Recipes I owe you include the following:
Curried lentils and tofu.
Kale chips.
Vegetable pasta [with parmesan on Kyle’s portion].
Mexican nacho salad bowl.
Zucchini bread.
And many more.
I’ve gotta get my blogging butt into gear. But I do have a few random things to share.
First of all, the winner of the Sahale Crunchers is #34 Caralyn. Congrats! Email me with your mailing address asap.
My home-made soy-nut butter method was mentioned in this post, which is an awesome resource for anyone who packs their food for the day and is concerned about peanut allergies. Lots of peanut-free school/work lunch ideas.
I recently read this vegan pregnancy survival guide by Sayward and it’s wonderful. If you read HHH on the regular, you know I’m no longer vegan, but I’ve still found it to be the most valuable resources for plant based nutrition during pregnancy. It also goes over breast-feeding, dealing with various social issues, and symptom management. It’s so positive and bursting with girl mom-power support, making you feel confident by providing all the information you need to know. It has little personal anecdotes and photos throughout. Truly fabulous. I highly recommend.
And last, but NOT least, he’s started kicking!!! I love it!

i think he’s kicking cause he wants some of that delicious food!
Food looks great, as always.
Kicking- so exciting!!! How far are you now? I haven’t felt anything yet but I’m only just over 17 weeks so that’s probs why. Looking fwd to it xxx
Can’t wait for those recipes, but we all know life gets in the way sometimes. And kicking is a momentous life event to have getting in the way. Congrats!! I love milestones. They always make for such perfect memories. Take in this unique time and enjoy it. 🙂
I agree with Lindsay 😉 If I knew that zucchini bread was just within my reach, I would be kicking like a mofo as well. But in all seriousness, so exciting! And also in all seriousness, Mexican nacho salad bowl!
Kicking is by far the best part of being pregnant so far isn’t it? So awesome. Looking forward to the veggie pasta recipe 🙂
I can’t believe he’s kicking! How awesome!
That’s gotta be a pretty amazing feeling 🙂
Mmmmm that nacho salad bowl. I think my new goal in life is to eat anything that reminds me of Chef AJ’s Nachos from Native Foods. I tried and fell in love with them after reading about them from you! 🙂
Everything looks yummy! Ah, can’t believe the little one is kicking!! Must be such a weird feeling!
The kicking is amazing! It defneitly makes it feel real.
Am I the only one that caught the photo caption that said “Kyle’s portion”? Sure, blame that giant pile of pasta on our boy Kyle! Haha Glad the baby is healthy and already dancin!
ha. portions are irrelevant at this point, his had cheese mine didnt. that was really the only difference 🙂
Yay for kicking!!! Your food looks great as always and recipes can wait. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy :). Your little man is jabbing and poking and flexing his teeny muscles — yay!
Sayward is amazing. I SO miss Bonzai Aphrodite…. her guide is just fabulous, I agree.
You just made me really hungry too 😉
YAAAYYYY kicking!! I miss that most about pregnancy
Tried one of your recipes for roasted butternut squash, and omg.
Thanks for all the recipes!
right??? native foods is fan-damn-tastic.
almost 20 weeks now. i felt it first around 18 1/2 weeks, but that was earlier than most i guess.
ha! he does kick more after meals. happy belly, happy baby. just like mama 🙂