I have no clue what that title is about. Sorry. I did a lot of baking today and maybe I’m high off the fumes (because vanilla and cinnamon can have that effect right?).
This chef-tastic session in the kitchen may have something to do with my breakfast.
Gingersnaps make excellent fuel. And by fuel I mean sugar cravings.
The problem with having a massive and delicious cookie for breakfast is it sets the bar VERY high for the rest of the day’s food. If you’ve already had dessert nirvana by 9 am, it leaves little room to improve.
But I’m always up for a challenge.
So while my brain was running on sweet molasses, I channeled my inner chef and came up with some pretty awesome muffins. I’ll post the recipe later.
Eventually I had a more real substantial breakfast. Nothing fancy, just oats with peanut butter and cinnamon. By the way, I got so many questions about how I get my peanut butter all drizzly on my PB & chocolate (addiction) post. All I do is microwave the peanut butter first. When it’s more runny, you get more bang for your buck (aka you can use less and still get nutty flavor in each bite). Consider that my not-very-mind-blowing-but-still-semi-helpful tip of the day.
I had too many salty roasted almonds between this meal and my next (if I’m being perfectly honest). I definitely wasn’t hungry, but I have a salt problem. Rather than dwell on it, I just put it in the past and moved on.
Speaking of being positive, my afternoon run was SO perfect. I did a few miles on the beach while listening to Kristin Chenoweth’s Christmas album. It was that gorgeous time just before the sun goes down (which is crazy early in these fall months), and the weather was nice enough for shorts and a t-shirt. Being surrounded by sand and ocean and a waning sun…there’s really nothing like the holidays in Los Angeles. 🙂
Anyway. I spent the rest of the evening doing very important things, like blogging and getting a pedicure. And making dinner. Such a rough life I have.
Above left: raw spiralized zucchini, above right: cashew & nooch cheesy sauce. Below: their union.
I kinda had dinner in courses. I pre-coated my second portion of raw noodles in sauce.
And then plated it alongside the (only) leftover lasagna rolls.
I haven’t used my spiralizer in way too long. I’m trying to set myself some goals for the kitchen and one of them involves busting out my more neglected appliances. In the past week I used the slow cooker twice (I swear I’ll share those recipes eventually), which is almost how many times I used it all last year combined.
One of my other goals is to actually make some of the 8 billion+ recipes I have starred, flagged, and dog eared. In the meantime, though, I’ll just do my best to eat really good food.
It’s weird how cashews can be pureed with nutritional yeast to be cheesy and zucchini can be spiralized in a way to turn out noodle-y, and when I’m eating them together I completely forget that they aren’t exactly traditional ways of eating each ingredient. But whatever.
Just like leftover pizza, these lasagna spring rolls were just as good cold! Yum. I’ll have to remember to make this again soon. After some new recipes though.
Do you even have to ask about dessert?
Do you have goals in the kitchen? How often do you try out a new recipe?

I am totally going to make a cashew and nooch sauce now. Thanks for the idea!
Seriously microwaving the peanut butter is the best tip ever! 🙂 Sounds like you had an absolutely perfect day.
My goals in the kitchen are to make myself delicious meals made from real food! 🙂 I try out new recipes occasionally but I had been so busy with school it had kind of fallen by the wayside. I am looking forward to having more time to cook!
Have you posted the recipe for those lasagna spring rolls yet? I really want to give them a try. Those muffins look really cool and uber-dense. Can’t wait to see that recipe too! Your foods never seem to disappoint 🙂 Glad to see you and the Justin’s peanut butter cups are still going strong as a couple. I still can’t find them in our stores, dang it! Send me some please!!!!
My goal in the kitchen is to start CREATING more, which is really difficult when I have so many cookbooks and bookmarked recipes!
That bread. I want it!
It looks so dense and moist and perfect. Recipe please I hope sometime! 🙂
ah i love spiralized zucchinni and nooch!
I really want to get a spiralizer!!! I also got a crock pot for my birthday, and I’ve only used it once… in over 6 weeks.
yeah, its linked above.
justins are hard to find…ask your local health store to get on it!
I would love the recipe to that first bread you posted. Please and thank you.
I totally microwave the PB almost relgiously.
My microwave smells like the Skippy factory. I’m sure it would make a kid allergic to peanuts have to bust out his epipen.
I always microwave my PB too!
My current goal in the kitchen is to get more creative with my meals. I tend to find recipes that I know I love and stick to them, but it’s definitely time to break out of my rut!
And that ginger cookie is perfection.
Dude, I have a major salt problem. I just ignore it. Ignorance is bliss.
That sauce looks so beautifully shiny and smooth, my kitchen goal is to MAKE IT. Hooray!
I have been wanting to make pumpkin soup for SO long. Even way before the fall hit!
I definitely am a recipe trying and making machine when I have a bunch of free time. But when I’m busy its all tried and true goods. All of those breads look so good. Recipes soon? I’m about to have alot of free time on my hands 😉
I love spiralizing squash and adding nooch. Or just nooch in general to anything.
maybe once the cold cold months set in youll get to using it more frequently? ive just discovered it can be a good tool to cook bulk amounts of steel cut outs, so theres always that…
they are on the way!
i just discovered all your comments have been going to spam! glad i found out in time to rescue them.
I need to crack out my spiralizer soon too, and I haven’t used my juicer for over a year! I have loads of kitchen goals- like you I have a ton of bookmarked recipes I have to try. Loving the look of your baking. After my nights are up I’m defo going to try to get back into my baking groove. Xxx
I need to bust out my spiralizer, I haven’t used it in way to long! That noochy sauce is calling my name.