***Edited to add**** I just realized this is my 1,000th post. Crazy! I might have to celebrate with a giveaway soon!
Of course the second my neck and back start feeling normal again my stomach decides to go off the deep end. Blah. I probably consumed over 3000 calories yesterday, but absorbed under 100. I was cursed with overly rapid transit time, if you catch my drift.
In any event, I was pretty productive when I wasn’t in the bano. I can’t wait to share!
For breakfast I baked a mini banana bread, which was basically overnight oats with a mashed up banana but fancified due to the use of the oven.
The night before, I mixed together:
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1 whole banana
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/4 cup nondairy milk (I used So Delicious vanilla coconut creamer)
- 1/2 cup hot water
- pinch of salt
- pinch of stevia
Once everything was uniformly stirred up, I popped it in the oven at 350 for 45 minutes.
Half way there.
Hot off the press.
The next morning I flipped it onto a plate and drizzled it with thinned out peanut butter.
Like whoa.
Vegan and gluten-free banana bread bake for one (maybe two).
Already by this point I knew something was up with my stomach, but I still powered through.
It was too good to stop anyway. For a normal person, this may be enough for two meals. I haven’t been normal for quite some time now though.
The rest of the day was busy busy. Guess what!?!?
I FINALLY went to the pool!!!
Nothing like starting the swim portion of your triathlon “training” 2 weeks before the actual race. I’ll tell you more about that later…
I also packed up and dropped off my overnight bags for the weekend, including an obscene amount of food.
Clearly I’ve gotten caught up in the prepare-for-a-disaster-mentality. For heck’s sake, I’m not roughing it in the desert, I’m staying with my cousin!! She lives within walking distance of Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Native Foods, and Starbucks. [And the hospital] I don’t think I’ll be wanting for foodie options. 😉
Just in case, I have lots of pantry items on hand.
Since I plan on riding my bike to her house before the weekend gets started, I had to drive over the rest of my overnight stuff ahead of time. Just the essentials, you know…PJs, scrubs, workout gear…and half my pantry.
Before dropping off my bags I went to the pool. There’s nothing more terrifying than unwrapping your new cap and goggles and donning swim gear for the first time in a DECADE, knowing it’s sink or swim for real in T-minus 15 days.
Here’s the set I did:
- 100 freestyle
- 100 backstroke
- 100 breaststroke
- rest
- 100 freestyle
- 100 backstroke
- 100 breaststroke
- rest
- 100 breaststroke
- 100 backstroke
- 100 freestyle
900 meters total = just over 0.5 mile
Hooray! Not bad for my first swim since I was in high school. I felt pretty good throughout, but a bit faint after. I had an apple and some melon which perked me up, but my dad said that happens to him after his swims too. So maybe it’s just something that a few minutes of rest can fix before I jump on my bike. Or maybe my GI system was just being a diva. Either way, I’m happy that my back and neck are doing well. I’m really anxious about this race, but the fact that I’m doing it with my dad makes it far less scary. It’s going to be his last race, so we better go out with a bang (not an injury)!
Have you ever run a race with a family member?
Coupon winners:
Organic Bistro – kayla, amanda, jvegegirl, katie, lanie, jordan, kyla, coco
Helen’s Kitchen – courtney, jess, hippierunner, lee, kelsey
Email me with your addresses and I’ll get the coupon in the mail asap. 🙂

I am so making that when my wisdom teeth spots get better. Ughhh, looks so good!
I did my first half-marathon with my dad! It’s fun to race with family.
Also, it’s probably right in front of my face, but what’s your email address? Thanks for the coupon!
Yum! Come make me breakfast! lol 🙂
That banana bread thing looks awesome! Must try soon! Alsoooo do you just go around singing “My Neck, My Back” to be obnoxious right now? I know I would. OK indulge me in two more questions, please: 1) Why is your pops quitting races? So nice that you get to do his last with him! 2) I know you got in a bike wreck somehow, but what exactly happened and when are you going to feel better already, geez? 🙂 Good luck with Carmageddon – thank God you have a cousin nearby to stay with instead of at the hospital!
hahaha…ok so 1) yes, i love to hate to love that song; 2) my dad said his knees are done-zo and running is quite painful for him as of late, so this will be his last race (hes still a daily gym-goer though); 3) i got in a pretty bad bike accident and the specifics are a bit sketchy as it was a huge blur at the time but my tire hit a crack and i was going quite fast…i lost control of the bike and i went flying off the road and hit a tree. the bike took more of the trees blow fortunately. i bruised my coccyx in the process and am now dealing with some neck whiplash but in truth im lucky and i came out relatively unharmed. i did go to the ER the next day though bc i was in a loooot of pain.
