Another Clean Food success story.
Since I was working on the 25th, Kyle made me Christmas dinner, which included Terry Walters’ skillet cornbread recipe. He made it in a casserole dish instead, with a few changes, indicated below.
Clean Food Cornbread
- 1/2 cup corn flour
- 1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
- 1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
2 tsp powder egg replacer1 whole egg- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 cup
rice milkalmond milk - 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 seeded, minced jalapeno(omitted)- 1/2 red bell pepper, minced
- 1 cup corn
In separate bowls combine dry and wet ingredients. Mix the two together. Pour into glass dish and bake at 375 for 25 minutes (or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean).
Half the dish was gone after our first dinner, and the rest only lasted 24 hours.
The fresh corn and bell pepper were so good! I bet sprinkling some Daiya (or another vegan cheese) on top for the last few minutes in the oven would make this recipe even more rich and heavenly, too.
Actually, it was pretty much outstanding on it’s own. Soft and fluffy without a hint of dryness thanks to the kernels of corn studded throughout it.
Ordinarily I would pile my cornbread with hummus to the heavens, but the tweaks in my dietary choices are the reason I’m having such success with FODMAPS*. So sadly, the hummus was benched.
Hummus = beans = galactans
Cornbread = wheat = fructans
As I mentioned before, I try to avoid mixing FODMAPS, especially galactans. It seems to be the one group that I really need to be mindful of (eating on it’s own).
*Many of you seem to be very curious about FODMAPS, so I’m going to start a separate tab for all the questions I’ve been getting on it and all the posts addressing the topic. In the meantime, you can search for all the various posts I’ve done on the subject by entering “fodmaps” in the search bar (upper right corner).
This recipe could be made gluten free by swapping the all purpose flour with another grain flour (like oat flour, brown rice flour, or a combo perhaps), but I am not too savvy with GF baking yet to suggest how to do it. It’s also vegan (if you follow the original recipe calling for egg replacer), which Kyle did not do.
Speaking of which…
I will inevitably get questions about it, so to preempt the inquiries, yes, I’m eating eggs. I tolerate them fine, so I’ve never seen a reason to exclude them from my diet if and when I craved them (which was an extremely rare occurrence). That said, I seem to have gone from zero to full speed ahead with them. I used to be really grossed out by yolks and uncooked whites, but over the last month I’ve suddenly become obsessed with them. I blame it on Buenos Aires’ brilliant use of them – atop gorgeous salads, in tortilla espanola, alongside fresh-out-of-the-oven-bread. I hardly recognize myself (as I mop the runny yolks up off my plate with whatever food I can find)! Its so weird. I’m like a yolk-aholic now. Who knows. I’m constantly going through food phases, so I’ll just let this one play out. No sense in denying myself something full of nutrients (and free of FODMAPS) that my digestive system tolerates. Right?
Phew! I feel glad I’ve gotten that off my chest. Now I can continue posting about my plant based diet and people won’t have to wonder why I’m opting for eggs over hummus when I’m looking for a food to partner with cornbread (or another non-galactan FODMAPS containing food).
FYI, I still prefer baking with chia and flax seeds.
Work breakfast: oats, peanut butter, banana, raisins, stevia
Work lunch: spinach, butternut squash, eggs, salt & pepper.
Work dinner: kale, butternut squash, pasta, seitan, Bragg’s liquid aminos
Work drink: teeccino caffeine-free hazelnut herbal coffee (Lollihop sample)
Work dessert: candied ginger, Dagoba new moon dark chocolate
Work snacks: carrots, corn nuts, FSTG blue corn chips
Off to Nor Cal for some family time and a fun NYE with friends! 🙂

Elise! Don’t feel bad about eating eggs! It’s all good! If your tummy likes it, do it! FYI, been reading for a while, check in every morning during our morning show(I do the weather for channel 2 in Chicago). Anywho…thanks for updating so often. Love your Dad by the way…he seems super cool
I’ve kind of been struggling with the egg issue myself in that I’m a vegetarian who eats minimal dairy and eggs. While I would like to go vegan for ethical reasons, I just can’t get past giving up eggs forever. I rationalize that my cranky body does tolerate and crave certain things, and as long as I make ethical choices, I suppose that’s all I can do.
And I don’t base my food choices on anything anyone else eats, but seeing you include eggs helped me to metaphorically exhale about the issue, so thanks for that 😉
Yum, that looks so fresh. I’d definitely add the Jalepeno back in too.
What’s the difference between corn flour and cornmeal?
Girl, eat what pleases your palate! You seem more than capable for making the best choices for your own diet, don’t feel guilty for them. You’re awesome!
I too am having the whole “egg debate” in my head. Just try to buy free range when possible.
