Let’s be honest, we all want to be the best we can be. This isn’t about 2011 resolutions, though. This is about making the most of your life, now and always. This post shares some of my struggles with IBS. I don’t want to suggest that my path is the right path or the path that will work for you, I’m just sharing my own personal story.
I’m kinda a hippie when it comes to Western medicine. I much prefer taking the prevention approach now – using diet, exercise, and supplementation responsibly to avoid the need for treatment later. Sure, there are exceptions (I’m a nurse and well aware that certain diseases require the latest advancement in medicine), but I can also say that based on my own experiences, there is an immense tendency in our society to over-treat.
I know that many readers have similar (past and/or current) struggles with GI issues. IBS is something I’ve been coping with for the greater part of my life. Initially, specialists wanted to try medication and so I went through years and years experimenting with various regimens, trying to find “the cure” to alleviate my gastrointestinal pain. I won’t lie, I was equally as optimistic that such a drug existed. And sometimes I did experience a reduction in discomfort. However, I later realized that was not the result of medication, but rather listening to my body and responding to how I felt based on what I ate. It took a while for me to accept that some conditions don’t have easy solutions that can simply be reversed with a pill, but now I have embraced this, and as a result I have found the world of plant-based food.
I don’t want to say that veganism is the answer. That would irresponsible of me, because I’m not truly 100% vegan. However, I did discover a world of difference once I removed animal products and trace sources from my diet. I don’t like being labeled, so I really avoid “the v word” when I’m in the company of those who aren’t familiar with my past. I eat to minimize GI pain – an IBS diet if you will – which (for me) is dairy-free, vegetarian, and plant-based. For more info about this, see here, but please remember that diet doesn’t have to be black and white. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about IBS, it’s that sometimes flare-ups are inevitable. Ascribing good vs. bad labels to foods is a recipe for disaster, so know that even though eating this way has helped me a ton, it’s still not perfect. However, my worst days today are still exponentially better than when I was first coping with IBS, and so I know maintaining a plant-based diet is the difference. But there’s more than just food.
My blog shares most of my meals, but it rarely goes into the supplementation behind the scenes. Being a diligent vegan may stem from my nursing career, or it may just be a healthy personality trait, but either way, I am very proactive in making sure I’m getting all the correct vitamins and minerals. It’s not hard because I eat a varied diet with a wide range of grains, nuts, seeds, beans, fruit and vegetables. These diverse foods naturally contain a vast array of vitamins and minerals, so supplementation may not even be necessary (provided you don’t eat the same three foods day in and day out). But we all know I can (and do?) live off hummus for weeks on end, so I do take certain supplements on a semi-regular basis. These aren’t just because I’m vegan though. If you have GI issues, there are benefits abound, and I’m about to share the dirty deets.
Doctor’s Best Best Digestive Enzymes
To put it succinctly, these caps provide support for digestion because they contain a range of digestive enzymes.
Alpha-galactosidase, Amylase, Beta-glucanase, Cellulase, Glucoamylase, Hemicellulase, Invertase, Lactase, Phytase, and Xylanase are all present to assist with carb and fiber digestion alone. Fiber babies? Phytase breaks down the phytic acid in leafy vegetables (remember my previous discussion on phytic acid) and frees the minerals for absorption.
Bromelain, Papain, and Protease aid in protein digestion.
Lipase is present for fat digestion.
Bacillus subtillis is also a pro-biotic organism to help with efficient digestion and keeping a healthy gut.
I won’t bore you with an excessive amount of anatomy and physiology because frankly, that’s not why you’re here. But I will say, I take these and I only have the most positive things to say about them.
Here is the rest of my Doctor’s Best faves.
And…thanks to the generosity of Doctor’s Best, you could win every nutritional supplement you see above, which includes:
- Best Digestive Enzymes – digestive aid
- Best Acai (organic) – antioxidant benefits
- Best D-Ribose – cardiac health
- Best L-Tryptophan – serotonin production from a veg source
- Best Serrapeptase – good bacteria for healthy gut activity
- Best Brain Enhancers – GPC/PS combo for brain cell structure/function
- Best Vitamin D3* – immune and cardiovascular benefits (you need more than just the sun)
- Double Strength SAMe 400 – mood enhancement
The winner will receive all of these supplements, plus tons of information on the health benefits. Knowledge is power, no?
I’m so excited to do this giveaway because it’s something very close and personal for me.
