Last year I hosted a giveaway with Doctor’s Best. A year later, I’m thrilled to be able to share the same package of supplements.
Thanks to the generosity of Doctor’s Best, you could win every nutritional supplement you see above, which includes:
Best Digestive Enzymes – digestive aid
Best Acai (organic) – antioxidant benefits
Best D-Ribose – cardiac health
Best L-Tryptophan – serotonin production from a veg source
Best Serrapeptase – good bacteria for healthy gut activity
Best Natural Brain Enhancers – GPC/PS combo for brain cell structure/function
Best Vitamin D3* – immune and cardiovascular benefits (you need more than just the sun)
Double Strength SAMe 400 – mood enhancement
The winner will receive all of these supplements, plus tons of information on the health benefits. Knowledge is power, no?
I’m so excited to do this giveaway because it’s something very near and dear to my heart. Wellness through natural means is something I’m passionate about, especially when it comes to digestive health. The digestive enzymes are a hugely important part of my life.
To enter, visit the Doctor’s Best website and then leave a comment telling me something you learned about any product. For an additional entry, tell me which supplement is the most appealing to you and why.
I’ll announce one lucky winner on Feb. 10th.
Cheers to a 2012 full of good health and happiness!!
*These capsules are vegetarian and gluten free, with the exception of Vitamin D3. They are all of exceptional quality, but are only recently becoming available in WF (you can find a store that carries them in your area here).
**Although Doctor’s Best provided the products for this giveaway, I am not affiliated with the company.

I learned that ALA helps defend against free radicals and is a powerful antioxidant.
I’m most interested in 5-HTP for relaxation and stress relief.
I learned that “an exciting area of research recently regaining attention is the relationship between serotonin and appetite—and therefore its potential to aid in the maintenance of a healthy weight. While serotonin is renown for its function in the brain, 95% of serotonin is actually found in the gastrointestinal tract.” I had no idea 95% of serotonin was in the gut!?
Also learned that our melatonin production naturally decrease at nite with age.
I have always been intrigued by natural mood enhancers such as SAMe and 5-HTP and never taken any. Also interested in trying melatonin as I’ve used valarian for years to help me sleep.
I learned how important magnesium is and how easy it is to be deficientt! I had no idea that it was important for heart functioning and bone density among other things.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I learned that the digestive enzymes help assist the pancreas to do its job!
I learned that absorbic acid (vitamin C ) helps with iron absorption.
I am most interested in trying out the absorbic acid to see if it helps me bump up my iron levels.
I learned about the health benefits of digestive enzymes. Interesting stuff!
I learned that acai is great for the immune system, cellular health, and is a good source of antioxidants. Free radicals are produced in our bodies from toxins, and antioxidants act as a defence towards them.
I am most interested in Serrapeptase. I’ve read about its anti-inflammatory benefits but didn’t know that it was good for healthy gut activity as well, and having IBS myself, I’m very intrigued by that claim.
Wow they have a LOT of stuff. I learned about Benfotiamine, a synthetic derivative of thiamin, which I had never even heard of. It’s for mood stabilizing. =)
I’m interested in a bunch of them – the digestive enzymes, the calcium/bone complexes, and the carnitine to name a few.
I learned that D-Ribose can “enhance cardiac energy levels” – sounds great!
I’m most interested in the Serrapeptase – never even heard of it.
I learned that ginkgo biloba is an antioxidant!
I am most interested in the digestive enzymes, because my digestion gets out of whack more often than I’d like.
i learned all about the serrapeptase supplement. i had never heard of it before…i can’t believe it was found in the digestive tracts of silkworms! yum. 🙂
i basically live and breathe due to the digestive enzymes. one thing i can’t cut out of my eensy weensy college budget.
I learnt about the effects of D-ribose on cardiac energy levels and how it enhances it.
I’d like to try the vitamin D3 because I’m actually deficient I this vitamin.
Very interested to find out that the digestive enzymes assist your body in breaking down fats, carbs and proteins 🙂
I would most like to try the enzymes !
i learned that acetyl-l-cartinine helps with brain neurotransmitter function!
i’m most interested in 5-HTP because I heard it can help with mood stabilization
Although I already knew that 5-HTP helps to promote sleep, I did learn that Doctor’s Best 5-HTP is extracted from the seeds of the Griffonia simplicifolia plant. Cool stuff!