Aww good luck to your dad on his last race! I had to google coccyx (OUCH) but I know from experience whiplash sucks. Bummer – feel better soon!
Yum, the mini banana bread looks perfect and something I’d have for dinner. 🙂
congrats on #1000!
I make microwave banana oat cakes
and basically it takes 2 mins in the micro what took 45 min in the oven. I love being speedy but i know some ppl dont like the nukebox.
Your cake turned out great!
Wow, awesome job on the swim! I swam all my life until high school, but I’m wayyyy out of shape now!
I hope you feel better soon. 🙂
happy 1000! youre getting old…
I ran a 5 K (at the local zoo!) with my older sister and her husband. It was one of the most enjoyable and memorable races I’ve ever done! I also did a marathon relay with that same sister. She’s pregnant now, so I go solo these days.
Oh man, single serve banana bread?? Count me in!
Congrats on getting in the pool! My roommate just did an open water swim for the first time, she’s triathlon training too. Swimming makes me absolutely RAVENOUS!
I was going to comment on how excited I was that I had the ingredients for your little oat cake (which I AM excited about!), but then I misread your “I finally went to the pool!” as “I finally went poo!” – and had to tell you that instead. Embarassing. But funny.
I just did the Alcatraz Sharkfest with my cousin. It was so much fun! I’ve done half marathons galore but this- my first open water swim- topped them all. Maybe you should do it if you get back into swimming!
Wow, 1000 posts?!? That a lot of posting 🙂 Congrats! And also congrats on your swimming success – 900 meters is a lot! Three days ago I swam 1 km and I still can´t move my hands :))
I totally missed the “l” in “I FINALLY went to the pool!!!” and I was like, whoa she sure loves talking about that. : P
Good job on the swim and happy 1000th post!! 🙂
Oh.my.word. That mini banana bread looks like heaven! You’re on a brilliant baking streak at mo. Brilliant, I tell you.
Great news re. your swim and triathalon training. None of my family do exercise. They think it’s strange that I run etc since it’s not for weight loss (exercise has always been something I do for pleasure and mental health). I’d love to be able to swim properly. I can only do a very lame breast stroke. One day I’m going to get swimming lessons…
I always overpack for things, especially when it comes to packing food. We’re away this weekend and i’ve packed loads of snack bars etc.
You can join my book club! The next book we’re reading is Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. How cool (maybe not the right word) would it be to set up a bloggers book club…
Sorry about your GI woes. IBS is so flipping unpredictable. It may sound weird, but since i’m prone to the C sometimes I welcome a bit of fast transit time on the rare occasion that it occurs. TMI?
Anyways, hope you have a great weekend and Carmageddon is managable. x
PS Happy 1,000th post birthday!!!!
Oh my goodness, Elise–congratulations on your 1,000 post! That is SO impressive. Wow. I can’t even begin to imagine the time and effort it must take to do all of your posts, but know that they are appreciated. I always look forward to your posts 🙂
Courtney as in me?!?
That banana oat bread looks delicious! I’m going to have to try it. Where did you get that baking dish, and do you think they would turn out just as good if I baked them in a muffin tin?
Love reading your posts!
holy yum. that banana bread oatmeal bake looks sooo delicious! how do you get it to flip out of the baking dish so cleanly? did you grease it or did it just flip out magically? haha
That oat bake looks absolutely delicious – added to my “foods to make” folder for this week! 🙂 Glad you don’t have to stay overnight(s) at the hospital…it’ll be so much better staying with your cousin…it sounds like the perfect place for you, shop-wise! Hope your tummy feels better soon 🙂 xyx
congrats on the milestone post! 🙂 i’m excited to have won the coupon! by the way, what is your email address?
Just got back from vacation and saw that I won your coupon giveaway! Thanks! Not sure where to find your email though…could you let me know what it is?
Two meals…two schmeals! Looks like my kind of breakfast! Y.U.M!
Sorry to hear about your tummy issues! I hate it when I have days like that!
Congrats on beginning your training! Better late than never, right? 🙂
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did you send me you address? i cant find it. you can also DM it to me on twitter if you want.
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GAH!!!! I’m soooo excited for you! Maybe it’s time I jump in the pool and learn already.
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how do you thin your peanut butter? I have been looking online and there are so many different ways that people go about it.
i add a dollop of nutbutter to almond milk, microwave it a bit, then whisk like crazy.
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