Because GI issues are so taboo, support can be hard to come by. My family and friends have been incredible as I’ve gone through a range of phases in my IBS journey, and I want to be able to do the same for others. To all my kind, positive readers who are struggling like I was, and those who email me with questions or for advice, this giveaway is for you.
To enter, visit the Doctor’s Best website and then leave a comment telling me something you learned about any product. For an additional entry, tell me which supplement is the most appealing to you and why.
I’ll announce one lucky winner on Jan. 10th.
Cheers to starting off 2011 with good health and happiness!!
*These capsules are vegetarian and gluten free, with the exception of Vitamin D3. They are all of exceptional quality, but are only recently becoming available in WF (you can find a store that carries them in your area here).
**Although Doctor’s Best provided the products for this giveaway, I am not affiliated with the company.

oh my gosh–i’ve been taking probiotics for months now to help with my IBS, and they’ve helped, but i’d be so thrilled to try the digestive enzymes and see what they can do. from their website, i learned that digestive problems can be/are taxing on the whole body, not just the digestive system!
can i tell you that the title of this post reminds me of oprah haha and i love oprah
i learned that peeps that are allergic to spices should maybe avoid these products
which is not me! haha
i would VERY much like to try the digestive aid one 🙂
I just wanted to write and tell you thanks for this post. I went vegan and gluten-free this summer after thirty years of IBS problems that kept getting worse. It was what I needed. You really do learn tricks and everyone truly is different.
All the best to you in the New Year.
I learned that tryptophan can help enhance mood and curb carb cravings! Who would have thought.
What a motivational post! I have recently adopted a plant based diet as well to ease digestive issues that are undiagnosed. Following many tests and doctors appointments, I still do not have an answer for the upsetting digestive symptoms I experience. Prior to my plant based diet, I was consuming nasty chemicals and animal based products. Since the change in what I consume, my symptoms have decreased. I feel better when I eat foods in the natural state but often worry that my body is not absorbing all of the nutrients, which is where a digestive enzyme would be handy. I have been interested in purchasing a digestive enzyme but have not known where to start. After searching the Doctor’s Best website, I know that a digestive enzyme is essential for my diet ‘as it contains healthy bacteria to promote ‘optimal’ digestive health.
Thanks for your posts! I look forward to your updates on a daily basis =)
thanks for holding this wonderful giveaway! i can’t tell you how happy i am that you spoke about digestive enzymes. they’ve helped me so much in my digestive struggles and i hope your post will turn more people onto them! i discovered that the Best Digestive Enzymes also has friendly bacteria in them, which i think is great!
the supplement that is most appealing to me is hands down the Best Digestive Enzymes. as someone who experiences a lot of digestive issues i think this product will be a great aid in getting my digestion back on track!
I didn’t realize I could be getting too little Tryptophan on a plant based diet. Those pills could be very helpful I’ve come to realize!
Great post! I’ve had a similar experience with stomach woes. I was diagnosed with IBS and briefly took a daily med. But since I’ve adopted a mostly plant-based and vegan diet, my issues have reduced DRAMATICALLY. One of my goals for 2011 is to be better about supplementation, so this would definitely kick things off right!
The digestive enzymes! I am always having issues in this department–as I can see that a lot of the above commenters have as well.
The interesting fact I learned was that digestion can effect your mood? I guess it’s obvious (I’m quite aware of the fact that I’m not exactly a ray of sunshine when constipated….) , but also these pills help with calming and relaxing. Cool!
What an awesome giveaway! I would be THRILLED to try some digestive enzymes. After struggling with an ED for 12 years, my digestive system needs all the help it can get!
I learned that microbial enzymes are more effective at supporting the digestive physiology of the human body than enzymes derived from animals.
Wow, i’ve never heard of this stuff before!
I have had IBS-d for about 3 years now, and it’s terrible, it’s taken over my life.
I learned that they have stuff for anxiety, which has been the worst part of my IBS… sometimes i’m not sure I will ever be over it… And they use trypthopan? in their anxiety meds.
Great giveaway, I hope it’s open to Canadians too!!
I need this giveaway, lol! I have been vegan for nearly 12 years, but my IBS still gives me problems. Ugh.
I learned that MSM supports normal gastrointestinal function…something I wish I had 🙂
Oh, and the Best Digestive Enzymes are most appealing to me because I think they truly could help with some of my issues.
i learned that BEST Digestive Enzymes contain microbial-derived enzymes which have distinct advantages over animal-derived enzymes. awesome news for vegetarians/vegans!
plus the BEST Digestive Enzymes are definitely most appealing to me!!
