these days !
I’d be so interested to see weekly menu breakdowns etc. I’m one of the few people whose IBS seems to be just as bad vegan as vegetarian etc – I went through a brief fish-eating period in the hope of calming things down but it didn’t seem to help. Sarah pointed me towards FODMAPs too but I must admit I found the concept quite confusing and intimidating to tackle: if I had menu ideas then I think I might actually be able to give it a go 🙂
Oh goodness, I hope hummus is not one of your intolerables! A life without hummus is not a life I’d want to know. Good luck with the testing!
this might be a silly question.. but how long does the elimination phase need to last to be sure your digestive system has reset itself?
I’m so excited to see how this works for you! I’ve always been so dang frustrated because – just like you said – some days one food will be fine, and another it makes me double over and lay on the couch all night. How long does the elimination phase last…just until you feel better?
the elimination phase is designed to be a few days or 1-2 weeks but its fairly subjective…some people notice they are symptom free immediately (like me). so when i felt that relief i knew i made the right decision. i think ill only do it for one week because its hard being without so many of my fave foods.
its not a silly question. its highly individual, and is more of a subjective thing…when (and if) you feel the bloating/gas/other symptoms subside, then its safe to say your GI system has reached that point. but theres no harm in doing it longer. it can be such a relief to feel good, that many people report staying in the elimination phase for a long long time, simply because its nice to be asymptomatic. i would like more variety in my life though, so i plan on doing it about a week – provided how amazing i feel remains.
i think its a problem only if i have it in bulk and with a ton of other galactans in the same day. prior to starting the elimination phase, ive been doing a low fodmaps diet and its been working as long as i eat foods with fodmaps in low amounts and im mindful of how many and what different kinds i have over the course of the day. we will see when that challenge phase comes along though.
ill try and help you out. its definitely a tricky one to navigate. i think they need a fodmaps food app!
the new header is a few months old, but ill take the compliment anyways! haha 🙂
HI Elise,
I was waiting for your updates regarding Fodmaps. I am excited to follow your results. Hopefully it will work well for you. I have IBS too and actually everyday is a challenge to me. I am sick and tired of this! Your work is really inspiring. I used one of your recipes and post it on my blog. Let me just ask you to understand the process: first you’ll eliminate one of the group at the time and after finishing with all challenge phases,you will start an introduction again, (group by group)? Or you can do it both at the same time?
hi izabela. i feel your pain. seriously.
to answer your question, its one group at a time. no overlap in new challenge categories. im planning on going back to the elimination phase between each group for a few days too, just to re-set my system. hope this helps you!
It does and it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. It’s great, thanks much
oh geeze, i am blind! but it does look great!!
Thanks for breaking this down for me! I had NO idea what any of it meant. I hope the journey goes well for you!
Hey Girlie! This is SO interesting – thank you for sharing your experiences, I definitely think I would benefit from a similar elimination diet – I’ll let you test the waters and see how you feel 🙂 hehe
Ugh, I seriously love roasted pine nut sabra hummus. I also, think I have IBS. Let me know how it goes, I may have to join you.
I know I need to do this too, but as a vegan, I feel like *everything* I eat is on the FODMAPS list! I feel like the elimination phase would be painful just because there are so few foods I could actually eat!
Galactans: beans, peas, hummus, lentils, soy (and soy based products), TVP, tempeh, and certain vegetables (green beans, cabbage, peas)
they get me every time! i totally feel your pain!
Good luck with all this! Can’t wait to see how it all goes for you, this kind of stuff is super interesting to me for some weird reason haha.
Good luck with it! I am sure you can succeed, since you have been dealing with your other intolerances greatly, creating such wonderful pictures and recipes to share 🙂
Yay I was waiting for an update! Your list is better than the list of foods I found too – I wondered why molasses and TVP always killed me and now I know. Where did you find the best comprehensive list? Also, have you read anything about nutritional yeast? That is another thing that kills my belly. Thanks so much for doing this I think it is going to help a lot of people including me!
I found an app on my phone (i have a droid) that was free! It’s not all inclusive but it’s a pretty decent list.
after exhaustive research, ive found nutritional yeast to be ok, so im putting it on the fodmaps free list.
i felt the same aha! moment with TVP…and so many other things. especially eating them all on the same day. chowing down on heaps of apples, loaves of bread and tubs of hummus one after another. combining all these things…man…its just so crazy that i never knew of fodmaps until now. i swear, my entire life has changed since learning this. last week and during my time in nyc i was doing a very low fodmaps diet and i found that in small amounts, a few bites of certain fodmaps in a day doesnt hurt me. i feel so empowered knowing more about the whys in my GI system!
thank you fran!
i know right? we will see how small amounts works when i get to the galactans challenge phase!
you know what though…after the elimination phase, the challenges will be so helpful in understanding IBS. the past few weeks learning about fodmaps and just making small changes to keep the daily amounts low has made a HUGE difference for me. and knowing the “whys” of my horrid reactions has made managing them so much easier! i swear, learning about fodmaps has completely changed my life. i cant wait to continue to learn more.
really!?!? whats it called?