Ultimately we have to listen to our bodies. I was vegan for 4 years and vegetarian for many before and still am now.. but after playing with a raw diet my body was pissed off and since then I have been trying to get it back in working order. I now eat eggs and dairy quite a bit for my protein requirements since I don’t seem to do too well with beans and soy products. All the labeling of my diet is what got me into a big mess and listening to what your body actually needs is really tough sometimes.. when your head is telling you something different..
Ive read the foodmaps posts a few times now and still dont understand it lol.
Good job, Kyle! I love the addition of peppers in there.
i think the only real difference is how finely its ground up…actually i think the meal has some of the hull and germ in it, whereas the other doesnt? dont quote me on that though!
labeling my diet is the annoying part…if i never had to explain what i eat to others then it would be more simple…but ultimately i have to do whats right for me and now that im figuring out fodmaps and its working i feel compelled to continue down this path. and like you, beans are a troublesome area that im still figuring out, so in the meantime eggs are a good source of protein for me. thanks for the support!
hi megan! thanks for reading and commenting. my dad is really cool 🙂
ps thanks for the support on the egg front too
I think you have me confused with someone else, as I’ve never struggled with gluten or anything, but I appreciate the reply!
i know, hahah, sorry, i replied to your comment instead of another one and once it posted i deleted it bc i saw it went to you. sorry!
no need to explain why you eat what you eat Elise… everything changes right? I was a strict vegan for two years and I realized I wasn’t happy nor energetic. I eat a plant based diet but eat eggs, fish and dairy when my body wants it. I go in major phases too. One week, all I will be craving is tuna (so I eat it) and then the next week, I eat veggies like I’ve never had them before! lol
btw runny yolks are the best. I’m not a fan of fully cooked yolks!
The one reason I could never be vegan – I love eggs WAY too much!
and ice cream. 😉
Don’t you find it annoying that people feel the need to put labels on themselves as far as their diet? How about we all quit with the “I’m a vegetarian but I sometimes eat fish” or “I’m a raw foodist but I also eat some non-raw food” and just eat whatever the hell you want to eat and not call yourselves anything other than a human being. Geez, get over yourselves people. I commend you for eating eggs when you feel like eating eggs. Why the heck not? To heck with the haters. They probably want to eat eggs too but are too worried about what other people will say if they do.
Hmm, sorry for the little rant. Your packed eats look delicious, as always. Have a fun New Year’s!
haha, i agree! good rant 🙂
yup. thanks for the support jin 🙂 runny yolks are awesome.
This looks so delicious! Seth and I are big chili fans, so this would be the perfect side to make.
I have also added eggs back into my diet since finding out that galactans are a big problem for me. It’s been really difficult to get in high quality protein any other way, especially since I also can only seem to eat small quantities of nuts and seeds as well. It’s not been an easy choice to add eggs, but for now it’s the best option I have found if I want to get better.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), this low FODMAP diet has helped me discover that I have fructose malabsorption, so fructose and fructans are a MASSIVE problem for me. I am still working on the bread thing because I can’t stand the gluten free varieties we have in this country. I am making a starter with spelt as I type this, so here’s hoping that a homemade sourdough spelt will agree with me! I never ate much bread before, but now that it’s not an option, I crave it much more!
i was wondering about the eggs! thought i missed something! maybe now we can go to eggslut (the food truck) together…
That cornbread looks awesome!!!
And I’m the same way–I eat eggs but definitely prefer baking without them!
mmm this looks fantastic! lucky you that kyle made cornbread for you! i’m the hugest cornbread addict. just made some yesterday morning – a really similar recipe to this actually but i added in some lavender! it was delicious. pumpkin cornbread is up next…
I know what you mean about labels. I am fully vegan, however I own chickens and use their eggs for the family. They are our pets as well as providing for us. I DON’T eat their eggs because if I say that I eat their eggs then when I go to others houses they may give me eggs that are ‘CAGED’ and if I said no, then I would get questioned on the ethics and yadda yadda yadda. It is just easier for me to be entirely vegan. Sounds stupid I know, but I love though that the kids get to care for and be involved in the food process. By the way the rest of my family lives on a predominately vegetarian diet with meat a couple of occasions a week (or more if my husband goes fishing – although he rarely catches anything ha ha).
gimme dat cornbreeeeeeeeeeeeeead!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made some cornbread recently too, the recipe was just about the same, except I didn’t add any corn in and I used gluten-free flour and only corn meal. So good!
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I’ve read a few posts here and I can actually relate. I am in love with Marie Callender’s cornbread.
They are simple to make and super yummy, especially with honey butter. I’ve been a fan of MC’s ever since
I was a little girl, and have fond memories of eating it with my family back in San Jose, CA. Check out their
website to order your cornbread mix. They also stock a variety of gourmet products I’m sure you will enjoy.