I could definitely use the Best Digestive Enzymes because I have some issues (especially when traveling)
I am also very interested in the Best Acetyl L-Carnitine because it Enhances alertness and mental focus, Supports energy metabolism in the brain, Keeps nerves healthy and in repair
Decreases free radical production in the brain! 🙂
learned that people that are allergic to spices should maybe avoid these products
the BEST Digestive Enzymes are definitely most appealing to me
This is my first comment – and I’m sorry I don’t have blog, but I promise I read yours every day!
It was interesting to read about the advantages that microbial-derived (plant-based) enzymes have over plain animal-derived enzymes; particularly, that less enzyme is needed for the microbial type in order to perform better, in aiding digestion, than other animal-derived standard enzymes!
Also, the BEST Digestive Enzymes are most appealing – it would be interesting to see how they compare to the ones I currently take.
We are all about prevention! One reason we love eating some raw plant based foods, to help heal our health issues.
Never heard of this brand, thanks for sharing 🙂
Cheers to the best year!
i learned that that website even existed..and has tons of amazing supplments. bookmarked.
thank you for sharing more fully, elise, your story. i knew parts but thx for being candid with us all!
i would like to have any of their supplements for digestive health and support, ie. probiotics
I learned from the Doctor’s Best site that their Muscadine Grape seed supplement is loaded with antioxidants — I’m from the south but didn’t know that muscadine was a powerful antioxidant.
The digestive enzymes are really the most appealing to me because I haven’t seen a capsule with such a complex array of enzymes (I’ve seen a lot of liquid enzyme supplements).
I learned that taking tryptophan can help enhance your mood and curb carb cravings.. sounds like something worth trying!
I used to use 5-HTP a few years back and would really like to start using it again.
I’ve learned from the Doctor’s Best website, is that I don’t know much!
I will be studying a great deal about the symptoms I have and the products that they suggest. I’m also sending you an email with “the rest of the story”.
What a great giveaway to kick of 2011!!
I learned that a natural source of Lutein comes from Marigold extracts! I have terrible vision and always make sure my vitamins include Lutein! 🙂
I learned that acai dates back hundreds of years to Brazil! I’ve heard so much about the “super-food” in recent years, but should have realized it’s not a new thang!
And I’m most interested in the 5-HTP. It can promote calming and relaxing, as well as increase quality of sleep? Um . . . yes, please!
Like yourself, I have dealt with “stomach issues” for my entire life. I finally took the leap into veganism this past year and have already seen vast improvement with my health. Although I have been feeling better, I still wonder if I am now missing out on any nutrient that I previously received from an animal source.
I would love to try my own before/after experiment with these supplements since I’m always looking for ways to improve my diet!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
ooooh WANT!
I learned all about SAMe (can’t help but think of Pixar robots), what it is and what it does.
Easily the most appealing is the digestive enzymes. I’ve recently super-upped my protein intake, by way of beans . . . yeah . . .
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From the website, I learned that tocotrienols are part of the vitamin E family and have powerful cardiovascular support!
I have a tie for “most appealing” – either the digestive enzymes since I sometimes have digestive issues, or the vitamin D3 since it’s winter, I live in MN, and I have mild SAD!
Elise, this is perfect timing! I’ve been having rubbish IBS symptoms since I moved away from a plant-based diet (worse than before). Needless to say, I’m going back there! For me, I just worry far too much about what people think and say about my dietary restrictions. I need to get me a massive dose of confidence, I reckon.
When do you take digestive enzymes? Regularly? Before every meal or only certain ones?
Am I able to enter the competition being in the UK?
Lovely blog. I recently turned vegan and mostly raw – and I love it.
This might sound dumb but I just realized after reading http://www.drbvitamins.com's FAQs that the capsules contain animal-derived gelatin. So not really vegan – unless you empty out the casing and just have the powder with water. Have to now watch that I dont get sick. 🙁
YAY, way to go! I too have IBS, and I’m going to use your post as an example for those around me who does not understand. You’re awesome!