Good luck! Hope you figure out what works for you and what it is that ‘s bugging you. I’ve been wanting to try an elimination diet myself to see if other things besides gluten bother my system.
Low – FODMAP Diet
Sean colombo
Thank you again for sharing this! I am already experiencing relief too. I actually lost 2 pounds of water weight from the bloating after just 3 days. Gross. But good.
Anyway, having visited a FODMAP specialist, here are a few things I have just learned: One thing to note is that the latest research suggests that tofu is allowed during the elimination phase for most people. Also, so are hard cheese and lactose-free dairy, as well as soft cheese and yoghurt with lactose in small amounts….for those that aren’t vegan, obviously. Small amounts of some of those foods (e.g. 1/4 c green peas) are also allowed.
Me too Jessica – my symptoms are just as bad vegan as vegetarian. If you have FODMAP intolerance, it makes sense because not everyone who has FODMAP intolerance has lactose intolerance, so what going from vegetarian to vegan gets you is a greater load of the most problematic foods (beans, lentils, veg, etc.)! Once I realised that, it all made sense that I was like “why does everyone else feel magically better when they go vegan and I’ve been vegan for 6 years with a very healthy diet and still nothing???” Oh, that’s why: because my very healthy diet was actually the thing making me feel not so good!
good to know about tofu…i hadnt heard that, but i had some soy in new york and was fine (all other sources of fodmaps were nil at that point) so i figured tofu and tempeh were fine. anyways, good to know about the other stuff – i had heard hard cheeses but i didnt know about the others. please continue to share as you find out more and more things! i love hearing about others’ experiences.
oh and i had the same reaction with weight loss from bloat too. seriously, craziness.
the weird thing is that i never put two and two together about the accumulating effect of all the foods with fodmaps – but then why would i ever suspect that certain types of carbohydrates all have something in common that irritates the gut!
ive always *thought* i felt bad after eating dairy, but who knows?!? maybe it was another fodmap food? im so curious about getting to that phase of the challenge. this is all so crazy. crazy AWESOME though. i feel like a whole new person with the discovery of the low fodmaps diet. im not even that far into making changes and ive already felt like this has changed my life.
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I concur! It’s like suddenly there’s this missing piece of the puzzle and it all makes much more sense. I always told people “it feels like the food is fermenting in my gut”. They would look at me like I was an alien, but it turns out I was kind of right!
Pingback: Thoughts on the elimination phase
thank you so much for sharing this. we will have to look more into Fodmaps for ourselves, we are doing are food elimination diet to see what foods we do well with and which was we do not. I will have to look more closely at this approach to incorporate it in!
i read your post on that. i am curious about how yours goes as well. are you going to do more specific posts on it later?
Elise yes we hope so, the more we learn from it! 🙂
no hummus??!! oh no!!! 🙁
i know!!! nor apples!!!
Pingback: Brown rice no-tillas
Question: How do you find sweet potatoes treat you? I haven’t seen them on any FODMAP lists online, but I notice every time I eat one it bloats me up immediately, and now Brittany from EatingBirdFood has told me the same thing, so I’m inclined to think it’s high in something.
actually, i havent had any bloating issues with sweet potatoes. i had some (baked) yesterday and was normal afterwards, so i think im ok with them. hmmm, i wonder why you guys are experiencing that.
Pingback: Chemistry and cornbread
This is really interesting. I have always had issues with my GI but have had no idea why. Now I am wondering if this is the answer. I have been trying to find a more complete list so I know what I can/can’t eat during each of the phases. I am finding all different things.. do you have a resource with a complete list? I can’t wait to try this. Thanks for writing about it, I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise.
Pingback: Hummus’ return
Pingback: Allergy testing
This is so interesting. I have struggled with IBS symptoms for years now, and I have never heard of this. I just recently went through an elimination diet to pinpoint food sensitivities, and after not having any symptoms for the first month or so, I am starting to have them again. But I haven’t been able to put my finger on one in particular food that is causing it. I’ll have to do some research on this one. Is there a book or main resource you can recommend?