The 5-HTP intrigues me the most!
I’ve been hearing a lot about phosphatidyl serine lately, and I learned that it blunts cortisol levels after intense exercise.
I never knew how 5-HTP worked until I saw on the website that it’s derived from tryptophan and is converted to serotonin in the brain.
I would most like the SAMe-400. These short days with little sunlight are messing with my mood.
i learned about the benefits of d-ribose in regards to workout recovery
i would be most interested in trying out the Double Strength SAMe 400 to see if it really enhances your mood!
I learned that Doctor’s Best products are very expensive! Winning this contest is the only way I will ever be able to afford them! 🙂 But in all seriousness, I am interested in the digestive enzymes. I learned that, “The body’s capacity to produce enzymes may decline with age,” which could explain why my digestion has been giving me so many problems for the past year. Great giveaway!
Oh my goodness, I’m excited about this giveaway, too! Despite the fact that I eat a diverse whole foods diet, I’m always interested in natural supplementation… because why not, right?! I’m definitely most interested in the mood enhancement and the brain enhancer!
About the brain enhancer: GPC (GlyceroPhosphoCholine) and PS (PhosphatidylSerine) are phospholipid nutrients that combine to basically make you smarter! GPC reaches high concentrations inside cells; PS is a building block for cell membranes. Together, they support attention, learning, memory, and other cognitive functions, assist the brain and body in coping with stress (HOORAY!), and facilitate brain circuit renewal… ELYSE, I need to create some new synaptic pathways… these crosswords just aren’t doin’ it! 🙂
I learned that Acetyl L Carnitine is like a power house of a vitamin! It not only enhances mental focus, but it is an antioxident, helps metabolism in the brain and keeps nerves healthy and in repair!
i learned that ACL can do some pretty awesome things for the brain!! reading about it helping in the krebs cycle and stuff was pretty cool because i just took that in biology!!
i would love to test out the Best Digestive Enzymes because i think i may have a problem with the whole FODMAPS thing you mentioned :/
i loved learning about what the enzymes do to help incomplete digestion!!!
i would love to try out any of their products, but mainly the digestive health ones!:)
I learned that Agaricus blazei, a medicinal mushroom, helps fighting emotional and physical stress, and provides immune system, digestive system and liver support. I always get nervous about my liver health because my dad had liver cancer and had to get a transplant. i like all the other things the mushoom provides too.
The product I would most like is the SAMe-400 to help with mood when there are a few days without sunshine where I live. I have never heard of SAMe-400 before, so it was fun to read a bit more about the science of how it enhances your mood.
I learned that iron is not taken up by the body as well as if it’s accompanied by Vitamin C!
I most want to try the brain enhancers (as a grad student, I’ll take any help I can get!)
Alright, so I didn’t know anything about Acai… so everything I read about it on Doctor’s Best was news to me. I did not know that it supported the immune system. Thanks for sharing!
So now that I know about Acai, this is the supplement I want! 🙂 considering I’m getting over a nasty (knock-you-on-your-ass for 4 days) cold, this would be great!
I learned that Serrapeptase is made by bacteria called Serratia in silk worms! It’s also known to support the immune system, among other things.
I think Serrapeptase is one I’d like to try, just because it sounds interesting, and I could definitely benefit from some good bacteria 🙂
This is a great giveaway!
I learned that the digestive enzymes help to digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in cooked and raw food! The raw food part is especially interesting to me!
All the digestive products seem amazing and beneficial but the digestive enzymes appeal the most to me since they have healthy bacteria! My tummy needs all the help it can get!
I learned that digestive enzymes are produced in the pancreas and that stress and age and impact enzyme production.
I’m most interested in trying the digestive enzymes – I’ve had some stomach trouble recently and wonder if it might help!
I learned that ALA recycles antioxidant nutrients 🙂
Collagen helps with hair growth? I didn’t know that!
I would really want to try the best Collagen! Also, the Quick Melt Melatonin! Melatonin also helps me with head aches!