What I learned is more about 5-HTP and its impact on mental well-being. More people should be informed about this, maybe the prozac nation would grow smaller (^.^)
can’t say i’ve ever encountered any IBS problems, but i always try to be concerned with the nutrients i’m getting since my diet is very close to yours -mostly vegan and a lot of hummus 😉
after racking my brain looking at all of the vitamins (i’m an art major so science/medicine isn’t my forte haha) i’ve learned that red yeast rice has been used in cooking in ancient asia, and has been fermented with red yeast
I learned that magnesium aids in the funtion of the cardiovascular and nervous systems as well as the digestive tract and uterus.
wow, what an awesome giveaway!
i was diagnosed with crohn’s disease in 2003 and then diagnosed with something other than crohn’s (they’re thinking IBS but aren’t 100% sure) a few months back. my doc gave me a prescription for an IBS medication but i just can’t bring myself to fill it…i’m big into prevention through diet just like you. i was really strict about a plant-based, mostly vegan diet like yours but have recently fallen off the wagon with dairy and just junk food in general…and of course my symptoms are bad again. your post is going to inspire me to get back on a healthy diet so i don’t have to rely on scary drugs again!
i checked out that website and immediately looked up l-tryptophan b/c of the whole turkey makes you sleepy b/c of tryptophan thing i’ve always heard. i learned that this supplement can improve sleep, mood, and reduce carb cravings! pretty cool.
oh, and the supplement that is most appealing to me is the digestive enzymes b/c of my crohn’s/IBS issues that i mentioned.
I learned that Alpha-galactosidase is the enzyme needed to break down beans and raw vegetables, and is provided in their digestive caplets! This is incredibly exciting for me, as raw veg is one of my favorite things, and something I have had to completely avoid due to my IBS.
Thank you so much for being so open about your issues. I have struggled with IBS for several years and have also found a plant-based diet (with other tweaks) has helped immensely. Your blog has helped me deal with my own GI issues and reminded me that I’m not alone! 🙂
This is an awesome giveaway! I’ve had on and off issues with digestion (no diagnosis), but have also found that tweaking my diet has been a great help to me. Your blog has been so helpful for me in trying to sort out my problems and to realize that I’m not the only one out there with these issues.
I learned that Tryptophan can be helpful in reducing carb cravings, as well as improving sleep and mood.
I think you’ve actually sparked some sort of IBS support group, as I am going to jump on the bowel bandwagon and say I have suffered from IBS for years as well.
While I’m a vegetarian, I’m not vegan, I still try and give my body what I think it needs when it needs it. It’s a constant trial and error work-in-progress, so I would love to try the digestive enzymes as well. I used to take probiotics, but they got a bit pricey!
If it could all be done through plants, I would be all about it. However, I’m not opposed to some supplementation and am excited about the giveaway!
The supplement that is most appealing to me is SAMe 400 to help with mood during these winter months!
I don’t normally enter many giveaways (esp. for food) but this is one I’m all about! I’m a big proponent of probiotics, they’ve actually changed my life for the better in so many ways.
I learned that each of their products come with a ‘Fact Sheet’ that lists all the scientific support for their products.
Great giveaway!!
Thanks for this post. This comes at a great time for me, as I’ve been considering incorporating supplements into my routine. As a mental health counselor I was interested to learn that the L-Tryptophan can aid in be better sleep and elevated mood.
I would most like to try Best Digestive Enzymes!
I like the Best Brain Enhancers, because I’m in school and I need that brain power perhaps? I’m only a senior in High school and since I have medical school in my future, yeah.. the extra boost is going to be needed.
Trytophan reduces carb cravings! 🙂 That’s what I need right now as my macronutrients? they’re wayyy off ><
fat and carbs consist of my diet and not enough protein. oof
Great post, after searching the Doctor’s Best website, I know that a digestive enzyme is essential for my diet ‘as it contains healthy bacteria to promote ‘optimal’ digestive health.
Happy New Year!!
Ha- you had me at “fiber baby”! I am very intrigued and also interesed in the MSM – interesting to read about sulfur and it’s benefits for digestion and connective tissue.
Thanks for the info and great giveaway!
I learned that Acai is an exotic palm fruit from the Amazonian rain forest.
The most exciting supplement to me is the Digestive Aid. I love anything that helps that system run better!
I learned that 5HTP promotes mental and emotional well-being, which to me means it’s a natural mood stabilizer. I wish more people were aware of 5-HTP and tried using it as an aid for depression or mood disorders.
Best Vitamin D3 is most appealing to me because although I lead a pretty healthy and active lifestyle my immune system never seems to catch a break. Perhaps this supplement could kick up my immune system a notch!
actually the products featured are not made with the animal based gelatin caps. these are veg sources only. the vit D is made from cow gelatin as i mentioned, but rest assured the rest are completely vegan.
as a fellow IBS and lymphcytic colits sufferer i am always on the lookout for things to try to help my stomach settle down a little.