The only book I got was by Patsy Catsos – called IBS – Free at last!
She’s the expert in the field and has a website that she updates regularly:
Pingback: Fodmaps friendly snacks
Your blog is really interesting! I can’t believe how many people are suffering from IBS and FODMAPS…
I am not only a vegetarian but also nursing, so I can’t be too strict about my diet. But I am desperate to get better, even just a little bit! You list zucchini, green beans and pineapple as not ok – in contrast to other lists I found. Any ideas about that? What about spelt, is it safe to use? I found it here:
I am glad you can eat hummus again, what a treat! 🙂
hi petra! if its relief from GI issues that you are in search of, the main thing to do is trial and error with each ingredient until you find the source of your digestive pain. for each person it is different. i can tolerate some things more than others – the above list is a broad one and overly inclusive.
also just to be clear (1) i dont like thinking of food as good or bad so i avoid the term “better”, and (2) im not an RD or MD so i dont have any expertise in the area (im basing my blog off of my personal experiences). thats said, you can see why i am hesitant to give too much advice. if you are able to, you may consider an elimination diet as i discuss above.
as for spelt, it does have wheat, so if you are sensitive to fructans (or wheat) then spelt will probably cause you GI upset.
hope that helps!
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Pingback: Clean Food Cornbread (with a side of eggs) « FODMAPS diet
You see this is what I find hard. On my list of low fodmaps – from Sue Shepherd who discovered the probs high fodmaps caused in IBS – are melon, pineapples and cougettes (zucchini). I find these on your not OK list. Difficult to know where to start!!
sue shepherd has the most updated info. if you check out this post youll see the reason there is so much conflicting info:
theres a new publication that has all the most current info. you can buy it online from a site mentioned in that post.
youre right zucchini are now considered ok. it costs 5000 dollars per ingredient tested and takes a few weeks, so thats why the research is slow.
Pingback: Family, FODMAPS, and Easter | drinkthewildair
Pingback: Healthy Cheese Sauce Recipe for Clean Eating | Lisa Lately
When I found your site it was like I heard angels and harps! I have been in the fetal position for the last two days! I was diagnosed with IBS-C about 3 weeks ago after a colonoscopy (I’m 45) and I have felt wonderful until yesterday. All of a sudden my stomach is in knots and I can hardly move. I CAN’T WAIT TO GET STARTED ON THIS DIET! That’s right, I’m yelling! I know we just met, but I love you already!
hi debbie!!! im so glad you found me 🙂 yell away, thats EXACTLY how thrilled i was when i discovered this stuff.
and if you want to check out my other site ( its also a great resource.
Hi Elise,
Is it stated anywhere in your blog what food groups you reacted to and how long your reaction lasted? For example, if you ate an apple or lentils Sunday when woud you feel ‘normal’ again? I really interested in how long symptoms from defending fods typically last. Many thanks!
sorry B – i havent posted that due to the number of variables involved (work day, most recent BM, which category of fodmaps, amounts eaten, etc.).
also what groups are worse for me can be easier for others. so its really an individual thing. start tracking your eats and symptoms so you can really narrow it down.
oh but i will say, after stopping all fodmaps, im pretty much normal again by 48 hours.
can u post your daily diet? It would help those of us overwhelmed by this exhaustive list!
Also, how would vegans do this?
hi bee. i saw your other post on my fodmaps site so if i do a fodmaps post it will be there. the ebook i wrote has an elimination plan that 99% vegan (one recipe has eggs) so if you want to check that out go here:
Even after eliminating gluten, I found that anything with chickpeas was like a “stop work order” for my gut. Constipation for a few days, blah blah blah. And you know what? I don’t miss it at all if the effects are that bad, especially with ulcerative colitis.
i agree…symptoms are so not worth it. even if the food is sooooo good. 🙁
Pingback: Experimenting for IBS Relief | GOtheXtraMile
Where does tart cherry juice concentrate fall on fodmaps? Is this ok to use without any fodmaps issues? (Its supposed to be awesome for inflammation)
since cherries are high in fodmaps, id venture to guess that cherry juice concentrate would be categorized the same.
Pingback: Overly FODMAPs heavy
Pingback: FODMAP Foods and Feeling Good Again | Nourishing and Dissertating
Elise, I’m so glad i discovered your blog. I have had IBS for over 3 yrs and was in a lot of pain until I read an article in the Wall St Journal about FODMAPS. I have found it to be a miracle cure, and am really upset my doctors didn’t tell me anything about it, or perhaps didn’t even know about it. One of them prescribed a drug that did absolutely nothing. The other said, There’s nothing i can do for you! So here’s my question: I follow the FODMAPS diet very strictly except for gluten. I have never found that eating foods with gluten causes IBS symptoms. but once in a while, I will get an IBS “attack” and can’t think of anything i ate containing FODMAPS. Just wondering if you have had this happen, because it’s very puzzling!