Something very interesting that I learned was that GlycoCorn is extremely good for high endurance athletes! It protects their muscles and tissues from the oxidative stress that they put on them every day to be able to push their body to the limit.
The GPLC and CoQ10 capsules (GlycoCorn) are most appealing to me, because I am a college cross country running and I am constantly on the go, with running, school, lifting, studying, and everything else a college student goes through. This will help keep my stress levels down and will protect my muscles and heart as much as possible.
best acai has antioxidants which help to promote cellular health!
I’d love to try SAMe 400 to see if it really does help with mood enhancement!
I always wondered how they tested the active ingredients in herbs and supplements and I learned that they use HPLC- “High Performance Liquid Chromatography”. I had seen the abbreviation in the past but never knew what it meant!
I would love to try their Vitamin D3 for my bones. I’ve really been focusing on making sure their getting enough nutrients to stay strong. I don’t want osteoporosis at a young age!
I learned that stress and other unhealthy lifestyle factors may impact enzyme production.
I would like to try the Best Digestive Enzymes!
I learned that magnesium helps maintain a normal, regular heartbeat.
I also learned that their website is a little overwhelming – that is a LOT of products!!!
I would like to try one of the products designed to help with energy!!
I learned that Doctor’s Best MSM powder is a great product for a beautiful skin. You can drink it mixed with water for a clear skin from inside out, or use it as a peeling.
I also learned about that it’s a product everybody should use, because it makes nutrients better absorbed by the body (if you drink it with water!) for the next 12 hours after use.
I would like to win Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes, OR that brain suppelement. 🙂
I learned more about the stress relief possibilities from 5HT! I could use this, as I am in an accelerated BSN program right now!! Thanks!
Oh -and what I learned about the ALA was:
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA, thioctic acid) is a naturally occurring vitamin-like nutrient that has been intensely investigated as a therapeutic agent for a variety of conditions involving the body’s nervous, cardiovascular, immune, and detoxification systems.
I would love to try Folate because it makes you happier 🙂
I learned that hylauronic acid was used for joints. I have only heard of its use for facial lines and wrinkles!
I’m most interested in the digestive aide products, to help manage my unhappy GI system.
I learned that Best Digestive Enzymes provide the body with enzymes designed to optimally aid the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in cooked and raw food.
I am most interested in the Best Digestive Enzymes to help with my IBD issues I’ve been dealing with.
I learned that SAMe may enhance cartilage protection and promote the synthesis of proteoglycans <– what an awesome "EXTRA" benefit! 🙂
I am most interested in a natural mood enhancer like SAMe. Thanks for the chance to win, this is an awesome giveaway! 🙂
I learned that though the current RDA for vitamin D per day is 400 IU, for optimal health benefits about 1000 IU is recommended.
Cool!! I learned about how the Brain Enhancers can help with mood, memory, and learning. Boy, could I use some of that! Sometimes I think I have a 90 year old brain in a 22 year old body!
I’d really like to try the Digestive Enzymes. They’d do wonders for my IBS!
I learned that digestive enzymes can also have a beneficial effect on sinuses!
I would really love to try these digestive enzymes 🙂 I took some last year for my IBS and I think they may have been helping but I sort of fell off the bandwagon..
iam interested in the same 400, i am stuggling with mood swings and would love something natural to help
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is a nutrient that is critical to many bodily functions. Vitamin D3 is beneficial for supporting bone health, immune wellness, cardio- vascular function, and cellular metabolism, among others.* Mounting research is highlighting the ever-increasing benefits of optimal vitamin D3 status.* Vitamin D3 is known to interact with over 200 different genes and thus plays a crucial regulatory role as a metabolic activator for a multitude of metabolic processes.*
I just learned that my vitamin d is badly low (10) so it was nice to learn all the things it does
I learned that zinc increases the production of natural killer cells.
I am most interested in Daily Immune Defense. Lately I have been feeling a little bit run down and I think a combination supplement, such as this one, would really help!
Digestive enzymes are def the most appealing to me as I have sever digestive issues… ;-/
I learned that collagen helps your hair grow…I need it, lol!
as a researcher, i’m always a bit skeptical of supplementation but i learned that ALA helps defend against free radicals and is a powerful antioxidant. good to know 🙂
All materials are investigated thoroughly before use!