I learned from the website that Alphagalactosidase is responsible for digesting the suger found in grains, legumes and cabbage that produces the gas we experience when we eat these foods. By taking this enzyme we can minimize the bloating from these foods
My husband has crohns and every single doctor tells him is diet doesn’t matter, but it does! If he avoids refined carbs and sugar, his flare ups happen less often and he doesn’t have as much pain. For him, meds, food and supplements are the combo for success. He takes Garden of Life products, but maybe we will look into these too.
Like you, I too have gone *mostly* vegan due to GI Issues. I have not been diagnosed with anything yet, but I would sure love to figure out how to improve how I feel. I would like to try the Best Digestive Enzymes. Thank you for your post!
I learned that melatonin comes in quick-absorbing tablets that melt on your tongue! I often need help falling asleep, so I checked out the sleep-aid section
I am most interested in digestive enzymes, to help with my daily fiber baby from apples, vegetables, and whole grains
This is a WONDERFUL giveaway. Like you, I have suffered from IBS for years and still haven’t found a way to keep it under control. The digestive enzymes is what appeals to me most as I live in discomfort every single day and with the birth of my daughter, while the best thing I have ever done, has also come immense stress (she was born prematurely at 26 weeks). So, as you can imagine, my IBS has been exponentially worse. Anything that could possibly help me feel more “normal” would be a wonderful addition to my daily diet.
For my additional entry, I learned that tryptophan has many more benefits than just the typical making you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner! I had no idea that it helped to regulate sleep, appetite and aggressive behavior.
I learned that there is such a thing as a grape seed supplement…never knew!
And I would love the brain enhancement supplement!
I used to work at a vitamin store for four years, so when it comes to supplements, I feel I know my fair share. I like how Doctor’s Best products undergo many quality tests to ensure potency. Otherwise you take a capsule full of fillers!
I used to take different digestive enzymes when I worked at the shop, one of which being bromelain to help with protein digestion. I learned that the bromelain found in Best 3000 GDU Bromelain is the most potent form of this enzyme found on the market.
I would love to try their Best Digestive Enzyme. It looks like a great combination of enzymes and I always find I have fewer GI problems when taking a supplement like this.
I learned that B6 promotes healthy sleep, which I certainly need.
I’m really interested in the probiotic, because I have never tried one before.
I’m going to wing it and enter anyway 🙂
I would like to win the digestive enzymes the most, for obvo reasons.
I learnt about the role of hydrochloric acid in digestion (doh).
Thanks! x
I don’t need the products, but did want to say that this is a terrific post. As a fellow IBS vet, I can relate to so much of it! Thanks for sharing your story, Elise.
I didn’t realize supplements were available from so many things — acai, goji berry, French red wine!!
I’m interested in the collagen supplements because I don’t think I get enough calcium and strengthening of the tendons, ligaments, bones is going to be essential to keep up my running!
i’d be incredibly interested in trying the digestive enzymes. i, too, have suffered from ibs for a looong time, and changing diet has helped immensely, there are still some issues i feel could be tweaked, and any assistance would be fantastic. even if i dont win, i’ll be picking these up to start taking.
Something I did not know – glucosamine, which I used to take all the time for joint health, is made from the shells of shellfish. Makes so much sense doesn’t it?
After hearing about the digestive enzymes first hand from you – that’s what I’m most excited to take!
i didn’t realize MSM has so many nutritional benefits and its all lost when items are cooked!
i would like to try the Best Digestive Enzymes or the Best Serrapeptase because i’m all about good digestion! after the holidays, i need it!
I most interested in the two digestive supplements. My husband has IBS and Candida. Unfortunately, we don’t have a good homopathic in our area and regular MD’s don’t believe that an overgrowth of Candida can exist and cause problems. We have been trying to get rid of it on our own through mega research, but we have yet to find a supplement that successfully puts the good bacteria back in!
I checked out the Best L-Tryptophan Enhanced/TryptoPure 90VC under the Anxiety tab. Don’t know what all the medical words mean, but it sounds pretty official — and I could DEFINITELY use something that helps me get better sleep and be in a better mood!
i actually don’t want to win these for me but for my sister who has mayj IBS issues. one thing i learned – i didn’t know about SAM-e, which is also used to treat mild depression. holla!
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Waoooo this post is just awesome. In-fact i m going to tell all of my friends also. Very well post thanks for sharing…
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