Spelt should be ok when you make bread of it. Check if it’s 100% spelt, Often there is wheat added. It’s not OK when used as pasta according to certain sources on the internet. Fructan content of spelt is 0,07 gr (100 gr) which is very little.
Dear Elise,
I’m quite new to the whole Plant-based diet–only 7 months now. However, I’ve read quite a few books, watched videos, etc. and I must say your recipes, the great pictures and clear directions are some of the best I’ve seen. You really should give up nursing and become a writer– full time. I would buy any book you wrote and illustrated!
I am eating vegan and it has cleared up my IBS fantastically! No more diarrhea! A true blessing! I really don’t understand the whole FODMAPS thing. We are all so different, I guess.
A friend of mine is really sold on the Eat for Your Blood Type. The research I’ve done on it all seems to say that there is no science to back it up.
What do you know about it?
Also, where do you ever find time to work on all your sites, plus be a mommy and wife AND nurse??? Elise, seriously, you should write books!
Hello Elise (and all),
I am so glad I found this site! I have had GI issues for as long as i can remember and experimented with so many different diets ( I am GFCF). One thing that really hit home was the whole fermentation issue. I’ve always said to my parents that I felt like food was just sitting in my stomach and fermenting. And even though gas and bloating are no fun, what really kills me is bad breath. Depending on what I eat, what food combination, I would get this feeling that food is not digesting and I would get bad taste in my mouth and bad breath. I just would like to get some feedback from others if someone has similar issue and if you found improvement with this diet. I am studying nutrition and have really explored all options to improve my digestion. Have a feeling I’m onto something with FODMAPS. Sure hope that’s true!
i hope so too! good luck!
I started the elimination phase one week ago…. Today might be the first day I was aware of more time without cramps than with. This phase is to last two weeks and then my nutritionist will tell me how to proceed. I have had cramps for several months , never having problems before…..But! Upon reading the no no fodmaps I realized I was overdosing in them…fruit smoothies and raw vegetables galore. This process is so overwhelming but if I have another day with less cramps I’m on bored for life.
so overwhelming! but stick with it!!
what about string beans? i am supposed to follow the FODMAP diet in a week according to my Doc. thx
i think those are in the green beans category, which is similar to broccoli and brussels sprouts in that many tolerate and many do not. id avoid for elimination then reintroduce and see how you tolerate.
Pingback: What I eat. - Sondra Rose: Happy Mind • Healthy Body • Wise Heart
Hi, your blog is really helpful about FODMAPS so thanks! I have been doing this with a dietician, and have just finished the challenge phase. I’ve ended up having problems with every group except for galactans. Has anyone else had this? Not sure what to do now as I don’t want to cut all of those foods out forever but I feel so much better since doing this diet! Any help would be great! Thanks!
hi steph, you may talk to your RD about this but if you can avoid the galactans as much as possible i think you should. theres a chance w prolonged avoidance your gut could heal and youd tolerate them better. the principles behind the gaps and scd diet (which are somewhat similar to fodmaps) explore that more. theres also the four R approach which basically makes you remove the foods, meanwhile you repair your gut, then you reinoculate and reintroduce foods. heres a link that breaks it down really well:
@bengreenfield has some great info on Fodmaps as well
Shannon, I really thought that was a commercial you were posting and was suspicious of it but took a look anyway. WOW–that is the best explanation of digestion I have ever seen–esp in regard to different foods! Yes, he does have products to sell, but well worth a look in regard to how different foods are digested. Thanks for posting!
agreed! i love how detailed this link is…thanks!
Hi I am trying the FODMAP diet, struggling to balance everything and different websites, books etc have different foods.
ATM im using GF bread, pasta and having rice based foods
But struggling with what snacks to have besides fruit etc.
I was eating things with soya instead of milk, glute and wheat but heard soya is bad .. Is this true.