I’d love to try the digestive aid, I have a very sloooow digestive system!
I learned that Vitamin D can be a metabolic activator. I thought it just came from the sun.
I’m interested to try the Vitamin D. I’ve been sooo tired lately.
Along with being a mood enhancer, the Double Strength SAMe 400 also is a liver detoxifying agent…I think both of those are necessary in my life right now!
i learned that vitamin C helps with iron absorption! didn’t know that!
thanks for holding this awesome giveaway. I didn’t know they used HPLC, which makes me more assured of the quality and efficacy of the herbs.
I learned that I should probably taking digestive enzymes along with my daily probiotic for increase the quality of my digestion!
I would choose the High Absorption Magnesium 240T! The site says that it helps with thyroid function! Mine can always use a little boost 🙂 Plus, it helps maintain a healthy heartbeat, and I recently found out that I have a slight murmur!
I also learned that it’s very important to recognize the potency of vitamins & minerals that we take aside from food!
I would choose the Best Digestive Enzymes because, similar to you, I also suffer from IBS issues and I can use all the belly relief and aid I can get. The supplement has alpha-galactosidase and beta-glucanase to help break down vegetables, beans and grains which are my staples, since I follow a vegan diet. I also appreciate that they are in a veggie capsule! Even if I don’t win, I will have to try some of these to see if they help. Thanks for the info and the fun giveaway!
I learned that L-Carnitine enhances alertness and mental focus as well as decreases free radical production in the brain.
The supplement i’m most interested in is the digestive enzymes! I’ve always had digestive issues and that seems to be the only thing that really helps
Being a vegan from rainy Vancouver, Canada both my doctor and naturopath recommended taking a vitamin D supplement during the 9/12 months that we don’t see enough sun here! I learned a lot about vitamin D from the link you provided for Doctor’s best. I learned that vit D helps is crucial to optimally absorb calcium. According to the site, most women with bone health issues are low in this vitamin. So glad I know this info while I’m still young and can add to my bone density!
I learned that SAMe improves mood and metabolic function. Awesome!
The Best Acai and the SAMe are most interesting to me because I love the health benefits associate with acai and would love an overall mood lift from the SAMe!
I thought it was really interesting that Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM was listed under Hair/Skin/Nails. Also interested in their digestive enzyme!
as a law student I am interested in 5-htp for stress relief!
I learned that (ALA, thioctic acid) is a naturally occurring vitamin-like nutrient that is a therapeutic agent for a variety of conditions involving the body’s nervous, cardiovascular, immune, and detoxification systems.
I’m most interested in Best Serrapeptase –to help with my digestion.
I learned that ALA supports healthy aging and cognitive function.
I am most interested in vitamin D3 since I work in a windowless office for most of daylight hours.
5-HTP helps with sleep and promotes well-being. D-3 would be the most beneficial to me because I’m from Wisconsin & the sun rarely comes out in the winter! 😉 So cold.
I am mostly interested in the D-3 because I have been dealing with a deficiency for the past couple months, but improved metabolic function for SAMe is always welcome!
I learned that absorbic acid (vitamin C ) helps with iron absorption.
I learned the the Digestive Enzymes help with the digestions of SUGARS – maybe can help me with my FODMAPS sensitivity? They also contain a kind of beneficial bacteria, but not one of the usual ones that shows up in supplements….
I know you’re announcing today, so hopefully it’s not too late…I learned that magnesium can help with respiratory issues. I had no idea! Definitely going to check that out …
With a toddler at home, I’m kind of interested in trying the melatonin. I don’t think I’ve slept well in three years.
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wow, awesome giveaaway! this digestive enzyme would help me so much with ibs!
Huge selections of digestive enzymes. They are super important for people dealing with IBS. It’s very interesting to learn which enzyme is responsible to break down and help with digestions of different food. Thank you for the info.
Love your blog! Not only is it interesting it is tasefully designed. Question – have you tried SAMe? Or, have any of you guys (the followers) tried it? Thoughts on it?
sam E affects mood…if you want more info i can refer you to the website: