Caramel apple messy face

I just finished eating this…


Not the whole thing. 


I started with the portion on the right, but the caramel was soooo gooey and delicious that I ended up picking off most of the caramel, chocolate, nutty coating on the other portion.


There was SO much caramel between the chocolate layer and the apple that I could twist the entire fruit around inside the chocolate shell.  If you’re wondering how it tasted, imagine the best candy bar ever with a delicious crunchy, tangy apple on the side.  Can you even believe that I haven’t had an apple since September!  Loco.  The dang fructose content has me scared to push my FODMAPS luck, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss my forbidden fruit.  So far I feel okay but we will see…


Can you think of anything more messy to eat than a caramel apple? 

My fingers were the stickiest things ever.  And I didn’t want to waste any yummy sweet stuff so (of COURSE) I had to lick it all off.  In conclusion, the answer is no, there’s nothing messier to eat.  It’s also not possible to eat without (a) looking like a disgusting slob, or (b) looking like a seductive skank.  Neither of those things are great.  

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Comments (9)

  1. carrie

    Did you make this amazing thing? Recipe pretty please!!

  2. Asha @ Before 30

    whoa that looks incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it. Are they roasted almonds on the outside?

  3. Coco

    Whoa that’s a pretty epic apple..

  4. Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen

    S’mores? If they are made correctly, anyway. 🙂

    That looks amazing though. How does one procure vegan caramel? (As a new vegan, I’ve been wondering this…)

  5. Katie @ Peace Love & Oats

    Caramel apples are one of my favorite treats! I get myself one for my birthday every year since it’s the day before halloween!

  6. Tt in nyc

    If you want to spend a lot of $$ you can buy already made ones online. If you want to learn something new amd spend about $2 make it! I googled up a great recipe from “vegan caramel” and it is just sugar, water, lt corn syrup (critical!) and a bit of full fat coconut milk- easy to make.

  7. Jin


    that looks so good….

  8. Sarah B @ Bake + Bike

    Oh my goodness, no apples since September? I don’t know how you did it.

    I haven’t had a caramel apple in AGES but I seem to recall them being a bit of an ordeal to eat when I was a kid…haha. Messy but marvelous!

  9. Pingback: Forbidden Fruit

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