I’m still having some really bad flare ups in which end up just eating rice cakes when poorly as these last days
Any tips
Thank you
Caitlin, I agree, it’s frustrating to find disagreement about FODMAPs foods on the internet. Everyone is different, but I have found that gluten and dairy don’t bother me as much as the high FODMAPs fruits & vegetables. (I do like GF cereal with lactose-free milk, though,) I found an app for my iPhone that is a big help: Low FODMaP IBS Diet by Dr. Travis Dierenfeldt–it is really on-target. And remember, even if you find you can have a small amount of a “bad” food, be careful because these foods are cumulative. I can have a little hummus, a little avocado, a little broccoli–but NOT all on the same day, and certainly never in the same meal! And keep reading Elise’s blog–it’s very helpful 🙂
Good luck!
Thx Terri – we are very similar it seems in how we can handle small amounts of various fodmap foods but not when they accumulate. I agree the discrepancies are frustrating but I think it’s Bc monash is constantly testing foods so we are constantly learning and being updated as they do.
I can not wait to see how it goes for you! I have had IBS for 4 years now and it sooooo sucks. I just started eliminating stuff this week because I just found out about the low FODMAPS diet. I am sooooo excited! I am still learning about it and I have really researched. There is so much to learn, but it is fun learning about it and definitely exciting. I hope it works for you and I, and everybody with IBS! I ordered a book to learn more and it should get here in about a week. It is called IBS Free At Last, second edition, by Patsy Catsos. Have you read her book? I have been on her website and it is so awesome! Well, good luck!
There is now an app available to buy from Monash University in Melbourne Australia where they do the testing and are always updating,money goes to support more research. They also have a printed booklet available to purchase and it shows amounts you can consume of certain foods,ie; some foods are low fodmaps in small amounts but if you go over the recommended amounts it becomes high fodmaps,and example is 1/4 cup of peas are okay but if you have 1/2 cup it is not,same with canned lentils. I am still learning as I have been doing it for 3 weeks was doing great then we had a heat wave here in Australia and I got symptoms back and felt terrible,not sure what triggered it. But will stick on low fodmaps only for 6 to 8 weeks.
Just completed a month on the elimination phase….amazing.
Has freed my life from the horrors of 6-7 night trips to the bathroom.
Have regained my self-confidence about leaving the house without “accidents” on the way to work BUT now feel ready for the challenge of reinstating all those foods that I miss….
QUESTION: do you take only one food from one category (e.g.Fructose)
and then wait to see what happens?
It’s going to take months to add on each food one at a time….
and if I get a bad reaction….how long do I wait until I can try again?
I find soya products heavy to digest. Try rice/almond/oat or hazelnut milk instead non-sweetened. They are really tasty and you can make them into smoothies with strawberries/kiwi or make them into a great dessert using oats/ground coconuts/ground peanuts/sunflower seeds/shai seeds
BUT don’t be tempted to starve yourself when things go bad.
I thought that if I didn’t eat the symptoms would disappear – they got worse – your body needs nutrients otherwise you just begin to “eat” your own body and become anorexic – and that’s a whole new ball game!!!
Yes! Finalpy someine writes about libres telecharger.
There is already a fodmaps app – go to Monash University in Australia website to find it,that’s where all the research started and they continue to test new food. I don’t have a smartphone but this is one of the reason I might consider finally getting one,love to hear how good it is.
Downloaded the MONASH app. their guide is great for shopping and checking out new products
or new fruits in season…and as they are Aussies I presume that is why they have Kangaroo on their
list of low FODMAPS – which is really worth knowing!
I decided to go Vegan after being on a vegetarian diet for around 20 years – thought it would help my gastro problems – then I discovered FODMAPS – all those legumes were the actual culprits! Gone back to vegetarian + fish. Now on the challenge phase and all going well. Atleast now I am begiinning to know what my GUT has been trying to tell me for years HEALTHY is not necessarily good!
You have hit the nail on the head! That’s the saddest part about having FODMAPS sensitivity. Those healthy foods we love cause so much pain! I used to love to watch cooking shows featuring healthy foods, healthy diet, how to combine foods to get the protein you need without eating meat, and so much of it I can no longer eat. So like you I am eating fish and staying pretty much FODMAPS Free. I know it’s hard but just tune that stuff out and adjust your thinking. What’s healthy for most people is not healthy for you!
I am still finding it difficult to “unplug” my brain to a certain way of healthy eating. I still can’t get my head around the fact that most of the summer fruits are not healthy for me. I just used to love making plum cake or apricot pie..
and you try to explain to friends why you can’t have the lentil soup or try the great sweet and sour cabbage salad with juicy chunks of apples and raisins????
However my nights are becoming longer and visits to the bathroom less frequent – and my taste buds are back!
Made one big mistake at the beginning…never realized that you can overdose on FODMAPS!
