I’m trying to do right by my gut and feed it with extra fermented stuff like this kimchi.
It was spicayyyy but the perfect accompaniment to the Vietnamese salmon and slaw.
It was a fumi noodle salad kind of thing. The WF in Santa Monica used to carry that salad in the prepared section and Kyle loved it so much.
All together now 🙂
I am soooo into this kite hill cream cheese!
And I’m obviously in a salmon phase too.
I took a few days off lunch salads and opted for this winning combo instead.
Seedy bread + kite hill almond cheese + smoked salmon (kale chips on the side) = perfection
In looking back over these photos I am definitely sensing a fishy theme…
This bread is so good. I’m on batch number two already <3
I think I skipped the kale chips on this one and just went with carrots for my veg.
Oh hey look, it’s my Spring Caesar!
Plus salmon 😉
Another salad and salmon combo.
And just in case this WF salmon poke bowl didn’t meet my omega goals for the week, I bought another smoked salmon as back up (I didn’t end up eating any of it).
We went to my parents’ house for dinner on Thursday night. She made a feast, because it was kinda a crowd that came, including…
My mom always delivers.
Ok, last salmon picture.
I think I should probably work on upping my selenium to neutralize all the mercury now. Off to tackle a bin of brazil nuts. 😛

You might start growing gills at this rate..! But if it’s making your tummy happy then who cares?? (The brazil nuts are still probably a good idea)
Kite hill cream cheese is magic.