I thought that you could take any amount of the foods on the list. WRONG – everything in moderation…
which has never been my strong point! I was starting every day with a green juice of mixed leafy veg.
and during the day loads of almonds, peanuts, oats and seeds – most of which went straight through my system!
My Aussie dietitian (Monash University graduate) – put me straight.
Never eat too much of any one thing.
Never eat on an empty stomach. Small meals often are better than large ones spread out.
Sue, do u find that green veg juices bother u or help u? I can’t tell if they do or not, especially for people with dysbiosis (like sibo, candida, or parasites… Like, could it be fast fuel for them?)
Everyone reacts differently to each food when digested seperately or to a number of foods which are eaten in one serving together. I have found that leafy greens are great in moderation but not all together first thing in the morning. …A mixed green salad as a side dish works better for me. I have also learned which foods to eat for lunch and which foods one can eat in the evening or before bedtime. It’s a constantly changing situation – unfortunately…..but worth the effort.
I am interested to hear more of what you have worked out that suits you for lunch and what smoothies work for you, I am still having trouble with working out amounts, and I eat a lot of spinach with my meals at dinner,lunch is usually a salad with lots of greens,herbs and maybe quinoa,tempeh or nuts. Not sure if the nuts are giving me problems still or tahini.
Hey Linda
My first lesson with FODMAPS was “expect the unexpected”
I have realised that one just has to “reset” your thoughts and conclusions about food.
Everything that I had learned from childhood until recently is just not relevant.
Healthy for me may not be healthy for everyone and visa versa. It is really difficult to tell you what
works for me as it may be different for you and it even may be different for me next week!
For me less is best. I have stopped eating too much of anything even if it’s permissable on the low
FODMAP list. Eating lots of spinach every day is not good and eating a lot of greens every day is not good.
Eat small amounts of foods and keep changing within the list. Smoothies can be made with melon/carrots/parsley for a sweet smoothie and add rice milk or almond milk or oat milk for that “smoothie” taste. Green juice is fine but don’t mix too many in one serving. Celery is a great example.
Good with one stalk – no good with two!
After doing the blood tests for allergies I found that I am not allergic to celiac but soya/tempeh/tofu is problematic for me..also I can eat nuts but seeds seem to go straight through my system without being absorbed. I also found out that “absorbance” is as important as amount. If you don’t absorb the nutrients in the food then it doesn’t really matter what you eat….
Tehina (sesame seeds) and Thai seeds shouldn’t give you problems if eaten in moderation but that also depends on what you eat with it. I eat Quinoa in the evening because it’s light – I make it sweet with oats/almonds/ground coconut as a dessert.
It just means working out what fits for you – what makes you feel good during the day and lets you sleep through the night. This morning I had another “accident” on the way to work….ask me why – who knows – didn’t eat anything new – expect the unexpected.
What’s the best thing – getting feedback from other FODMAPpers….most people don’t even know what I am talking about!
Thank you so much Sue,it is very helpful what you wrote. I think I should cut back on the spinach, and see how it goes. I understand everyone is different and this is what makes it even harder to work out a diet which is symptom free. I am still on fodmap diet, months now and it has helped me so much. I am energetic, happy and my symptoms are only mild now compared to when it was debilitating, don’t want to go back there.
Hey there Linda – Interested to read that you have been on the FODMAP diet for months. It actually says that this diet is not permanent and one should only be on it for 2 months at the most. I really don’t understand that.
There is no way that I can see myself ever going back to just eating anything I like or fancy at any time of the day or night! On the one hand it is very frustrating as I just used to love apples/pears/nectarines/plums/apricots and peaches not to mention cooking with onions and garlic BUT as you say – if it means going without just not to “go back” to a schedule of “hit & miss” – it’s definitely worth it. I am even beginning to go out to restaurants again and accept invitations for dinner at friends –
life is slowly going back to normal after a very long time of uncertainty. The Monash App. is really great – gives you info immediately when you are out socialising or shopping.
I don’t know where you read that this diet is not permanent. I had read that it’s possible your body could heal eventually so that you could once again eat some of the forbidden foods. But even after three years on the low FODMAPs diet, I find that I still can’t digest the bad foods. You might be able to eat small quantities, but I have learned the hard way that I have to stick with low FODMAPs foods.
Hey there Terri
When my Gastro doctor first mentioned the FODMAP diet I of course Googled it and found a website associated with IBS. Think it was IBSfree. – and that’s where I got my initial information. That’s before I went to a dietician who recommended the Monash app. and then I found this site. Anyway I was under the impression that the basic low FODMAP list (which differs from site to site) was just a temporary stage until you got back on to a permanent diet of “normal” eating. I have now been on it for around 4 months and I really got depressed because couldn’t seem to add anything extra back on during the challenge phase….that’s why I have reverted back to a vegetarian diet because being a Vegan on this diet is not “challenging” it’s “mission impossible”…..and now at least I have more choices within the low FODMAP list as legumes are an integral part of a vegan diet and for me that’s forbidden.
Now I realise this is going to be a life – long mission – still dreaming of munching an apple or baking an apricot pie…..the temptation of summer fruits!.
You can do the fodmaps on a Vegan diet, I am having no problems. Legumes are allowed but you have to be careful how you cook it and how much you eat. I soak my lentils, rinse them twice, cook them in fresh water with seaweed(helps digestion) and only consume 1/4 cup at a time. With chick peas I make sure to take off the skins,yes tedious but worth the effort if you really want to eat them. Also for protein I eat quinoa and buckwheat which are very high in protein. And nuts can be eaten but only a small handful at a time. You can also use protein powders which are easily digestable like Inca Inchi powder or rice protein powder(good organic quality one).Every one is different and you just have to be brave and add a little more each week rather then daily. Start each day with banana mixed with berries, buckwheat porridge, and gluten free toast you will be full until you have your lunch which should consist of the salad you are allowed to have plus a small amount of legume or grains. I also eat tempeh a couple of times a week for lunch. Dinner for me is organic vegies and rice or vegies and gluten free pasta. Just have to remember that the quantity of fodmaps is what the problem is and working out what your tolerance is can be hard and is ongoing for me too.
Hey Linda:
I think we all agree that everyone is different but we are all here for the same reason: to improve our
lifestyle. I became a Vegan a year and a half ago not for ideological reasons but for health reasons. I was supported by my son who is a devote Vegan and he gave me all the advice about preparation and cooking. At first I loved the new menus and enjoyed cooking all the dishes …
All your ideas became a way of life including green juice every morning to start the day. Unfortunately it became obvious that not only did I not improve but my situation became worse. I then did blood tests and found out that I am not allergic to Gluten but I have a problem with legumes including soya beans. Once you take out soya/legumes/onions/garlic/apples/pears/beans/dried fruit etc. etc. the diet
becomes boring and tasteless. I lost 5 kilos of weight and lost interest in eating altogether.
I have now reverted back to being a vegetarian – have gained weight – look better and the FODMAP diet is manageable. Considering this is a life-long measure I think you will agree that what may be good for you is not necessarily good for me!
I started the FOD MAP diet about two years ago (started with gluten free in Nov 2012 and moved up to FOD MAP). I am still pretty much on the elimination phase after all that time. It is very hard to be completely free of FOD MAPs and it seems my system is more reactive than previously, but I have also lost 30 pounds and feel much better with a few exceptions. Please remember, this is a way for you to develop an “owners manual” for your body, what type of fuel, in what amounts make you feel better and not worse. Slowly over time it gets better. I have again achieved an equilibrium on the elimination phase and I am ready to start some new challenges now that I think I am more stable. Tonight, I will buy some lactose-free yogurt!
I have found that a low FODMAPs diet has pretty much eliminated my IBS. But we are still being bombarded with commercials that yogurt, with its probiotic component, should help IBS. I complained to my local supermarket because they did not carry lactose-free yogurt. I got a nice reply from their corporate staff that said the yogurts they carry, while not actually lactose free, are very low in lactose compared to most other dairy products. I have not done any research, but I tried some Greek yogurt and have not had any problems with it at all. Does anyone know the scoop on FODMAPS and yogurt?
Hi Elise! I realize this is an old post, but I have a related question. Have you ever done a post detailing which symptoms led you to a FODMAPS diet? I am considering it, but I’m not sure that my symptoms align. Thank you!
I hope you were able to reintroduce hummus! Chickpeas have been rated low in GOS in 1/4 cup servings, so you could totally have a little bit with some rice crackers or carrot sticks. 🙂 Of course, that’s assuming you aren’t extra sensitive to GOS than the general guidelines allow.
I’m on my 4th day and am experiencing headaches all day and am having trouble sleeping. Anyone else experience this? It’s awful right now.
Margaret – your life will be side effects at the beginning until you settle down to your own food regime and find out when and what to eat – FODMAP changes your lifestyle – but it’s worth it in the long run. Been on it for a year and although adherence is tough and it’s very anti-social (gave-up explaining to friends that I am on a diet not dieting) Health food is not necessarily healthy for me! Restaurants are tricky – home cooking is best. Hang in there – just remember why you are doing it> the app. is really helpful for shopping.
Im going to try this, I have IBS for the last 4 years my life is a roller coaster of ups and downs, cramps, waking up at night with cramps, my doctors have done every test they can, they said ruled out chron and celuac so they said I only have IBS which is increased by my PTSD, I have suffered panic attacks and Im left with anxiety disorder. Sometimes I get this awful stomach pain right below my ribs, feels like my stomach is tight or hard and felt very nauseated, I thought my pancreas could be bad, but they tested that too and said it was good, I will give this a shot, as is getting depressing and nerve breaking as Im afraid of eating anything, Im not under weight but just get bloated and cramps that take the life out of me, do you all get some of this, please help.
“Jesus” – Don’t forget IBS is a syndrome not a specific illness – which means it is a chain of disorders that affects different areas of your body, which may or may not have anything to do with your digestive system. The only connecting factor is stress. The more stressed out you are – the worse it is. I have now been on the FODMAP diet for around 2 years and sometimes eat a small amount of a particular food which is not listed. No one understands what diet I am on because people classify you as Vegan/Vegetarian etc. This is a way of life not a diet – stick to it religiously and you will soon feel better – once you feel better physically you will feel better mentally and visa versa. It’s really difficult to adhere to – but worth it – find a way of relieving stress by exercise/Feldenkreis/yoga/Alexander or meditation – whatever is good for you and like one of Jesus’ miracles – your body will begin to heal itself.
Sue, IBS can certainly give you stress but I am the least stressed out person I know and I have IBS. Fortunately mine is strictly physical and strictly related to what I eat. It is almost completely eliminated by adhering to the low FODMAPS diet. Sorry but I go berserk whenever I hear people suggest that stress causes IBS. it is the other way around. If you eat food that you can’t digest, no amount of stress relieving techniques are going to take away that pain!
If you are the “least stressed out person you know” then it is very strange that you should go “berserk” when you hear that stress causes health problems! As I mentioned IBS is a syndrome – obviously you know more than the medical profession as even laymen/women know that pain is alleviated by stress management.Not eradicated just alleviated. As I mentioned there are many factors that contribute to the gut not being able to completely digest different foods that is why everyone reacts differently and has their own allergies to various foods.Some people on your website can eat soya products including tofu – I can’t – some people can’t eat gluten – I can – I think you should agree to disagree! Have been to expensive dieticians that recommended expenses potions and nothing helped. Oprn your mind to different opinions and find YOUR own method – it may not be good for all of us!
Sue, you’re right about stress exacerbating pain But the belief that stress was causing MY IBS was ludicrous. Dr Oz even did a program on blowing up a balloon next time you have an IBS episode. What a joke. It is offensive to me when I know that high FODMAPS foods are responsible for my digestive issues. There are studies that show adhering to the diet will help 75% of people diagnosed with IBS. I don’t have a website. I am a follower of Elise’s blog on FODMAPS. I was thrilled to discover her site several years ago and found it helpful because her reactions to certain foods were so similar to mine and she was posting about experimenting with foods and developing some good low FODMAPS recipes. So my goal is to spread the word about diet and IBS and help as many people as I can. This diet completely changed my life so you can see why I feel so strongly about it.
Ok everyone, I appreciate the conversation if it’s in the name of helping each other out so let’s try to remember that’s the goal in online forums and site’s such as this.
Elise – completely agree. This site was my first lifeline when I started the FODMAP diet. Two and a half years later it has become a lifestyle.
I think it was just my enthusiasm to try and help others starting out on the long journey of trial and error – discovering themselves and their bodies – and understanding that the FODMAP way of life truly works despite the ignorance and misconceptions of others in the ways of “healthy” eating. In my opinion anything that alleviates stress in conjunction with the FODMAP diet is worth a try – in solidarity – Sue
100% agree Sue.
I have been doings this for 2 days and I literally feel like I have had an elephant sitting on me that just got off. Drastic difference.
I love hearing of other people’s success, so great. Don’t forget there is an app for it; Monash University website has all the info. There are in Australia and continuing testing fodmaps so any money goes to their research. They sell books too if you don’t want an app.
I am 15 and have IBS. It is really hard to pack a lunch or buy food at school (the school food sucks!!) but I can’t find many recipes that I can use to pack a lunch or easy recipes for on the go. (I get really busy sometimes) Do you have any tips that could help??
Download the Monash University Low FODMAP diet – it’s a perfect companion with a guide which gets updated regularly and really easy recipes – easy to look up foods when you are shopping – good luck